建材市场,building materials market
1)building materials market建材市场
1.Trend of building materials market;近期全国建材市场走势展望
2.Discussion on fire fighting with building materials market based on Hangzhou Huadu market从杭州花都市场谈建材市场的火灾扑救
3.Through describing the current trend of the prices of several typical building s materials in domestic building materials market, this paper analyzes on the influence of the rise in price of building materials on the building industry, and makes simple estimation on the price trend of the building materials market.通过描述当前国内建材市场几种典型材料的价格走势,分析了建材价格上涨对建筑业的影响,并对建材市场的价格走势作了简单的判断。

1.Study on the Strategy of the Green Building Materials Market of Shijiazhuang石家庄市绿色建材市场发展战略研究
2.Discussion on fire fighting with building materials market based on Hangzhou Huadu market从杭州花都市场谈建材市场的火灾扑救
3.China Business Information Building Material Market全国建材市场商情编辑部
4.Analysis: Who is behind the market prices of building materials?分析:谁在幕后操纵建材市场价格?
5.Waste balloonflower plant production become fashionable in the new building materials market废弃农作物秸杆料染绿新型建材市场
6.The Analysis and Design on E-commerce System of Building Material Market建材市场电子商务系统的分析与设计
7.The Study on E-Commence and Modern Logistics System of Chong Qing Building Material Market;重庆建材市场电子商务及物流系统研究
8.Treatments on the Ash Residue to Prod uce New Constructive Materials for Environment Protections灰渣治理保护环境开发新型建材适应市场需求
9.HuNan Boundly Building Materials Company LTD Marketing Strategy Research;湖南邦德利建材有限公司市场营销策略研究
10.The Construction of Marketing System of University Press during the Transformation Period;转型时期大学出版社教材市场营销体系的构建
11.On the Development of the College PE Material Environment in the New Age;重庆市高校体育场馆设施器材配备建设改革
12.The Current Situation,Existent Problems in China s Timber Market and Development Recommendations;中国木材市场现状、存在问题和发展建议
13.Kailuan Group New Construction Material Branch Market Operation Strategy Company开滦(集团)新型建材分公司市场营销战略
14.The Corrosion Evaluating of Groundwater to Construction Materials in a Venue of Suzhou苏州市某场地地下水对建筑材料腐蚀性评价
15.Research on Teaching Materials of Higher Vocational Marketing and Sales高等职业市场营销专业教材建设问题的研究
16.HunterDouglas Building Products Co.,Ltd.--facing the market,rebuild competitive advantage;《案例》:洪达建材(深圳)有限公司——面对市场,重建竞争优势
17.The steel market is showing a tendency to improve .钢材市场有好转的趋势。
18.On the idea of teaching material building in the specialty of marketing for higher vocational education;浅析高职院校市场营销专业《基础会计》教材的建设思路

market of building materials for home decoration家装建材市场
1.Nowadays,the faking activities in the market of building materials for home decoration happen from time to time,threatening the life of the consumers and the loss of state property.目前,家装建材市场“鱼目混珠”现象屡见不鲜,对公众生命以及国家财产安全造成了严重的威胁。
3)ChongQing Building Material Market重庆建材市场
4)Merchant system market of building materials招商制建材市场
5)State-owened Building Materials Market国有建材市场
6)Green Building Materials Market绿色建材市场

证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——  证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。