道化学法,Dow Chemistry Method
1)Dow Chemistry Method道化学法
1.The Application of Dow Chemistry Method in Safety Evaluation;道化学法在安全评价中的应用

1.Application of Dow Chemical's Method in the Safety Assessment of Heat Medium System道化学法在热媒系统安全评价中的应用
2.Scientification legalization and moralization of public administration;公共行政的科学化、法治化和道德化
3.Moralization of legal and Legalization of Morality:Analytical Jurisprudence Views of Rite and Law法律的道德化与道德的法律化——分析法学视角中的“礼”与“法”
4.Obstacles to the Implementation of Bilingual Law Teaching and the Countermeasures;法学实施双语教学的障碍及化解之道
5.Test method for chemical resistance of pipeline coatings管道防腐层化学稳定性试验方法
6.It makes writers surpass themselves.“物化”说源于庄子哲学的体道方法论。
7.Perfect Student s Management System and Go on the Road of Legalization;完善学生管理制度 走法制化道路
8.Exploration of College Moral Education Teaching In Audiovisual Culture Era;视听文化时代大学思想道德教法新探
9.Moral Sentencing and the Dissocialization of Law--A Discussion from the Perspective of Law-sociological;道德量刑与法律的非社会化——从法律社会学视角看道德量刑
10.An Outline of Culture and Ideas of Confucianism,Taoism,Mohism and Legalism during the Period of Pre-Qin.先秦时期儒、道、墨、法四个学派的文化思想概述
11.The Tragedy of Treating Moral as Laws--Criticize to the Historical Destiny of Confucian道德法律化的悲剧——儒学的历史命运批判
12.The Study on Determination for the Diffusion Coefficient in Micro-channels by Chemical Color Reaction;微通道化学显色法测定扩散系数的研究
13.Research on the Issue of Legislation of Morals under Marxist Philosophical Vision;马克思主义哲学视野下的道德法律化问题研究
14.The Research on the Ways and Methods of Moral Socialization of University Students;当代大学生道德社会化的途径和方法研究
15.On the Cultivation and Enhancement of Moral Culture and Law Awareness of College Students;刍议大学生道德与法律意识的培养与强化
16.On the Methodological Principles and Countermeasures for a Scientific Continuation of Traditional Culture;科学继承传统文化的方法原则与渠道对策
17.Critical methods of matching for orbital symmetry in chemistry;化学中双轨道重叠对称性判据方法综述
18.An Examination of the Methodological Principles of the Structuralized-Moral-Instruction Theory;结构化方式道德教学论的方法论原理考察

method of Dow chemical co道化学方法
3)Digestive neoplasms/chemotherapy消化道肿瘤/化学疗法
4)Biliary tract neoplasms/chemotherapy胆道肿瘤/化学疗法
5)Gastrointestinal neoplasms/chemotherapy胃肠道肿瘤/化学疗法
6)dow's fire and explosion index道化学火灾、爆炸指数法

容量分析法(见化学分析法)容量分析法(见化学分析法) 容t分析法见化学分析法