危机心理,crisis psychology
1)crisis psychology危机心理
2)Psychological crisis心理危机
1.Discuss on the psychological crisis of freshman and the intervention countermeasures;大学新生心理危机及其干预对策的探讨
2.Construction of prevention and intervention mechanism for psychological crisis of needy students in colleges and universities;高校贫困生心理危机调研与预防干预机制构建
3.A Research Review on Psychological Crisis of College Students;大学生心理危机研究现状的评述

1.The Causes, Harms and Countermeasures of Teacher′s Mental Crisis;试述教师心理危机的成因、危害与对策
2.Origin and Intervention of College Student Psychological Crisis;大学生心理危机成因分析与危机干预探索
3.Response and Intervention of Adolescence Mental Crisis from Public Crisis Events公共危机事件中青少年心理危机应对与干预
4.Exploration of Effective Discovery Mechanism of College Students Pschological Crisis;高校心理危机学生有效发现机制探寻
5.Setting up on Psychological Crisis of College Students and Intervention Mechanism;大学生心理危机及其干预机制的建立
6.Research on the Mechanism of Prevention and Intervention of College Students Psychological Crisis;大学生心理危机预防与干预机制研究
7.Study on the occupational mental crisis and its crisis intervention of the policemen警察职业心理危机及其干预机制研究
8.Setting up a Mental Crisis Intervention Institution to Improve Zhuhai Residents Mental Quality;设立心理危机干预机构,提高珠海市民心理素质
9.The Revelation of Foreign Psychological Crisis Intervention to Children Psychological Intervention国外心理危机干预对我国儿童心理危机干预的启示
10.On the Impact of the Psychological Crisis Intervention on the Management of the Students;从心理危机干预谈对学生管理的思考
11.On the Construction of Psychological Crisis Intervention Mechanism in Public Crisis Management in China论我国公共危机管理中心理危机干预机制的构建
12.The Functions of Peer Counseling Instructors in Psychological Crisis Intervention;朋辈心理辅导员在心理危机干预中的作用
13.An Exploration into the Prisoners Characteristics of Mentality and the Intervention Strategies of Psychological Crisis;服刑人员心理特征及心理危机干预策略探究
14.Intervention to Psychological Crisis of Police after Sudden Disasters;突发灾难事件后警察心理危机的干预
15.An Analysis on Psychological Crisis of Students from Poor Families and InterventionS trategies;解析高校贫困生心理危机及干预策略
16.Analysis of Psychological Health Problems of Impoverished Undergraduates and Countermeasure;高校贫困生心理危机成因及化解对策
17.Mentality crisis in female college student;女大学生心理危机“三位一体”的建构
18.The Analysis and Interference of College Students Psychological Crisis;大学生心理危机探析及干预对策研究

Psychological crisis心理危机
1.Discuss on the psychological crisis of freshman and the intervention countermeasures;大学新生心理危机及其干预对策的探讨
2.Construction of prevention and intervention mechanism for psychological crisis of needy students in colleges and universities;高校贫困生心理危机调研与预防干预机制构建
3.A Research Review on Psychological Crisis of College Students;大学生心理危机研究现状的评述
3)Mental Crisis心理危机
1.The Construction of Knowledge Management System on College Students Mental Crisis Based on CBR;基于案例推理技术(CBR)的大学生心理危机知识管理系统的构建
2.Response and Intervention of Adolescence Mental Crisis from Public Crisis Events公共危机事件中青少年心理危机应对与干预
3.Based on the relatively complete research on the mental crisis and mental crisis intervention.心理危机是一种强烈的心理应激状态,并能够使人处于心理紧张的状态。
4)psychology crisis心理危机
1.Missing gratefullness is a special kind of psychology crisis and also an abnormal psychological phenomenon.感恩缺失是一种特殊的心理危机,也是一种异常的心理现象。
2.Establishing the early-warning system of psychology crisis among college students is an effective countermeasure to prevent the psychology crisis.建立大学生心理危机预警系统是预防大学生心理危机的有效对策。
3.The present condition and existing problems of life education and psychology crisis intervene in China are clarified.阐述了我国生命教育的现状及存在问题,分析了开展生命教育建立危机干预体系的必要性,提出了实施生命教育的建议,指出构建以预防为主的心理危机干预体系主要就是挖掘生命教育的潜力和优势:转变观念,树立生命意识;将生命教育融入课程内容,变"知识课堂"为"生命课堂";生命教育实践化;生命教育师资队伍专业化;生命教育教学研究化;生命教育机制化,从而构建全方位心理危机干预体系。
5)mental crisis source心理危机源
6)Psychological crisis scale心理危机测验

心理危机干预心理危机干预intervention to prevent psycologic crisis  专家运用扎实的心理学知识、熟练的人际交往技巧、冷静而灵活的应变能力,阻断患者心理危机的发展,制止其影响扩散,寻求心理平衡的途径等称为心理危机干预。当然专家还要通晓精神病知识,了解当时当地社会背景和具有同情心。