安全生产培训,work safety training
1)work safety training安全生产培训
1.Difficulties and solutions to enterprises work safety training in China;我国企业安全生产培训工作问题及对策

1.Preliminary study on requirements of the quality of training managers in safety production training institutions安全生产培训机构培训管理者素质要求初探
2.Research on the Theories of the Training System of Safety Production and Its Operation and Improvement;安全生产培训体系的理论探索与运行改进研究
3.Research on Safety Production Training Plan and Implementation Effect Evaluation of Construction Enterprise建筑企业安全生产培训方案及其实施效果评价的研究
4.Strengthening Education Training Management to Ram Safety Production Base加强教育培训管理 夯实安全生产基础
5.Strengthen "Must know will be" Training,Guarantees Coal Mine Safety Production加强必知必会培训 保证煤矿安全生产
6.Teaching Thinking of ‘Safety Nature’ in Vocational Training of Production Safety安全生产职业培训中“安全本质”的教学思考
7.No one who has not received education and training in safety shall be permitted to work in a coal mine.未经安全生产教育、培训的,不得上岗作业。
8.The Design and Development of Mcai System for Construction Safety Training;建筑安全生产多媒体辅助培训系统设计与开发
9.Major structure design of the advanced-study center of safety-production technology in Changzhi county长治县安全生产技术培训中心的主体结构设计
10.Management Equipment and Training Functionin Mine Safety Production管理装备培训在煤矿安全生产中的作用
11.Study on mechanism of work safety accident investigation training at different levels in China我国安全生产事故调查分级培训机制研究
12.No employee who has not passed the education and training programs regarding production safety may start to work at his position.未经安全生产教育和培训合格的从业人员,不得上岗作业。
13.Article 40 Coal mining enterprises shall conduct education and training in safety in production among their employees.第四十条 煤矿企业应当对职工进行安全生产教育、培训;
14."Quasi-safety Inspectors",Training in High-yield Mine Application“准安全检查员”培训在高产高效矿井中的应用
15.Training in Accordance with Levels to Improve Purpose of Safety Training;实施分层培训 提高安全培训针对性
16.Innovate the training methods improve the training quality创新培训教学方法 提高安全培训质量
17.Strengthening Safety Education and Training to Realize Safe and Harmonious Development;强化安全教育培训 实现安全和谐发展
18.The Study of Teaching System for the Training of Safety Education from the Perspective of modernistic Teaching现代培训理念下的安全培训教学体系研究

safety training安全培训
1.Application of virtual reality technology in miner safety training;VR技术在矿工安全培训中的应用研究
2.Mine personnel safety training system based on virtual realistic technology;基于虚拟现实技术的矿井人员安全培训系统
3.Researches on safety training in Japanese enterprise and indications to China;日本企业安全培训现状及对中国的启示
3)safety production and training examination management安全生产培训考核管理系统
4)Production training生产培训
5)safety education and training安全教育培训
1.The method of elementary safety education and training in HSE Management System;HSE管理体系的基层安全教育培训探讨
2.How to do well safety education and training of employees浅谈如何抓好员工安全教育培训工作
3.mart s unsafe act is the most dominant factor which leads to safety accidents, whereas the badness of safety education and training is the primary cause engendering the errors.人的不安全行为是导致安全事故的最主要因素,而安全教育培训不良是造成人为失误的根本原因。
6)safety education training安全培训教育

安全生产  旨在保障劳动者在生产过程中的安全的一项方针,也是企业管理必须遵循的一项原则。这一方针和原则,要求最大限度地减少劳动者的工伤和职业病,保障劳动者在生产过程中的生命安全和身体健康。    在资本主义的早期发展阶段,资本家以A.斯密的"工人应承担危险"论为根据,对工人因工伤和职业病而遭受的损失,不承担补偿责任。按照斯密的观点,工人在接受某一职位时,同时已承担了伴随着这一职位的危险,并得到了相应的工资。随着工业化的进展,特别是随着工人阶级有组织的斗争的发展,这一理论逐渐被另一理论所取代。另一理论认为,工人因从事危险的工作而获得的较高工资,远远不足以补偿工人因工伤和职业病所受到的损失,因此,资本家必须对此承担补偿责任。从20世纪初开始,一些资本主义国家纷纷就安全生产问题进行立法,对劳动者在生产过程中的死亡、永久性全部残废、永久性部分残废、临时性全部残废、临时性部分残废等情况,规定了递减的赔偿标准。有的国家还把有关工伤事?实牧⒎ㄑ由焓视糜谥耙挡』颊摺?    在社会主义制度下,维护劳动者在生产过程中的安全和健康,是社会制度的本质要求,也是国家的职责。在中国,1980年 6月召开的中国工会第三次群众劳动保护工作会议就明确规定:在发展生产的过程中,必须把安全放在第一位,以安全为前提;当安全与生产发生矛盾时,生产必须服从安全,首先解决安全问题,然后再处理生产问题。在社会主义国家,为了实现安全生产,一般采取的措施有:①制定劳动保护法规和安全生产制度;②采取各种安全技术和劳动卫生方面的技术组织措施;③开展群众性的安全生产教育和安全生产检查。