拥挤踩踏,crowded stampede
1)crowded stampede拥挤踩踏
1.Analysis of GAHP in crowded stampede accidents of large-scale activities;大型活动拥挤踩踏事故灰色层次分析

1.Analysis of GAHP in crowded stampede accidents of large-scale activities;大型活动拥挤踩踏事故灰色层次分析
2.Study on Mechanism of Stampede Accident in Outdoor Large-Scale Social Activities室外大型社会活动拥挤踩踏事故机理研究
3.Analysis of the Cause and Countermeasures of Stampede Accident in Crowd-Gathered Place人群聚集场所拥挤踩踏事故原因分析与对策
4.Study of Crowd Crushing and Trampling Accident Risk Theory and Applied to Stadium;人群拥挤踩踏事故风险理论及其在体育赛场中的应用
5.Application of BP Neural Networks Assessment Method in the Stampede Accidents of Large-scale Activities大型活动拥挤踩踏事故BP神经网络安全评估方法应用分析
6.Traditionally, people used to take off their shoes and crush the grapes with their bare feet to bring out the juice.按照传统作法,人们通常会脱下鞋子,光着脚丫踩踏葡萄,挤出汁水。
7.But when somebody stumbled on a narrow and overcrowded bridge, it started a stampede and people were crushed to death.当有人在那又窄又挤的桥上绊倒,就发生人踏人事件,多人被踩死。
8.Avoid the London underground in the rush hour-you'll be buffeted about and have your toes trampled on.在伦敦地铁拥挤的时刻别去乘车你会被挤来撞去,脚趾头也会被踩伤的。
9.tread or stomp heavily or roughly.粗暴或沉重地踏或踩。
10.They get the juice out of the fruit By treading it.他们踩踏水果从中榨汁。
11.He backpedaled for the sake of braking his bicycle.他为了使脚踏车停下来而反踩踏板。
12.The act of jamming or the condition of being jammed.拥挤拥挤的行为或被拥挤的状况
13.To beat down with the feet so as to crush, bruise, or destroy;tramp on.踩、踏用脚压倒以便粉碎、挫伤或毁坏…;踩在…之上
14.To pedal(a bicycle or other such vehicle) backward, in order to brake it.倒踩脚踏板向后踩脚踏板(自行车或其它这类的车辆),以便刹车
15.squash into a crowded bus挤上拥挤的公共汽车
16.squeeze into a tight space.挤进一个拥挤的地方
17.squeeze oneself into a crowded Bus挤入拥挤的公共汽车
18.We squeezed into the crowded room.我们挤进拥挤的房子里。

stampede accident拥挤踩踏事故
1.It is summarized that the characteristics of stampede accident and the high-incidence areas in outdoor large-scale social activities based on statistics analysis concerned with global gathering place of the crowded stampede accident happening from 2000 to 2007.拥挤踩踏事故因其突发性,后果严重性,已成为此类问题研究的热点之一。
1.The results indicated that tourists trample resulted in a decline in understorey vegetation coverage and numbers of species,shrub height,herb height and integrity near the footpaths.结果表明:游客的踩踏会直接导致游道附近乔下植被盖度、物种数、灌木高度、草本高度和乔下植被完整度降低,游客对离游道近、向阳的缓坡地带树干表面光滑植物的刻划伤害严重。
4)trampling event踩踏事件
1.The trampling event happened in Carrefour in Chongqing showesd the current facts and defects existed in the crisis management system of China s government.重庆家乐福踩踏事件说明了我国政府危机管理体系的现状及缺陷,应该建构一套有中国特色的政府危机管理体系。
5)tread test踩踏试验
6)depress the pedal踩下踏板

踩踏1.亦作"跴踏"。 2.踩;践踏。 3.作践,欺侮。 4.实地察看。