抵御能力,protection ability
1)protection ability抵御能力

1.She has become so poor that she has little power of resisting famines.印度已经穷得对饥荒没有抵御能力了。
2.Meanwhile, military satellites are completely undefended and vulnerable to attack.同时,军用卫星不但易受攻击,而且对攻击毫无抵御能力
3.able to resist the explosive force of bombs and shells.能够抵御炸弹的爆破力。
4.What's more, the deeper the reform and opening drive becomes, the stronger risk-resisting ability we will enjoy.改革开放越深入,抵御风险的能力就越强。
5.They have the ability to defend against hostile actions in outer space他们具备在外层空间抵御敌对行动的能力。
6.These products proved to be more resilient to the economic downturn这些产品具有较佳的抵御经济放缓的能力
7.Perfecting the Enterprises Inside Controlling System and Enhancing the Ability for Guarding against Risks;完善企业内部控制制度,提高抵御风险能力
8.The Research of the Countryside Distribution Network Resistance Natural Disaster Ability by Funan County阜南县农村配电网抵御自然灾害能力研究
9.The charm is irresistible.这种魅力是无法抵御的。
10.Nothing availed against the storm.什么也不能抵御暴风雨。
11.A healthy body resists disease.健康的身体能抵御疾
12.This source of inner serenity may be our best defense against the hassles that barrage us every day.这种内心深处的宁静可能是我们抵御日常困扰的最佳能力。
13.Defending against this onslaught are antibodies, which are manufactured by B cells in an equally impressive panoply of models.而负责抵御这些猛烈侵袭的,是变化能力同样不输这些病原的抗体。
14.Improve the Price Management System and Strengthen the Ability to Defend against the Price Risk after China's Entering the WTO完善价格调控体系增强入世后抵御价格风险的能力
15.American manufacturers were unable to fend off the challenge from the fuel-efficient, high-quality, lower priced Japanese vehicles.美国的制造商没有能力抵御高效、优质、低价的日本汽车的排战。
16."we must raise the Party's capacity to resist corruption, prevent degeneration and withstand risks."提高拒腐防变和抵御风险能力这两大历史性课题
17.Simulation Test of the Capacity of Resisting Interest Rate Risks of the Asset/Liability Structures in Commercial Banks商业银行资产负债结构抵御利率风险能力的仿真测试
18.Secondly, it should create nice credit circumstance and strengthen the ability of civilian finance on resisting risk.二、创造良好的信用环境,增强民间金融抵御风险的能力

Increase its capacity of fighting corruption and guarding against degeneration提高拒腐防变和抵御风险的能力
3)the function of risk-resistance风险抵御功能
4)defense capability防御能力
1.Modeling and simulation of multi-function phased array radar for the missile defense are important foundations to evaluate ballistic missile defense capability.对反导系统中的多功能相控阵雷达进行建模与仿真,是准确评估其反导防御能力的重要基础。
1.Resistance and Resilience Mechanism of Pine Forest Ecosystem Invaded by Bursaphelenchus Xylophilus in Zhejiang Province;浙江松林生态系统对松材线虫入侵的抵御和恢复机制
1.The Western Cultural Hegemony in the Seeing and Hearing Media and Countermeasure of Resisting;视听传媒中的西方文化霸权及抵御对策
2.For the sake of resisting the virus, we need to know what the virus is, where it hides, the path it invades, and the method it infects, etc.为了更好抵御病毒的侵袭,我们必须从病毒是什么?躲藏何处?它的感染方式,入侵途径等全面了解病毒的实质、形成。
3.Analyzing the function of language during the information invasion,the purpose of this paper is to explore the necessity and feasibility of resisting information invasion by the use of language and reinforcing the Digital Library construction of China.文章旨在通过分析语言在信息侵略中的功能,探讨利用语言工具、加强中国数字图书馆建设,来抵御信息侵略的必要性和可行性方法。
