国有煤矿,state-owned coalmine
1)state-owned coalmine国有煤矿
1.The safety supervising system have been used widely in state-owned coalmines,but its function have not operate well because of no uniform management mode.安全监控系统在国有煤矿得到了普遍应用,但没有一个统一的管理模式,不能充分发挥监控系统的应有作用。

1.Some thoughts on multiplying the ownership of non-coal businesses of state-owned coal mines;国有煤矿非煤产业产权多元化的思考
2.The State shall protect the sound development of State-owned coal mines.国家保障国有煤矿的健康发展。
3.The Construction Research of Knowledge Capital on Mining Industry in China;我国国有煤矿企业知识资本结构研究
4.Article 13 The coal mining administrations are State-owned coal mining enterprises each with the status of an independent legal entity.第十三条 煤炭矿务局是国有煤矿企业,具有独立法人资格。
5.Management of Coal Quality is the Foundation of the Sustainable Development of State-owned Coal Mines;煤质管理是国有煤矿可持续发展的基石
6.Check-on-power mechanism in the corporate governance of state-owned coal mines;国有煤矿治理结构中的权力制衡机制
7.Mine safety education and training in state-owned coal mines:practice and recommendations国有煤矿安全教育培训的探索与思考
8.Setting up the Innovation Index System of State-Owned Mine and It's Application Research;国有煤矿创新指标体系的建立及其应用研究
9.The Study of State-Owned Coal Mine Innovation System and Its Index System;国有煤矿创新系统及其指标体系的研究
10.On the key issues in the reforms on wages in state-owned coal companies;浅谈国有煤矿企业薪酬改革中应注意的问题
11.The constituent research of core competence for mining industry in china;国有煤矿企业核心竞争力结构体系实证研究
12.Reasons of Talent Flowing Away in State-owned Coalmines and Countermeasures Attracting the Telent;国有煤矿人才流失原因分析及吸引对策
13.Probe into Diversifying Operation and Third Industry s Property Right System Reform of State-owned Coal Mines;国有煤矿多种经营、第三产业产权制度改革初探
14.Reform and difficulty extrication in state coal mines: governmental functions and enterprises selection;国有煤矿改革脱困的政府职责和企业抉择
15.On the Mass Sports Status of State Owned Large Coal Mine Enterprise in Jiangsu;国有大型煤矿职工群众体育现状研究
16.The present situation of key government owned mines entering market and its strategy;国有重点煤矿进入市场的现状及对策
17.the capital of a region in the southeast that boasts bountiful coal fields (US Air)拥有丰富煤炭矿藏的东南地区首府美国航空)
18.Discussion on the appraising of the staff s effectiveness in the nationalized small and medium-sized coal mine enterprises;论国有中小型煤矿企业员工的绩效考核

nationalized small and medium-sized coal mine国有中小型煤矿
1.Discussion on the appraising of the staff's effectiveness in the nationalized small and medium-sized coal mine enterprises;论国有中小型煤矿企业员工的绩效考核
3)State owned coal mine国有重点煤矿
4)local state-owned coal mines地方国有煤矿
5)national mine enterprises国有煤矿企业
1.This paper discusses that in new situation Party Organizations should play an important role in national mine enterprises.论述了国有煤矿企业在新形势下发挥党组织作用的重要性,提出了应从4个方面来思考定位,发挥作用。
6)state owned large coal mine enterprise国有大型煤矿
1.With the methods of literature,questionnaire survey,expert interviews,mathematics statistics,etc,the authors research the mass sports status of state owned large coal mine enterprise in Jiangsu Province and find that the healthy status of staff and workers is good and can meet the demands of work.采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理分析法等方法,研究江苏国有大型煤矿职工群众体育现状,发现:江苏省国有大型煤矿职工健康状况良好,可以满足正常工作需要,职工改善健康状况常用的方式有:体育、休息、营养、综合和吃药(药物);江苏省国有大型煤矿职工的体育需求度较高,单位投资是目前江苏省国有大型煤矿职工群众体育活动主要经费来源;江苏省国有大型煤矿职工余暇时间活动内容更加丰富;职工体育消费水平偏低,主要用于购买运动服装和观看比赛等结论。
