原因认定,cause determination
1)cause determination原因认定

1.The Judicial Review Research of the Fire Reason Recognition;对火灾原因认定行为的司法审查研究
2.The Mechanism and Cognizance of Causes about Short Circuit Fire Disaster in the Low-voltage Lines低压线路短路火灾的机理及原因认定
3.Research in Three-Dimensional Modeling Technique s Application in Fire Reason Afirming;三维建模技术在火灾原因认定中的应用研究
4.The Identification of Fire Causes of 6·28 Fire disaster in a Petroleum and Chemical Complex in Lanzhou;某石化公司6·28爆炸火灾事故原因认定
5.We pegged it as the cause of unemployment.我们认定这就是失业的原因。
6.Determinism is the view that every event has a t cause.决定论认为万事皆有原因。
7.Discussion On the reasons for software infringement, determination and legal liability谈软件侵权的原因、认定及法律责任
8.Examination of a cadaver to determine or confirm the cause of death.尸体解剖对尸体的检验以决定或确认死亡原因
9.The suable study of the confirmation of fire causes and responsibility of fire accidents;论火灾原因和火灾事故责任认定的可诉性
10.The characteristic of the expert system of analyzing and identifying causes of self-igniting fire;自燃火灾原因分析认定专家系统的设计特点
11.The investigation of anflagration accident in the centre jar area of an oil refinery一起煤制油品加工车间火灾事故原因的认定
12.There were, Laqueur suggests, three reasons why the Enlightenment concluded that masturbation was perverse and unnaturalLaqueur认为,启蒙运动之所以把手淫定性为变态和反自然,原因有三。
13.Analysis and Research on Prevention Measures of Common Low Voltage Electric Circuit Fire Causes;低压线路常见电气火灾原因分析认定及预防措施研究
14.On the Law Matter Assay about Reasons and DutyAscertain of Sports Injury Accident in School;学校体育伤害事故原因及责任认定的相关法律问题探析
15.Why Chinese enterprises loss in overseas antidumping lawsuits is imputed to “China s non-market economy status”?;中国在国外对华反倾销案中被认定为“非市场经济国家”的原因分析
16.Measures on identification examined by judicature in fire cause and responsibilities;火灾原因和责任认定纳入司法审查后的应对措施
17.Identification of a Novel Human Leukocyte Antigen-A AlleleHLA新等位基因HLA-A*1127认定
18.Lisa: And it's probably an obvious clue. That's why Anonymous thinks you know who he or she is.丽莎:说不定还是个明显的线索。那就是「无名氏」认为你知道他或她是谁的原因了。

The fire reason recognition火灾原因认定
3)believe principle认定原则
4)determination of the causality因果认定
5)Reasons presumption原因推定
6)the reasons of establishment确定原因

认定1.承认并确定。 2.确定地认为﹐肯定。