安全价值,safety value
1)safety value安全价值
1.It has always been on the layer of sensibility that people recognize the safety value,the paper gives a concise analysis on the foundation of it existing from the viewpoint of labor value and avail value theory.人们对于安全价值的认识一直处于感性认识层面,从劳动价值论和效用价值论着手,从理论上简要的分析了安全价值存在的基础。
2.Ushering into the SPV ( Special Purpose the Vehicle) and the risk insulate mechanism regarding the foundation property based on SPV make asset - backed securitization - a financial and creative tool have special safety value that traditional money raising means doesn t have, but inventors of asset - backed securities may still face to investment risk.引入SPV(Special Purpose Vehicle,特殊目的载体)并以此为基础构建的基础资产风险隔离机制,使资产证券化这一金 融创新工具具有了比之于传统融资手段更独特的安全价值,但资产证券投资者仍可能面临投资风险。
3.To evaluate the tour safety benefit, the concept of tourists safety value was firstly proposed.笔者提出旅游者安全价值概念,并从安全效用与旅游者价值观角度入手,通过研究旅游者为保障自身安全所愿意支付的货币代价,构建旅游者安全价值的量化概念、评价体系与测算公式。

1.Comparison of Civil Law and Economic Law in Economic Security Value;民法和经济法的经济安全价值之比较
2.To developthe financing channels, and to maintain the transaction security, we should follow therule of giving priority to safety with due consideration to efficiency and fairness.作为一种法律制度,股权质押有其独特的法律价值,即安全价值、效率价值和公平价值。
3.We can evaluate safety value in quantity by using negative value and value engineering method.使用负价值理论法和价值工程法可以对安全价值从量上进行初步评价。
4.Deepening the cognition on safety value theory has great practical significance.安全价值理论认识的深化具有很大的现实意义。
5.An Information Security Assessment System s Design and Implementation;一种信息安全价值评估系统的设计与实现
7.In the international relationships,security is the basic value.在国际关系中 ,安全是一个基本的价值。
8.Northeast Asia Regional Security:Dilemma,Value and Vista;东北亚区域安全:困境、价值与前瞻
9.Security First:the Value,Function and End of Criminal Investigation Power;安全优先:侦查权的价值、功能与目的
10.Ecological security assessment of Tangshan City based on emergy analysis基于能值分析的唐山市生态安全评价
11.From Dangerous Confrontation to Superior Co-existence:The Broad Security Concept and the Value Orientation of a Non-traditional Security Strategy;从危态对抗到优态共存——广义安全观与非传统安全战略的价值定位
12.Of course, the security rendered by such an antiquated algorithm is nil.当然,这过时的算法提供的安全是毫无价值的。
13.Analyse on Quality,Cost and Value of Commonality Security Products公共安全产品质量与成本及其价值探析
14.The transaction security theory of civil and business law embodies law′ s order value.民商法上的交易安全体现了法律的秩序价值。
15.The Theory Value Comments of the Crime of Causing Traffic Casualties --Concurrently Comment on the Road Traffic Safe Law交通肇事罪理论价值评析——兼评《道路交通安全法》
16.Analysis the Food Package s Hygienic Safety Base on Value Engineering;基于价值工程原理的食品包装卫生安全分析
17.Misunderstanding of Cultural Security:A Comment On The Choice About The Value Of Children Education;文化安全的误读——兼论儿童教育价值的选择
18.On the Principal Value and Effect and Mission of Information Security Law in China;论我国信息安全法的本位价值、影响及任务

Safety block reactivity worth安全块价值
3)security values安全价值观
1.Vocational colleges should actively promote the construction of security culture and establish a "people-oriented" security values.高职院校要积极推进安全文化建设,确立"以人为本"的安全价值观念。
4)safety value chain安全价值链
1.In chapter three, introduce the concept of safety value chain, and analysis the chain\'s structure、content and function, indicate that safety value can be a basis for measuring coal mine\'s safety management and making safety decision.本文分为两大部分,在理论研究部分,对应用安全价值工程理论进行安全决策作了系统阐述;在第三章给出煤矿安全价值链的概念并分析了煤矿安全价值链的构成、内容和作用,指出安全价值可作为衡量煤矿企业安全管理水平、进行安全经济科学决策的依据;分析了现有安全决策方法并引入风险成本法作为一种新的安全决策方法。
5)safety value engineering安全价值工程
1.Some ideas and discussions on the safety value engineering theory;关于安全价值工程理论的思考
6)maximal value of information极大安全价值
