安全事故分析,Safety accident analysis
1)Safety accident analysis安全事故分析

2.A Research on Current Status and Strategies of Accidental Injuries for Kindergarten;幼儿园安全事故分析与完善安全预防对策研究
3.Analysis of Coal Mine Accidents Based on Accident-causing Theory基于事故致因理论分析煤矿安全事故
4.Accident Analysis of Hydropower Dams in China and Countermeasures for Safety我国水电站大坝事故分析与安全对策
5.A Game Analysis on the Origin and Countermeasures of Coal Mine Accidents;煤矿安全事故原因和对策的博弈分析
6.Analysis and Thinking about Railway Operational Accident Crime;对铁路运营安全事故罪的分析和思考
7.Economic Analysis of the Safety Input and Accident Loss;事故损失与安全投入效应的经济分析
8.Implementing HAZOP to Control Major Accidents(Ⅱ)实施HAZOP分析控制重大工艺安全事故(Ⅱ)
9.Implementing HAZOP to Control Major Accidents实施HAZOP分析 控制重大工艺安全事故(Ⅰ)
10.Fault tree analysis on the safety of residence pipeline gas system住宅管道燃气系统安全性事故树分析
11.Doing Well Accident Statistics,Outstanding Key Points of Safety Management做好事故统计分析 突出安全管理重点
12.ISM-based Analysis of Oil Depot’s Safety Accident Causes基于ISM的油库安全事故成因分析
13.Safety Risk Analysis of Tower Collapses in Electric Transmission Line Based on Fuzzy Fault Tree Method基于模糊故障树的电网倒塔事故安全风险分析
14.The Accident Analysis of Raise Driring with Universal Method and Compilation Safety Checklist普通法天井掘进的事故分析及安全检查表编制
15.Study on the Theory and Methods of Accident Statistics Analysis and Prediction;生产安全事故统计分析及预测理论方法研究
16.Study on Construction Safety Management and Accident Analysis and Forecast;建筑工程安全管理及事故预测分析研究
17.Fujian Province Road Safety Evaluation Research and Accident Black-Spots Analysis;福建省道路安全评价研究及事故黑点鉴别分析
18.Analysis on Safety of Water Transportation in Our Country and Study on the Prediction about Traffic Accidents;我国水上交通运输安全分析及事故预测的研究

1.Two-factor theory and prevention of safety accidents;双因素理论与安全事故预防
2.Precautions against the accidents for the electric equipment in brick & tile enterprise;砖厂电气设备的安全事故预防
3.The role of teams leaders should be brought into full play in order to control and reduce accidents effectively.阐述了作业班组实行安全管理的重要性,班组长如何抓好安全生产工作和方法,只有发挥班组长在安全生产中的作用,才能有效地控制和减少安全事故的发生。
3)safety accident安全事故
1.Predict model for construction safety accident based on fuzzy judgment;基于模糊评价法的建筑安全事故预测模型
2.The grey interrelation analysis and tend prediction on the safety accident in Kailuan Coal Mine;开滦煤矿安全事故的灰色关联分析与趋势预测
3.The study on safety accidents caused by promotion in commercial retail enterprises;对商业零售企业促销引发安全事故的思考
4)safety accidents安全事故
1.Analysis on countermeasures of reducing construction safety accidents;试析减少建筑安全事故的对策
2.Prevention and measures to chemical experiments' unexpected safety accidents化学实验突发安全事故的预防及应对措施研究
3.More and more safety accidents have occurred during the transportation of Liquid Petroleum Gas(LPG)in re- cent years.近年来国内外液化石油气运输安全事故频发,给人民生命、财产造成了重大损失。
1.How to avert the accidents in chlor-alkali production is analyzed and discussed by a host of living examples.以大量的实例分析、探讨了如何避免氯碱生产中的安全事故。
2.The cause and effect of the accidents in large-scale social activities are analyzed and the functions of organizations,surroundings,equipment and people in accidents are studied.分析了我国大型社会活动安全事故的成因,研究了组织、环境、设备、人等因素在大型社会活动安全事故中的作用,得出了大型社会活动安全事故成因机理,在此基础上,介绍了大型社会活动安全事故预警模型的组织、监控系统,并规范了各组织的职责,最终设计了大型社会活动安全事故预警系统的工作流程。
3.In recent years,accidents frequently happen.近年来,一些地方安全事故频频发生,一些事故单位的负责人和对安全事故负有监督管理职责的人员在事故发生后弄虚作假,隐瞒不报、谎报事故情况,结果贻误事故抢救时机,造成人员伤亡和财产损失的进一步扩大。
6)safety case investigation安全事件分析
1.It mainly introduces the safety reflection for e-marketing channels consolidation, safety case investigation, application process design and its implementation.本文针对福建移动电子营销渠道存在的安全问题进行分析,提出应对策略,重点介绍了在电子营销渠道整合、安全事件分析和应用流程设计及实施方面的安全考虑。

事故分析事故分析accident analysis  事故分析(aeeident ana一ysis)为消除或避免生产事故,而对已发生的事故进行原因分析。这种分析,一般从主观原因和客观原因两个方面进行。职业心理学特别重视事故发生的行为与心理方面的原因,如作业知识的贫乏、技术不熟、注意力分散、情绪不稳、冒险作业、疲劳、睡眠不足等。当然事故分析也要重视客观方面,一般把事故原因划归四类,即作业行为事故、动力运输事故、特殊危险事故和其他原因事故。事故分析多采用统计方法,通过一般事故统计和事故种类统计以查明原因。在查明事故的具体原因时,也要进行事例分析,以便查明事故发生的各种主客观因素。 (张燕逸撰张燮审)