重点分析,selective analysis
1)selective analysis重点分析

1.He laid special stress on analysing the particularity of the contradiction.他重点分析了这一矛盾的特殊性。
2.The Advantages and Analysis of Development Key Points of Equipment Manufacturing Industry in Changzhou;常州装备制造业优势及发展重点分析
3.Analysis of Priorities and Problems of Employment in Sichuan's Post-disaster Reconstruction四川省灾后重建的就业重点和难点问题分析
4.Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point System食物危害分析重点控制系统
5.This is particularly pertinent in the analysis of industrial wastes.在工业废水分析中这点特别重要。
6.In CVP analysis another important term is break-even point.在CVP分析中另一个重要术语是均衡点。
7.Outline of Safety Design on Reactor and Generator Frame of CCR连续重整反再框架设计安全要点分析
8.An Analysis on the Aim and Emphasis of the Technology Advancement in Silk Industry茧丝绸业技术进步目标与重点的分析
9.Barycentric Interpolation Collocation Method for Numerical Analysis of Mechanical Vibrations;机械振动数值分析的重心插值配点法
10.General Situation Description of Henan Key Industrial Clusters;河南省重点产业集群的主要特征分析
11.On the Importance of Estuary English in the U.K.;河口英语特点及重要性分析(英文)
12.The orientation and development of instrumental analysis and research centers in key colleges and universities;重点高校分析测试中心的定位与发展
13.Analysis on Power Grid Construction for 31 Key Cities of China in 2006;2006年31个重点城市电网建设情况分析
14.Analysis on Statistics of Hunan Tenth Five Year Plan Key Subject Construction;湖南省“十五”重点学科建设统计分析
15.SWOT Analyses of the Present Development of Yuxi s Key Towns;玉溪市重点集镇发展现状的SWOT分析
16.Analysis of Motivation of Soccer Fans in Key Cities Watching Soccer Games;足球重点城市球迷观赛动机分析研究
17.Chracteristics Analysis of Technology Innovation Based on Key Enterprises in Henan Province;河南省重点企业技术创新的特征分析
18.Analysis on the construction system of key disciplines of policy guidance;政策导引下的重点学科建设制度分析

node importance analysis节点重要度分析
1.Combining with the methods of node importance analysis and clustering analysis,and take Guangdong province as the exampl.故从公路运输枢纽功能定位入手,尝试对省级区域公路运输枢纽进行层次划分,并综合节点重要度分析法和聚类分析法进行量化分析,最后结合广东省案例进行实证分析,可促使国家公路运输枢纽布局规划向纵深方向延伸和发展,促进国家和地方形成布局合理、层次清晰、协调发展的运输枢纽体系。
3)key domain analysis重点领域分析
4)HACCP(hazard analysis and critical control point principles)HACCP(危害分析重点控制)
5)nodal analysis节点分析
1.On the basis of actual conditions of a reservoir and the nodal analysis method, through numerical simulation, the conduit-flow dynamic-state is calculated.以R油藏建库为研究对象,采用节点分析方法,模拟计算管流动态。
2.Based on the research of different floating forms in injection system and recovery system,the paper introduces nodal analysis method to divide oilfield production system into five subsystems.在研究油田生产系统的各种流动形态的基础上,采用节点分析的方法,把油田生产系统分为5个相对独立的子系统,节点为2个相邻子系统的连接点,传递的是流量和压力2个动态参数。
6)characteristic analysis特点分析
1.Depression research and its characteristic analysis in patients with acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding急性上消化道出血患者抑郁调查及特点分析
