治本之策,permanent cures
1)permanent cures治本之策
1.On permanent cures for coal mine work safety;浅论煤矿安全的治本之策

1.Tax-expense Reform in Rural Areas:Root-cure and symptom-cure Tactics;农村税费改革:治标之策与治本之策
2."Democratic" Anti-corruption: the New Fundamental Strategy for Punishing and Preventing Corruption“民主”反腐:惩治预防腐败的新治本之策
3.Examination Legislation:A Fundamental Measure to Standardize the Examination Order;考试立法:规范考试秩序的治本之策
4.Transforming the Pattern of growth is the Key to Energy-saving and Consumption-reducing;转变增长方式是节能降耗的治本之策
5.No. One File : Strategy of Getting a Permanent Cure of the Problem of “ the Peasants, Rural Country and Agriculture ”;一号文件:“三农”问题的治本之策
6.The Adult Education in Countryside: the Fundamental Measure to Increase Farmers Income;农村成人教育:农民增收的治本之策
7.Managing Two-Wayly to Get A Permanent Cure of Real Economy and Fictitious Economy;双向治理:实体经济与虚拟经济的治本之策
8.Bancorp Governance:Radical Measure for ORM(Operational Risk Management );银行公司治理——操作风险管理的治本之策
9.Survey on Low-carbon Industrialization:Expediency or Essential Policy低碳工业化的现实考察:权宜之计抑或治本之策
10.School-based Teaching and Researching:The Permanet Way of Teachers Professional Development in Rural Areas;校本教研:农村教师专业发展的“治本之策
11.The reform of rural taxes and administrative charges is a fundamental way of reducing the burden on farmers.农村税费改革是减轻农民负担的治本之策
12.Professional skill training is the vital strategy for the farmer quality;职业技能培训是提高农民素质的治本之策
13.On Consummating the Government s Financial System and Seeking the Useful Solution to the Financial Dilemma in the County and Township;完善财政体制寻求基层财政解困治本之策
14.Sentence Training in the Discovery of Linguistic Rules Strategy on the Composition Training in Primary Schools;揭示语言规律 重在句子训练──小学作文治本之策
15.An Effective Solution to the Problem of School P.E. Curriculum Reform in Minority Areas少数民族地区学校体育课程改革治本之策
16.Urbanization is the Foundation to Shorten the Income GAP Between China s Urban and Rural Residents;城市化是解决我国城乡居民收入差距问题的治本之策
17.The Basic Measure of Preventing Traffic Accidents--Improving the Quality of Drivers提高机动车驾驶人素质是预防交通事故的治本之策
18.School-based Training: Radical Measures for Teacher s Training in Remote Agricultural and Pastoral Areas--Taking the Investigation of Gannan Tibetan Agro-Pastoral Region as an Example;校本培训:边远农牧区教师培训的治本之策——以甘南藏族农牧区的研究为例

the new fundamental strategy新治本之策
3)governing policy治国之策
1.It has reflected the party s governing policy in this new era,and the emphasis on cultivation of all the citizens.党的十六大把依法治国与以德治国相结合的治国方略写入了现行党章,体现了党在新的历史时期管理国家的治国之策,更加重视对全民道德的培养。
4)strategy to solve the fundamental problems治本对策
5)strategies for political administrations政治管理之策
1.The basic connotations of the thought of "harmony between the nature and man" are firstly on strategies for political administrations; secondly on the state of existence; thirdly on .“天人合一”思想基本意蕴有四一是政治管理之策;二是生存状态;三是道德境界;四是审美境界。
6)Reforestation Is The Origin To Control Flood治水之本在于造林

策策1.象声词。 2.悲戚貌。 3.犹筹策。