培训对策,training countermeasure
1)training countermeasure培训对策
1.At last,the paper puts forward the corresponding training countermeasures of user.分析了数字图书馆信息资源利用的现状和目前用户信息利用能力培训中存在的问题,提出了以用户能力为核心的培训是提高数字图书馆信息资源利用率和实现数字图书馆可持续发展的新思路,并针对性地提出了相应的用户培训对策

1.The Research of Solutions for St-Anda Human Resource Training;新科安达公司人力资源培训对策研究
2.The Research on the Strategies of Teacher Training with the Subjectivity of Teachers;凸显教师主体性的教师培训对策研究
3.Building up Effective Training System --Suggestion to Corporation Training Mistaken Areas;建立有效的培训体系——我国企业培训误区的对策
4.The Charactristics and Countermeasures of the Backbone Middle-School Maths Teachers Training中学数学骨干教师培训的特点与对策
5.The Situation, Issue and It s Countermeasures about Farmer-Training of Fengxian Country in Shanghai;奉贤地区农民培训现状、问题及对策
6.Enterprise Vocational Training: Present, Problems and Proposals for Improvement;我国企业培训现状、问题及对策研究
7.Problems and Countermeasures on In-Service Middle School Teacher Education in Shenzhen;深圳中学教师在职培训的问题及对策
8.Study on the Current Status of Farmer s Training System and Its Future Development Strategy;北京市农民培训现状及发展对策研究
9.Studies on the State of Farmers Training in Tianjin and Corresponding Development Countermeasures;天津市农民培训状况及发展对策研究
10.Meditation on League Colleges Vocational Training;团校职业培训工作的几点意见和对策
11.Difficulty and Strategy Analysis of IT Enterprise Employee Training;IT企业人才培训的困境及对策分析
12.Effects of Learning Strategy Training on Second Language Learning Process;学习策略培训对二语学习过程的影响
13.Misunderstanding in Staff Training of Building Enterprises and the Countermeasure Approach;建筑企业员工培训的误区与对策探讨
14.Research on Improving the Quality of the Training Personnel in the Construction Enterprises;论建筑企业员工培训质量提高的对策
15.Discussion on the Risks of and the Countermeasures for the Employee s Training Investment of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises;中小企业员工培训投资的风险及对策
16.Problems in the Training Staff on the State-owned Enterprise and the Countermeasures;国有企业职工培训存在的问题及对策
17.The Problems Existing in Chinese Enterprises Training and Countermeasures;当前我国企业培训存在的问题及对策
18.Status of Vocational Training in Middle and Small Enterprise in Jilin Province and the Countermeasures;吉林省中小企业职业培训现状与对策

time management training strategy时间管理培训对策
3)strategies training策略培训
1.Language Learning strategies training is an effective way to help students learn and apply learning strategies.语言学习策略培训是帮助学生了解和运用学习策略的良好办法,为了提高学习者的学习效益和自主性,国外研究者进行了大量研究并取得了不少成果,但在英语为外语的环境下,这些研究结果还有待考证,国内却缺乏将这些理论应用于长期的教学实际中的研究。
2.This study mainly concerns the efficiency of learning strategies training.可教性研究集中体现于学习策略培训的成效性,但是以往的不同研究存在不同的结果,不同的研究者拥有不同的观点。
4)strategy training策略培训
1.Learner autonomy and strategy training;学习者自主与学习策略培训
2.L2 Learning strategy training and research in China;英语学习策略培训与研究在中国——记全国首届“英语学习策略培训与研究”国际研修班
3.A Study on the Feasibility of Laguage Learning Strategy Training to Stretch Learners Learning Styles;语言学习策略培训对学习者学习风格拓展的可行性研究
5)training strategies培训策略
1.It analyses the relationship between comprehension and the speech perception, the demands of concentration on interpreters and finally the Comprehension Equation proposed by Gile(1995) in the process of interpreting; presents constraints and fundamental difficulties of interpreters; and suggests training strategies to facilitate a better understanding of source speech.它从理解与原语辨析,注意力分配,Gile的理解方程式入手,分析了口译过程中影响口译译员理解的因素,并提出了几点提高口译理解的培训策略。
6)strategy instruction策略培训
1.It explores numerous instruction issues directly related to the provision of training such as the content and organization of strategy instruction in order to provide a theoretical research-based foundation for the actual incorporation of strategy training into language teaching.学习策略培训正逐步进入外语教学课堂,纳入常规的外语教学体系。
2.With the development of humanistic psychology, cognitive psychology and sociolinguistics, learner autonomy, learning strategies and strategy instruction have attracted much attention in second language teaching and researching.随着人本主义心理学、认知心理学和社会语言学的发展,自主学习、学习策略和策略培训越来越受到二语教学与研究者的关注。
3.This thesis reports on a survey study of the relationship between the listening strategy use by students and the listening strategy instruction by teachers.基于以上结论,论文指出教师在听力教学中应扩大学生在听力理解中的词汇量,注重培养学生的策略使用意识,关注一些关键性的策略,以及合理安排策略培训的顺序。

Blotto对策Blotto对策Blotto games B一川幽〕对策!BI峨劝〕g别nes;6.ooT,o“I,p“l 一类正规形式的二人零和对策(two一peoonzerc)一sum缪me)其中局中人的纯策略(见策略(对策论中的)(strategy〔in缪me theory)))是有限资源(可分割的或不可分割的)在多个对象土的分配,而增益或支付等于个体对象的增益或支付之和,这一对策是以一个虚构的Blotto土校来命名的,据说他是第一个参预这种类型的对策的人物