创建途径,Foundation Ways
1)Foundation Ways创建途径
1.On Basic Characteristics and Foundation Ways of Harmonious Enterprises;浅析和谐企业基本特征和创建途径

1.The Characteristics of Our Learning-Based Society and Way of its Creation;我国学习型社会的特点及其创建途径
2.The Knowledge society essence characteristic Growing environment and creating way;知识社会的本质特征、生成环境与创建途径
3.Connotation,Experiences and Ways of Constructing Innovative City;创新型城市建设的内涵、经验和途径
4.Discussion on the Main Way of the Construction of Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation System;论构建农业科技创新体系的主要途径
5.Approach to harmonious culture construction in sci-tech innovation team;论科技创新团队和谐文化的构建途径
6.Culture Creation and Approaches to the Construction of Advanced Culture;试论文化创新与先进文化建设的途径
7.A Discussion about Methods of Building the Police Organ with Learning Character;论创建学习型公安机关的方法和途径
8.On The Consideration of Effictive Way To Build The Community Without Nercotics;论创建“无毒社区”是禁毒的有效途径
9.Optimal channel for establishing a five-mode enterprise is to construct high yield and high efficiency mine;建设高产高效矿井是创建“五型企业”的最佳途径
10.Strength the Class Construction,and Greate a New Way to the Construction of Campus Culturee加强班集体建设 开创校园文化建设新途径
11.Choices Available in Constructing Shenyang s Independent Innovation and Technological Investment and Lending System;构建沈阳自主创新科技投融资体系的途径选择
12.The main content and ways of excellent enterprise culture;创建优秀企业文化的主要内容及实现途径
14.The Effective Ways and Basic Principles of Advanced Enterprise Cultural Building;创建先进企业文化的有效途径及基本法则
15.To establish simulated workplace training rooms and innovate the approaches to professional competency training;建设车间式实训室 创新专业技能实现途径
16.Creating Learning Enterprises Is the Best Way to Improving Quality of the Staff;创建学习型企业是提高员工素质的优选途径
17.The Road to Establish Competitive Trade Advantage for Developing Countries;发展中国家在国际贸易中创建竞争优势的途径
18.On the Effective Ways to Train and Bring up Persons of High Quality Based on the Founding of Good Academic Atmosphere;论创建优良学风以培养高素质人才的有效途径

approaches to architecture建筑创造途径
3)discovery route创制途径
4)pioneering channel创业途径
1.Therefore, their achievement in such work is closely related with the State policy and the pioneering channels.大学毕业生创业实践是对高等院校开展创业教育成果的鉴定,是大学生在校期间创业实践能力的综合应用,大学生毕业后的创业成效与国家政策、创业途径有重要联系。
5)innovation way创新途径
6)innovative way创新途径
1.From three aspects of strengthening innovative consciousness of archive work, opening innovative ways for archives work and increasing innovative ability of file clerks themselves, this paper discusses on the problem of how the file clerks of collages and universities to do well archives work.从增强档案工作的创新意识、拓展档案工作的创新途径、努力提高自身的创新能力等3个方面,论述了高校档案人员如何做好档案工作的问题。

感觉传导途径 3痛觉、温度觉传入途径示意图
感觉传导途径 3痛觉、温度觉传入途径示意图 李瑞端绘[图]