公共安全教育,public safety education
1)public safety education公共安全教育
1.Study on the public safety education and psychological intervene process in the urban adminstration of Qingdao;青岛市城市管理中的公共安全教育及心理干预机制研究
2.The paper adopts an integrated approach to study the public safety education and injury prevention in 36 primary and secondary schools of 4 provinces.采用综合方法对4省36所中小学的公共安全教育与伤害防范工作进行研究。

1.Study on the public safety education and psychological intervene process in the urban adminstration of Qingdao;青岛市城市管理中的公共安全教育及心理干预机制研究
2.Weak Links and Countermeasures of the Public Safety Education and Injury Prevention in Primary and Secondary Schools中小学公共安全教育和伤害防范中的薄弱环节与对策研究
3.Conception on the establishment professional degree of master of public fire safety administration discipline;关于设立公共消防安全管理硕士教育的构想
4.The Research on Public Physical Education Reform and Security on College Students;高校公共体育教学改革与大学生安全保障问题研究
5.Urban Community Residents Legal Psychology and Legal Education under the Circumstance of the Public Security;公共安全中城市社区居民的法制心理与法制教育
6.Means and Ideas in the Education of Urban Culture of Public Safety;城市公共安全文化教育的方法与思路——兼议北京2008“安全奥运文化”普及问题
7.On Harmonious Development of Collegiate Public Art Education in Anhui Province;安徽省高校公共艺术教育的和谐发展
8.Mode Research on Education of Public Safe Culture and Building of Safe Community;公众安全文化教育与安全社区建设模式研究
9.To organize the training of aviation security for the company.参与组织公司航空安全保卫教育工作。
10.Discussion of the Overall Quality-oriented Education of Students in Public Security Higher Institutions;论公安高等院校学生的全面素质教育
11.Public Security Colleges Should Strengthen the Comprehensive Education and the Frustration Education;公安高校应当加强全人教育与挫折教育
12.Research on Public Security of Mega-Sport Events in China;我国大型体育赛事公共安全问题的研究
13.The Prevention and Treatment of Hurts in P.E. in University;高校公共体育课安全伤害事故的防范与处理
14.Study on Unexpected Issues of Public Security in Important Sports Events and its Countermeasures;重大体育事件突发性公共安全问题及对策研究
15.Construction of college student sports safety insurance system高校公共体育学生安全保障体系的构建
16.educational [public] facilities教育 [公共] 设施
17.Prospective Thinking of Carrying out the Education of Government's Reigning Security in Public Security Colleges公安院校开展执政安全教育的前瞻性思考
18.Government has great responsibilities for public safety and public health, for civil rights and common schools.对公共安全和大众健康,对民权和学校教育,政府都应负有极大的责任。

public safety公共安全
1.Consideration about the problem of strengthening supervision in public safety of the work fields;加强生产领域公共安全监管问题的思考
2.On database design for city s public safety planning;城市公共安全规划数据库设计探讨
3.The trend, impact and solution of the public safety;公共安全问题界定、影响发展趋势和应对策略
3)public security公共安全
1.Integrated regional public security management mode and strategies of China;区域综合公共安全管理模式及中国综合公共安全管理对策
2.Plan and Realization of Public Security Surveillance System;社会公共安全防控监视系统的规划与实施
3.Problems faced by public security for big sports events in China and their response mechanisms;我国大型体育赛事公共安全面临的问题及应对机制
4)public education公共教育
1.On adjustment of public education policy under WTO situation;试论WTO形势下公共教育政策的调整
2.The reform has spread to the field of public education.20世纪70年代末,传统的公共部门管理模式发生了变革,随着改革的深入,公共教育成为改革的重要领域。
3.Chinese and western countries market-oriented reforms in public education have similarities in the relocation and balance of public educational rights,but differ in education motivation,economic background and the ways to be market-oriented.中西公共教育市场化改革的共同之处在于公共教育权的重新分配与平衡,不同之处在于教育动因、经济背景和市场化方式。
5)Police Education公安教育
1.A Research on the System of Vocational Police Education and Training;职业化的公安教育训练体系研究
2.On the integration of the police education and police practice;略论公安教育与实战一体化
3.On Police Education in Xinjiang;对我区公安教育工作的思考
6)Public Security Education公安教育
1.Strengthening Governance Capacity Building for Leading Cadres,Improving Public Security Education Quality;加强领导干部执政能力建设 切实提高公安教育质量
2.On Comrade Luo Ruiqin’s thoughts on public security education;试论罗瑞卿同志的公安教育思想
