可接受水平,acceptable level
1)acceptable level可接受水平
1.The acceptable level of environmental risk means the acceptable level of accident occurrence frequency from projects which own environmental risk unavoidably.环境风险可接受水平是指一定条件下人们可接受的具有环境风险项目的事故发生概率,即判断建设项目是否可行的环境风险标准。

1.minimum biologically acceptable level最低生物学可接受水平
2.Study on the Economic Method to Determine the Acceptable Level of Environmental Risk环境风险可接受水平的经济确定法方法探讨
3.②Characteristic parameters are fairly reproducibility, which is fit for the acceptable level of vitodynamics trial.②特征量的数据具有很好的重复性,满足生物力学实验可接受水平
4.acceptable quality level (AQL)合格质量标准;可接受的品质水平;可接受的质量标准;可接受的质量级别
5.NOTE: Many Members otherwise refer to this concept as the "acceptable level of risk".注:许多成员也称此概念为“可接受的风险水平”。
7.The management constraints and supplemental controls established to provide an acceptable level of protection for data.管理上的约束和追加的控制,用来提供可接受的水平的资料保护。
8.The Research and Demonstration of Public Environmental Acceptable Risk Level of Typical Chemical Industrial Park典型化工园区公众环境可接受风险水平实证研究
9.2) Subjects at higher proficiency level make more part of acceptable pauses than subjects at lower proficiency level.2)较之低水平的学习者,高水平的学习者诵读时出现的可接受停顿比例更大。
10.Early education for children has improved rapidly in China.儿童接受早期教育的水平迅速提高。
11.calm acceptance of the inevitable.平静地接受这不可避免的事实。
12.When an activity falls within acceptable performance levels, little managerial action is necessary other than routine supervision.当一项活动的结果达到可以接受的水平时,不需做太多的管理方面的工作。
13.For instance, while the class as a whole studies history, each student will receive an individual history lesson directed to his particular level of ability.例如,在整个班都在上历史课时,每个学生均可根据个人水平接受个别的历史课程。
14.Traditional security measures have attempted to limit the number of security incidents to an acceptable level .传统的安全措施,曾试图把安全性事件发生的数目限制在一个可接受的水平。
15.The standard of DC filter design is to make sure of the minimized DC filters cost under the acceptable harmonic level.直流滤波器的设计准则就是在满足可以接受的谐波水平下,使滤波器的费用最少。
16.a level of material comfort in terms of goods and services available to someone.某人可达到的物质享受的水平。
17.Tom was under an order of fluid restriction due to unhealthy sodium levels.汤姆因体内不正常的钠的水平,正接受流质限制。
18.One who is being instructed in a subject at an elementary level.初学者某一学科中接受初级水平教育的人

Acceptable risk level可接受风险水平
3)acceptable process level(APL)可接受工序水平
4)Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)可接受质量水平
5)acceptable level of reliability可接受可靠性水平
6)"horizontal acceptance"水平接受
