库存弹药,stock ammunition
1)stock ammunition库存弹药
1.Aimed at the particularity of stock ammunition safety,points out the demerits of traditional probability calculate methods such as ETA and FTA on the basis of enumerating the domestic and overseas stock ammunition accident cases.针对库存弹药安全的特殊性,在分析国内外库存弹药典型事故案例的基础上,指出FTA、ETA等传统概率计算方法存在的局限。
2.The definition of human error in stock ammunition accident was put forward.提出了库存弹药事故人误的定义,从个体角度分析了人误事件发生的机理。
3.Aimed at the particularity of stock ammunition safety,the definition of human error in stock ammunition accident is put forward,and the occurring mechanism of human error is analyzed from the stand of individuals.针对库存弹药安全的特殊性,提出库存弹药事故人为失误的定义,并从个体角度分析人误事件发生的机理。

1.Analysis on Probability of Stock Ammunition Accidents Based on FID基于模糊影响图方法的库存弹药事故概率分析
2.Research on Human Error Analysis and Assessment Model of Stock Ammunition Accidents库存弹药事故人误危险性分析与评估模型研究
3.Identification and Analysis on Stock Ammunition Accident Hazard Source Based on FTA-SHEL Method基于FTA-SHEL方法的库存弹药事故危险源辨识及分析
4.a store house (as a compartment on a warship) where weapons and ammunition are stored.储存武器和弹药的仓库(在战船上的车厢)。
5.set fire to the enemies ammunition dump放火烧敌人的弹药库
6.There was an explosion in the ship's magazine.军舰的弹药库爆炸了。
7.It is useful against vehicles, ammunition, POL and enemy observers.可对付车辆、弹药库、油库或敌军观察员。
8.Lowering Inventory Cost of Chinese Patent Drugs by Means of Zero-Inventory-Ordering System运用零库存订货法降低我院中成药库库存成本
9.A governmental establishment for the storing, development, manufacturing, testing, or repairing of arms, ammunition, and other war materiel.军火库政府管辖的负责储存,发展,生产,试验或修理武器,弹药以及其他战备物资的机构
10.Experiences on partial zero inventory in drug storehouse药库实行“局部零库存”模式的实践
11.A lot of damage is cause when the magazine explode.弹药库爆炸时造成很大损失。
12.Interior Ballistic Simulation of Series Chamber and Research on Gun Database;串联多药室内弹道仿真及数据库研究
13.The level of prosperity rebounding depends on reducing stock and production capacity去库存、去产能决定景气反弹的高度
14.The design and realization of ammunition depot wireless temperature and humidity monitoring system;一种弹药库无线温湿度监控系统的设计与实现
15.Practice of "zero stock" of chinese medicinal herbs我院中草药“零库存”实施的实践与体会
16.Application of Relative Zero Stock Model in Drug Purchasing医院药品相对零库存在药品采购中的应用
17.Study on Inventory Model with Substitution under Flexible Demand;弹性需求下可替代产品的库存模型研究
18.If a nuclear bomb detonates in the same small bunker as a target bioagent cache, that storage facility will almost assuredly be eliminated.如果核弹在生物战剂储存库上方引爆,储存基地一定会遭到摧毁。

storage bullet库存枪弹
1.The paper presents a pilot study on the changing rules of physics,chemistry,interior-ballistics capabilities and stock life of storage bullets.对某型单基发射药库存枪弹的理化性能、内弹道性能变化规律和储存寿命进行了初步研究。
3)stockpile missile库存导弹
4)Stored shell库存炮弹
5)ammunition depot弹药仓库
1.Base on the analyses of essential characters and harm of fire to equip and depot,the infective factors of fire catching and developing were studied with the considering of the active instance and the running rule of ammunition depot.在分析火灾对弹药及仓库危害的基础上,结合我军弹药仓库的实际情况与运行规律,研究了弹药仓库火灾产生和发展的影响因素,选取典型弹药或元件进行了模拟火灾条件下弹药燃爆时限测试,得出了火灾条件下弹药仓库控火与灭火的安全时限。
2.Through the analysis of inspection and test results of lightning proof safe facilities and equipments of a certain ammunition depot,deficiency and problems are found in the construction and setting of lightning proof safe facilities such as geographic position,lightning proof device,grounding device,and height of safe lightning conductor based on formula.针对这些问题,提出防雷装置设置的改进措施,以期为弹药仓库防雷安全提供理论和技术的参考。
6)magazine[英][,m?ɡ?'zi:n][美]['m?ɡ?,zin, ,m?ɡ?'zin]弹药库
1.This paper expounded the hardware structure and software function and the property of magazine gate_ban monitoring system, integrated gate_ban controlling and alarming and Video monitoring technology.阐述了集门禁控制、报警、视频监控为一体的弹药库门禁综合监控系统的硬件结构和软件的功能、特点 ,系统以非接触卡和指纹识别技术为核心 ,方案设计合理 ,具有较高的性能价格
