防直击雷措施,preventing thunder measure
1)preventing thunder measure防直击雷措施
2)lightning protection measure防雷措施
1.On lightning protection measure of wireless communication equipment论无线通信设备的防雷措施
2.Based on an introduction of the current state and problems of lightning protection works for small-scale hydropower plants and electric power transmission lines in Babu district of Hezhou city,analysis was made on the characteristics of lightning fault,and corresponding lightning protection measures are put forward.介绍了贺州市八步区小水电站及输电线路防雷工作存在的问题,分析了雷害的特点,提出了相应的防雷措施。
3.Aiming at harmfulness of lightning stroke,the lightning protection measures of building,household appliances,human,distribution line and equipment were discussed deeply,so as to help people protect lightning,and avoid accidents by lightning strike.针对雷击的危害性,从建筑物防雷措施、家用电器防雷措施、人体防雷措施、配电线路及配电设备防雷措施等方面进行了深入探讨,以帮助人们更好地预防雷电,避免雷击事故的发生。

1.On the Causes of Overhead Line Lightning and Lightning Protection Measures浅谈架空线路遭雷击原因及防雷措施
2.Practical Integrated Lightning Protection Measures for Lightning-damage-free Transmission Line无雷害输电线路的实用综合防雷措施
3.Study on Lightning Protection Performance for 110kV Transmission Line;110kV输电线路综合防雷措施的研究
4.Research on Protection Measures against Lightning for 10 kV Distribution Line and Its Application10kV配电线路防雷措施研究与应用
5.The Study on the Lightning Protection Performance of 110 kV Transmission Line110kV输电线路防雷措施的实验论证
6.Practice of 35kV Power Line Road Preventing the Thunder Measure Improvement35kV输电线路的防雷措施改进实践
7.Discussion on the lightning protection approach of 220 kV multi-lines on a single tower220kV同塔多回线路防雷措施探讨
8.Analysis and prevention of Lightning Trip-out of Transmission Lines输电线路雷击跳闸原因分析及防雷措施
9.Analysis of the Lightning Strike Fault of 110 kV Jianqian Transmission Line in Guizhou and Lightning Protection Measures110kV贵州剑牵线雷害事故分析及防雷措施的探讨
10.Discussion of Anti-lightning Measures in Ezhou Electric Power Communication Automation System鄂州电力通信自动化设施防雷措施的探讨
11.The paper analyzes the issues of resisting the inductive thunderbolt at provincial hydrologic information center machine room, puts forward the solving measure.文章分析省水情中心机房防感应雷存在的问题,提出防雷措施
12.Study on lightning protection measures for network cards of substation supervisory control system变电站监控系统中网卡的防雷措施研究
13.The Research of Protection Measures of Moutain Transmition Line with Electric-Geometry Model;山区输电线路电气几何模型及防雷措施的研究
14.Synthetical Thunder-avoiding Measures of the Communication Equipments of the Changjiang River Communication Network;关于长江通信网通信设备综合防雷措施的探讨
15.Stdudies the Lightning Protection on 35kV Power System of Qingzhen Guizhou;贵州清镇35kV系统防雷综合措施研究
16.The Lightning Protection Research of 35kV Weiyu Line;35kV魏玉线防雷水平的技术措施研究
17.Analysis on Field Measures of Lightning Protection & Anti-interference for Electronic Equipment野外电子系统防雷电干扰的措施分析
18.Analysis of OPGW disconnection caused by lighting and discussion of countermeasuresOPGW光缆雷击断股原因分析和防范措施

lightning protection measure防雷措施
1.On lightning protection measure of wireless communication equipment论无线通信设备的防雷措施
2.Based on an introduction of the current state and problems of lightning protection works for small-scale hydropower plants and electric power transmission lines in Babu district of Hezhou city,analysis was made on the characteristics of lightning fault,and corresponding lightning protection measures are put forward.介绍了贺州市八步区小水电站及输电线路防雷工作存在的问题,分析了雷害的特点,提出了相应的防雷措施。
3.Aiming at harmfulness of lightning stroke,the lightning protection measures of building,household appliances,human,distribution line and equipment were discussed deeply,so as to help people protect lightning,and avoid accidents by lightning strike.针对雷击的危害性,从建筑物防雷措施、家用电器防雷措施、人体防雷措施、配电线路及配电设备防雷措施等方面进行了深入探讨,以帮助人们更好地预防雷电,避免雷击事故的发生。
3)lighting protection防雷措施
1.Based on the constrction of Fuzhou Zhi Di Plaza, this paper analyses the endangerment of thunder and lighting and respective defending measures and elaborates the method of lighting protection and earthing for the glass curtain wall.本文结合福州置地广场建筑工程,对高层建筑的雷电危害及防雷措施进行分析,阐述玻璃幕墙防雷及接地的做法。
4)lightning protection防雷措施
1.lightning disturbance has become one of the important factors threatening the security of the electric power network Based on the analysis of the ShanXi power network s charactors, this paper presents some measures for lightning protection on the view of power dispatching.因而防雷措施日益重要。
5)lightning protection measures防雷措施
1.According to the lightning criterion and design experiences,the lightning protection measures are put foreword by some examples.依据相关的防雷规范和设计经验,并且举例说明加油站系统的综合防雷措施。
2.Some solutions have been proposed to deal with selecting equipments,elements,sites and lightning protection measures.针对设备选型和要素选择、站址选择、防雷措施等问题,提出解决办法。
3.Various conception of the electric power line lightning protection could affect the selection of the lightning protection measures.不同的电力线路防雷的观念,直接影响到可采取的防雷措施。
6)lightning-proof measure防雷措施
1.A comprehensive lightning-proof measure was adopted in the automation system in Hangzhou Qige Wastewater Treatment Plant.杭州市七格污水处理厂的自动化系统采取了综合防雷措施 ,选择了高能量的防雷产品 ,取得了显著的防雷效
