弹药事故,ammunition accident
1)ammunition accident弹药事故
1.Aimed at the particularity of stock ammunition safety,points out the demerits of traditional probability calculate methods such as ETA and FTA on the basis of enumerating the domestic and overseas stock ammunition accident cases.提出一种基于模糊影响图(FID)的库存弹药事故概率分析方法,并对FID模型的构建过程和算法进行概述;以弹药被盗事故作为实例分析,并得到事故概率分布图和累积概率曲线。
2.The definition of human error in stock ammunition accident was put forward.提出了库存弹药事故人误的定义,从个体角度分析了人误事件发生的机理。
3.Aimed at the particularity of stock ammunition safety,the definition of human error in stock ammunition accident is put forward,and the occurring mechanism of human error is analyzed from the stand of individuals.针对库存弹药安全的特殊性,提出库存弹药事故人为失误的定义,并从个体角度分析人误事件发生的机理。

1.Analysis on Probability of Stock Ammunition Accidents Based on FID基于模糊影响图方法的库存弹药事故概率分析
2.Research on Human Error Analysis and Assessment Model of Stock Ammunition Accidents库存弹药事故人误危险性分析与评估模型研究
3.Identification and Analysis on Stock Ammunition Accident Hazard Source Based on FTA-SHEL Method基于FTA-SHEL方法的库存弹药事故危险源辨识及分析
4.The Defense Ministry apologized for the missile accident the day before yesterday.国防部前天对导弹发射事故作出道歉。
5.In the crash the driver catapulted through the windscreen.在事故中司机从挡风玻璃中弹了出来.
6.They wanted not facts but ammunition.他们要求得到的不是事实,而是弹药。
7.It was a cloak and dagger story about some spies who tried to steal atomic secrets.这是个描写间谍的故事。故事中的几个间谍试图窃取原子弹的秘密。
8.drug kit for emergency medical treatment of nuclear accident核事故医学应急处理药箱
9.China Drug Sefety Risk and Crisis Control,Achievement Problems and Solutions(Ⅱ)药品安全事故危机与对策的研究(二)
10.Chinese Drug Sefety Risk and Crisis Control,Achievement Problems and Solutions药品安全事故危机与对策的研究(一)
11.Of doing sth curiosity killed the cat let thethrough the windscreen.在事故中司机从挡风玻璃中(被)弹了出来
12.In the crash the driver (was) catapulted through the windscreen.在事故中司机从挡风玻璃中(被)弹了出来.
13.Analysis of the breaker rejecting movement accident caused by a spring mechanism manual/electromotion changeover switch fault一起弹簧机构手动/电动转换开关故障引起的断路器拒动事故分析
14.air-dropped munitions (or submunitions)空投弹药(或子弹药)
15.Military materiel, such as weapons, ammunition, combat vehicles, and equipment.军械军事物质,包括武器、弹药、战车及装备
16.Our soldiers had very little ammunition so they were fighting at a disadvantage.我军只有很少的弹药,所以战事处于劣势。
17.No matter when a war breaks out, now or in future, we must have our own fortifications and ammunition.不管现在打也好,将来打也好,都要有工事,有弹药。
18.Adapting to the New Military Reform, Developing Ammunition Container Packaging Strongly;适应新军事变革,大力发展通用弹药的集合包装

rod ejection accident弹棒事故
3)Missle accident导弹事故
4)dispensing incident配药事故
5)rod shoot-out accident棒弹出事故
6)fuel rod shoot out accident燃料棒弹出事故

事故棒分子式:CAS号:性质:又称安全棒(safety rod),事故棒。用于反应堆紧急停堆的控制棒。安全棒的反应性价值即控制棒效率高、落速快,动作可靠。反应堆运行时它们全部抽出在外,一旦发生事故,安全棒靠重力或弹簧加速装置迅速插入堆内,使反应堆实现紧急停堆,从而保证反应堆安全。