学校安全,school safety
1)school safety学校安全
1.Thirdly main problems are pointed out by the analysis of emergency management system for school safety, from which some countermeasures are put forward as follows: setting up unified emergenc.阐述学校突发事件的定义,针对目前学校安全的严峻形势和现状,分析了学校突发事件应急管理的重要性。
2.The frequent occurrence and serious consequence of school safety accidents make the school safety problem become the focus of society concernment.学校安全事故的频繁发生及其严重后果使学校安全问题成为了社会关注的热点。

1.The school safety rule says,学校安全规则规定,
2.Yes. Here are the four school safety rules.有。还有四条学校安全规则
3.Do you have other school safety rules?你们还有其他的学校安全规则吗?
4.The accident prompted a review of school safety policy.这场事故引起对学校安全制度的反思
5.Reflection on the Teaching of Computer Security in Public Security University公安院校计算机安全课程教学的思考
6.In addition, an adult monitor supervises each bus route.校车老师会负责学生在校车上的安全。
7.Setting Up a Safety System for Food Hygiene in Campus;全力构建学校食品卫生安全保障体系
8.Student ID cards are great for securing your school.学生证的使用对学校的安全大有好处。
9.How to Deal with the Safety Problems for School PE Classes;学校体育教学活动如何应对安全困扰
10.Reflection on school building safety from the seismic damage of schools in Wenchuan earthquake由汶川地震学校震害反思学校建筑安全
11.school staff crossing patrol [Road Safety Association]学校职员巡察队〔交通安全会〕
12.A school authority owes a duty of care to students to maintain the safety of the students.校方对学生的安全负有注意照顾义务。
13.Students Roles in the Universities Security Work;大学生在高校安全保卫工作中的作用
14.Attitudes of Chinese University Students on Energy Security:Analysis and Reflections;中国高校学生能源安全观分析与思考
15.To Promote the Security and Stability of Colleges and Universities with a Scientific Evaluation System;以科学的考评机制促进高校安全稳定
16.Scientific and democratic management for a safe and civilized campus;实施科学民主管理 创建安全文明校园
17.Discussion of the Overall Quality-oriented Education of Students in Public Security Higher Institutions;论公安高等院校学生的全面素质教育
18.The Sporting Injures and the Safety Precautions in the Teaching Wushu in Universities;高校武术教学中运动损伤和安全预防

safe school安全学校
1.The safe school should be a place that insure the safety of teachers and students including physicality and heart.每个人在这种文化的背景下能够愉快地学习和工作,在实现自我价值的同时也在促进学校整体的发展,这才是真正意义上的安全学校。
3)school safety management学校安全管理
4)School safety consultation学校安全协议会
5)PE safety学校体育安全
6)school crossing patrol学校交通安全队

造谣学校剧本。英国谢立丹作于1777年。施尼威尔夫人等一群贵族男女以造谣生事为乐,专门破坏别人的名誉和家庭幸福。施尼威尔夫人的家成了一所“造谣学校”。 【造谣学校】剧本。英国谢立丹作于1777年。施尼威尔夫人等一群贵族男女以造谣生事为乐,专门破坏别人的名誉和家庭幸福。施尼威尔夫人的家成了一所“造谣学校”。