人员聚集场所,assembly place
1)assembly place人员聚集场所
1.On the basis of the massive casualties by fire accidents at assembly places in recent years,the paper analyzes the causes of the massive casualties caused by fire accidents at assembly places.结合近年来人员聚集场所群死群伤火灾事故统计,从直接和间接两个方面分析了人员聚集场所群死群伤火灾事故发生的原因,着重从管理、技术、扑救提出了人员聚集场所群死群伤火灾事故的防治对策。

1.The Performance-based Fire Analysis of the Harm in an Interbed Architecture of a Mass-attendance Building人员聚集场所夹层火灾危害的性能化防火分析
2.Performance-based Design and Assessment on Safety Evacuation of Crowds in Public Concourse;公众聚集场所人员安全疏散性能化设计与评价
3.An Analysis of the Causation of Human Losses in a Peopled Place人员密集场所火灾亡人事故成因探讨
4.On the Fire Characteristics of the Densely-Populated Places and Its Countermeasure Tactics人员密集场所的火灾特性与防控对策
5.Its name became synonymous as a gathering place of the rich and famous.它的名字是富人名流聚集场所的同义词。
6.Analysis of the Cause and Countermeasures of Stampede Accident in Crowd-Gathered Place人群聚集场所拥挤踩踏事故原因分析与对策
7.Of course, a restaurant or pub is not a public space: it's a private space in which the public gather.当然,餐厅或酒吧不属于公共场所:它是公众聚集的私人场所。
8.The women had gathered at the well which was their meeting place and center of gossip.女人们则聚集在井边,这儿是他们会集的场所,说长道短的中心。
9.Study for Safety Assessment Pattern on Crowded Place in Buliding;建筑物内人员密集场所安全评价模式研究
10.Study on Risk Assessment Theory and Standardization Method of Assembly Occupancies;人员密集场所风险评估理论与标准化方法研究
11.Making of fire protection emergency plan of crowded place浅析人员密集场所消防应急预案的编制
12.The square was clustered with people.广场上聚集着成群的人。
13.There all hands were already congregated.所有船员早已聚集在了那里。
14.A crowd of people gathered spontaneously at the scene of the accident.例:一群人自发地聚集在事故现场。
15.Over 10,000 people were assembled at the airport to honor the President's visit.有一万多人聚集在机场欢迎总统来访。
16.The crowds congregated in the square to hear the president speak.成群的人聚集在广场上听总统演讲。
17.They would not assemble unless a white person was present.没有白人在场,他们不得聚众集会。
18.The crowds congregated in the town square to hear the President.人群聚集在城内广场上听总统讲话。

crowded place人员密集场所
1.Making of fire protection emergency plan of crowded place浅析人员密集场所消防应急预案的编制
3)assembly occupancies人员密集场所
1.This article briefly analyzes the current shortcomings existing in propaganda and education of fire-protection,discusses on the practices about the mode of "423" propaganda and education of fire-protection in Hubei province recently,focusing on the four kinds of assembly occupancies such as places of public entertainment,catering accommodations,markets,hospitals and schools.人员密集场所是群死群伤火灾事故的高发场所。
4)human transport location人员交通类场所
1.This paper made an analysis of human transport locations,classifying them into four components: simple passages,complex passages,waiting rooms,departure and arrival halls.对人员交通类场所的特点进行了分析,将人员交通类场所归纳为简单通道、复杂通道、候机(车)厅、进出港厅等组件。
5)public gathering places公众聚集场所
1.Analysed fires in public gathering places over recent ten years.分析了近十几年来发生在公众聚集场所的火灾;预测了我国在今后两三年中公众聚集场所火灾的发展趋势;通过对火灾重要危险源的数学分析,阐述了在大型火灾发生时期,烟气对于灾害扩大的危害性,并提出了相应的解决措施。
2.The public gathering places public liability insurance the necessity and feasibility of a careful analysis, put forward specific measures to promote and improve the social management pattern, Shandong deepening peace-building, building a socialist harmonious society put forward constructive views .本文对公众聚集场所推行公众责任保险的必要性和可行性进行了认真分析,提出了具体的推广措施,为健全社会管理格局、深化平安山东建设、构建社会主义和谐社会提出了建设性意见。
6)public venues公共聚集场所
1.This paper presents the analysis of the obstructs and their influences on egress evacuation performance in crowded public venues.目的分析因障碍物的存在,导致公共聚集场所疏散通道附近人员群集滞留的影响因素。

聚集经济(聚集利益)(聚集效应)n聚集经济(聚集利益)(聚集效应)是指由于某工业部 n门向某特定地域集中新产生的供生产成本降低的效果。因为分工协作,扩大生 产规模,节约使用基础设施等会降低生产成本。 n