教学计划修订,modification of teaching plan
1)modification of teaching plan教学计划修订

1.On the changes regarding the revision of the university teaching syllabus since the founding of new China;试析建国以来大学教学计划修订变革
2.To Understand the Modification of Teaching Programs in Newly-upgraded Universities;对新升本科院校教学计划修订的认识
3.On theEmending of Teaching Plans of the Distance Education in the21stCentury;面向21世纪远程教育教学计划修订的思考
4.New Thinking on the Revision and Implementation of the Teaching Plan for Musicology;音乐学专业教学计划修订实施的新思路
5.The revision of the teaching plan in the chemistry specialty of higher teacher education;高师本科化学专业教学计划修订的实践与思考
6.Exploration and Practice of Revising the Teaching Plan of Application Electron in Higher Vocational Schools;高职应用电子专业教学计划修订的探讨与实践
7.Creative Education and Teaching Reform;创新教育与教学改革——我校教学计划修订过程中的思考
8.Research and Reflection on the Revision of Teaching Plan for Junior College to Be Upgraded to College of Medical Adult Education;医学成人教育专升本教学计划修订的研究与思考
9.Teacher s occupation and the high teacher teaching the plan revise with perfect and basic mindset;教师职业与高师教学计划修订与完善的基本取向
10.Thoughts on and Practice of Teaching Plan Revision in Vocational Colleges of Comprehensive Arts;综合艺术类高职院校教学计划修订的思考和实践
11.Practice and revise of educational plan of mechanical engineering and automation speciality;机械工程及自动化专业本科教学计划修订与实施
12.The Revision and Implement of the Teaching Plan in Hihger Correspondence Education;高等函授教育教学计划的修订与实施
13.Revision on speciality teaching program for qualified students good in modern times of information and economy;修订专业教学计划,培养知识经济时代的大学生
14.The Questions Which Should Solve in The Agricultural Colleges and Universities Adult Higher Education Credit System Plan of Instruction Formulation or The Revision;农科院校成人高等教育学分制教学计划制(修)订中应解决的问题
15.On the Important Role of the Practice in Institutes under the New Situation;试论新形势下实践教学环节的地位——修订教学计划的思考
16.It is high time for colleges to advance a revised teaching program and adapt their curricula to the requirements of new times.大学急需修订其教学计划,使课程体系适应新时代的需求。
17.Research On the Revision of Teaching Plan of Our College and Construction of Its New Curriculum System;我院教学计划的修订及其新课程体系的构建研究
18.articulate a science program for all grades统一制订各年级的科技教学计划

revise a teaching plan修订教学计划
3)Bureau for Revision of Working Plans工作计划修订局
4)revise the plan a second time再度修订计划
5)teaching program教学计划
1.A comparison study of 4 teaching programs for PE speciality of Huanggang Normal University from 1999 to 2005;黄冈师院体育教育专业教学计划比较研究
2.The principles of teaching program development in higher vocational education;高等职业教育教学计划的开发原则
3.Revision on speciality teaching program for qualified students good in modern times of information and economy;修订专业教学计划,培养知识经济时代的大学生
6)teaching plan教学计划
1.Practical study of new teaching plan for clinical medicine;临床医学专业新教学计划实践性研究
2.The principle and ideas to constitute teaching plan of nursing specialtyfrom an associate degree to bachelorship;制定护理学专业专升本教学计划的原则和思路
3.Analysis of teaching plan of undergraduate course of nursing major;护理专业本科教学计划分析

教学计划  根据一定的教育目的和培养目标制定的教学和教育工作的指导文件。它决定着教学内容总的方向和总的结构,并对有关学校的教学、教育活动,生产劳动和课外活动校外活动等各方面作出全面安排,具体规定一定学校的学科设置、各门学科的教学顺序、教学时数以及各种活动等。教学计划、教学大纲和教科书互相联系,共同反映教学内容。    近代以来,特别是在实行学科课程的条件下,教学计划主要是学科的计划,或只是学科表。随着社会经济和科学技术的新发展,教育结构不断发生变革,现代教育和教学理论主张对教学计划的结构实行改革。除了教学以外,生产劳动、科技活动、发展体力和增进健康的活动、艺术活动和社会活动等也应列入教学计划。在工具课和一般科学知识课、自然学科和社会学科、普通教育课和职业教育课之间应相互渗透。在新知识不断涌现的形势下,只有必修课而无选修课的单一结构不能适应学生个性才能的发展和知识多样性的要求,适当增设选修课,已成为发展的趋势。一些选修课在一定条件下,可能成为必修课。为了防止学生负担过重,须控制教材的份量和难度,控制教学时数。根据学生的年龄特点与不同学科和活动的特点,也可适当改变每节课均为40分钟(或45、50分钟)的固定课时制,试验活动课时制。〔见中华人民共和国教育部1981年 3月颁发的全日制五年制小学教学计划(修订草案) (表1)、1981年4月颁发的全日制六年制重点中学教学计划(试行草案)(表2、 表3) 和全日制五年制中学教学计划试行草案的修订意见(表4)。     编订教学计划是一项教育科学研究工作。由有关的科学家、教育实际工作者、教育理论工作者和教育行政干部共同研究编订教学计划,将会提高其理论性和实践性(见课程)。