四个坚持,Four Cardinal Principles
1)Four Cardinal Principles四个坚持

1.We have been stressing the need to uphold the Four Cardinal Principles, haven't we?不是说四个坚持吗?
2.It is not wrong to keep to the Four Cardinal Principles.四个坚持本身没有错,
3.Taiwan's concentrated attack on the Four Cardinal Principles shows precisely that we cannot discard them.台湾集中攻我们四个坚持,恰恰证明四个坚持不能丢。
4.Can China reject the Four Cardinal Principles?中国不搞四个坚持能行吗?
5.Without them, China would be in turmoil.没有四个坚持,中国就乱了。
6.That's why we cannot do without the Four Cardinal Principles, without dictatorship over the saboteurs.所以,不能不讲四个坚持,不能不讲专政,
7.The opposite of the four principles is bourgeois liberalization.四个坚持的对立面是资产阶级自由化。
8."Four adherings" the core of implementing the scientific development concept落实科学发展观贵在做到“四个坚持
9.This principle is just as important as the other three cardinal principles.在四个坚持中,坚持人民民主专政这一条不低于其他三条。
10.In particular, are the two basic points, namely, keeping to the Four Cardinal Principles and carrying out the policies of reform and opening to the outside world, wrong or not?两个基本点,即四个坚持和改革开放,是不是错了?
11.Of the four principles, the two most important are that we should uphold leadership by the Party and that we should uphold socialism.四个坚持中最核心的是党的领导和社会主义。
12.The Advantages of Socialist Market Economy Are "The Four Upholding";社会主义市场经济的优越性在于“四个坚持
13.The Essence of Socialist Market Economy Lies in "Four Persisting";论社会主义市场经济的本质在于“四个坚持
14.Persisting in "People Orientation" and Innovating the Guiding Principle of "Cultivating People in Four Aspects";坚持以人为本 创新“四个育人”
15.Four Adheres in the Curriculum Reform of the Vocational Schools;职业学校课程改革需要做到四个“坚持”
16.Strengthen Practical Teaching & Insist on Four Emphasizing;加强实践教学 坚持四个“注重”
17.Insist on“Four Basic”and Build Socialism in Full Scale;坚持“四个基本” 全面建设社会主义
18.Persist in“Four Respects”,Push on Technical Creations;坚持“四个尊重” 推进技术创新

six insists六个坚持
3)three insistence三个坚持
1.This paper researches how to launch research work, how to improve the standard from the “three necessities”, “three unites” and “three insistence” in the higher vocational colleges and universities.高职院校何以要开展科研工作,如何开展以及怎样提高其水平,文章用“三个需要”、“三个结合”与“三个坚持”分别阐述之。
4)"five persistence"五个坚持
5)persist in "the four ways坚持"四有"
6)four principles坚持四则

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