风险控制措施,risk control measure
1)risk control measure风险控制措施

1.A Study of the Risk Control on Bank s Loan for Colleges and Universities;高等学校银行贷款的财务风险控制措施研究
2.Analysis and Discussion on the Pharmacovigilance Information and Measures of Risk Control in China (1)我国药物警戒信息与风险控制措施的分析与探讨(一)
3.Retrospective study of adverse events of Polygonum multiflorum and risk control何首乌临床不良事件回顾性研究及风险控制措施探讨
4.Analysis and Discussion on the Pharmacovigilance Information and Measures of Risk Control in China(2)我国药物警戒信息与风险控制措施的分析与探讨(二)
5.Financial Risks and Control Measures of Listcos M&A;上市公司并购的财务风险与控制措施
6.Analysis of Trading Risk in China s Oil Futures Market and Its Control Measures;我国石油期货交易风险及其控制措施
7.On Risk and Controlling Measures of College Physical Education in our Country;我国高校体育存在的风险及控制措施
8.The Defense and Control Measures to the Risk of Bank Management;银行营业前台风险点防范及控制措施
9.Research on Control Measures on the Risk of Derivative Financial Instruments对衍生金融工具风险的控制措施研究
10.The Analysis of China s Insurance Investment Risk and the Research of Its Controlling Measures;我国保险投资风险分析及其控制措施研究
11.Measures on Commercial Bank s Credit Risk Control over Unicersity;关于商业银行对高校信贷风险控制的措施
12.The Risk Assesment and Control of a Gas Distribution Company某城市燃气供应企业安全风险评价及控制措施
13.Discussion on the Risk Factors and Control Measures of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Injection浅谈中药注射剂的风险因素及其控制措施
14.Study on the Environmental Risk Characteristics of Chemicals and Control Measures in Wuxi无锡市化学品环境风险特征及控制措施研究
15.Forecasting Analysis and Control Measures of Risk Cost of Construction Project建筑工程项目风险成本的分析预测与控制措施
16.Thinking on Risk of Accounts Receivable Pledge Loan and Its Control应收账款质押融资业务风险及其控制措施探析
17.Maritime risk assessment and barriers based on the hybrid model基于混合模型的海事风险评估和控制措施(英文)
18.Methods for Operational Risk Control of Commercial Banks under New Basel Capital Accord in China;论新巴塞尔协议下商业银行操作风险控制的措施

Risk reduction and control measure风险削减和控制措施
3)risk prevention measures风险措施
1.Against the background of a case study on large diameter slurry shield s break- out around Shanghai area,this paper introduces ground inprovement method around shaft eye,its effects or others,risk prevention measures during shield break-in/-out,as well as option sort-out of ground improvement around launch shaft eye during slurry shield boring of the Changjiang Tunnel in Shanghai.本文以上海地区大直径泥水盾构进出洞施工实例为背景,论述了洞口土体加固方法及效果、盾构进出洞施工的风险措施和上海长江隧道泥水盾构始发洞口土体加固方案比选等。
4)airflow control measure控风措施
5)Three-step environmental risk control measure环境风险三级防控措施
6)Controlling Risk of ERP ImplementationERP实施风险控制

《美俄关于进一步削减和限制进攻性战略武器条约》《美俄关于进一步削减和限制进攻性战略武器条约》Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Further Reduction and Limitation of Offensive Strategic Arms, START II  Mei一E guQnyu Jinyibu Xueiian heXianzhi Jingongxing Zhanl位e WuqiTiaoyue《美俄关于进一步削减和限制进攻性战略武器条约》(Treaty betwee”‘heUnited States ofAmeriea and the Russian Fed-erarion on Further Redue才ion and Limitationof口户inslve StrategicA二5 STARTH少美国和俄罗斯继美苏签署削减战略武器条约之后缔结的又一项削减进攻性战略核武器的重要条约。1993年1月3日在莫斯科签署,自双方交换批准书之日起生效。只要《美苏削减战略武器条约》有效,该条约就一直有效。 条约由序言、8条正文和3个附件组成。主要内容是:①在条约实 施第一阶段,即条约生效后7 年内,美俄双方将部署的洲际 弹道导弹、潜射弹道导弹和重 型轰炸机所载核弹头总数各自 削减到3 800一4250枚,其中潜 射弹道导弹弹头不超过2 160 枚,多弹头洲际弹道导弹弹头 不超过1 200枚,重型洲际弹道 导弹弹头不超过650枚;条约 实施第二阶段,到2003年1月 1日前,美俄双方将上述各类核 弹头总数各自削减到3 000-3 500枚,其中潜射弹道导弹弹头不超过1 700一1 750枚,而包括重型洲际弹道导弹在内的陆基多弹头类型的洲际弹道导弹将全部销毁。②2003年以前,双方将消除或改装已部署和未部署的全部多弹头洲际弹道导弹发射装置(包括训练和试验用的),改装后的发射装置只能发射单弹头导弹,且今后不再拥有多弹头洲际弹道导弹发射装置;消除全部已部署和未部署的重型洲际弹道导弹及其发射架,且今后不再拥有这种导弹及其发射架,也不得将重型洲际弹道导弹转交他方;消除包括试验和训练用在内的所有重型洲际弹道导弹发射井,但允许将其中最多90个发射井改装成非重型洲际弹道导弹发射井;双方均不得将发射架直径超过2.5米的洲际弹道导弹置于改装后的任何重型洲际弹道导弹发射井。