措施费,measure expense
1)measure expense措施费
1.The scene security civilization construction measure expense as the important cost of an achievement which guarantees construction security and the civilization, it composes whether reasonable, whether truly lands on feet, directly affects the construction projects the safety in production management level.现场安全文明施工措施费作为一项保证施工安全和文明的重要费用,其组成是否合理、能否真正落到实处,直接影响建设工程的安全生产管理水平。

1.Management of the Expense Spent on Safe and Civilized Constriction Measures;论建设工程安全文明施工措施费用管理
2.Study on the Security Civilization Construction Measure Expense Calculation浅析建筑工程安全文明施工措施费的计取
3.Discussion about Extraction,Use and Management of Safety Security and Civilization Measures Expenses of Construction Enterprise浅谈建筑施工企业安全防护、文明施工措施费的提取、使用和管理
4.“Transforming fee into tax” is the basic method of forbiding “indiscriminately charging fees”;“费改税”是遏制“乱收费”现象的根本措施
5.Additional measures are urgently needed to ensure customer protection.切实保护消费者的新措施急需出台。
6.Consumers seemed satisfied by the measure.消费者对于这样的分级措施也很满意。
7.Workshop on Policy Measures for Changing Consumption Patterns改变消费模式政策措施讲习班
8.These measures will help reduce fringe costs.这些措施有助于减少附加费用。
9.Comment:To adopt actions to fulfill disbursement of the counterpart funding especially in county level.建议:采取措施,促进配套经费的落实。
10.Some thoughts on the supporting measures of the reform of taxation and fees system in the countryside to reduce farmers burdens;对完善农村税费改革配套措施的思考
11.Measures on Cost Reduction of Power Sta-tion Investment and Operation in USA;美国降低发电投资和运行费用的措施
12.Existing Problems in Management of Funds for Scientific Research and Supervision Measures科研经费管理存在的问题及监督措施
13.Current Situation of Student Charge Management in Colleges and Solutions高校学生收费管理的现状及应对措施
14.Museums Open for Free:Reality,Challenges and Countermeasures博物馆免费开放现状及应对措施刍议
15.The Analysis on China Measures of Refund,Exemption and Deduction of Tax and Other Charges中国税费减免退措施案的分析与建议
16.Study on Fee Transforming into Tax;我国“费重税轻”的成因与“费改税”应采取的措施
17.Measure for cost fare control of asphalt pavement compaction谈沥青路面压实施工成本费用控制的措施
18.Taking Effective Strategic Measures to Develop the Rural Consuming Market;实施有效的政策措施 启动农村消费市场

measure cost措施费用
3)step item cost措施项目费
1.The analysis and research for compete force of step item cost in bid quoted price to bill quantity of construction;工程量清单投标报价中措施项目费竞争力分析研究
2.The step item cost,one of three important parts in the bill quantities of construction,was fully analyzed in this paper and its importance was specifically stressed in the building construction.通过具体事例说明管理好工程量清单中措施项目费的重要性。
4)security fee安全措施费
5)rush for the measures fee赶工措施费
6)measure expense for civilized construction文明施工措施费

不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)corrective actions for nonconforming product:see corrective actions bul,卯ping jiuzhe叫euoshi不合格品纠正措施(~tive actions for non-印雨皿吨prt泪uct)见纠正措施。