人身事故,personal injury caused by accident
1)personal injury caused by accident人身事故
2)fatal accident人身事故,死亡事故
3)personal injury accident人身损害事故
1.On the legal liabilities of the university for the personal injury accident of students;高校学生人身损害事故的法律责任
4)personal injury accident人身伤害事故
1.The causes of personal injury accident during police P E exercises are various, and it s legal liability must be conretely analysed,but not generally attributed to school,teachers or students.警体课发生人身伤害事故的原因是多种多样的 ,不能笼统地归咎于学校、教师或学生。

1.The University Student Hurt Accident s Disposal Principle and Prevent Countermeasure;高校学生人身伤害事故的处理与防范
2.Humble Opinion on Responsibility Undertaking for the Physical Injury Accident to College Students大学生人身伤害事故责任承担之管见
3.The Civil Liability of the Primary and Middle School in Campus Personal Injury Accidents;中小学校园人身伤害事故中的学校民事责任
4.On the Civil Responsibility of School in Personal Injury Accidents of Middle and Primary School;中小学生人身伤害事故中学校的民事责任
5.Which is the key to solve and deal with the accidents.这是解决和处理学生人身伤害事故的关键。
6.Investigation on Infant Injury Accident in Kingdergarten;入园幼儿人身伤害事故现状调查与对策思考
7.On the Performance Obligation of Universities and Colleges in Students' Personal Injuries学生人身伤害事故中高校作为义务研究
8.Analysis on Personal Injury Accident in Metalworking Shop of Panzhihua Iron and Steel(Group) Company攀钢(集团)机制公司金工车间人身伤害事故分析
9.The Conditions of Liability and the Reasons for Immunity of Personal Injury Accidents in Primary and Middle School of America;美国中小学生人身伤害事故归责要件及免责事由
10.Reflections on the Settlement of Personal Injuries to Primary and Middle School Students;关于中小学校学生人身伤害事故处理的法律思考
11.On Giving Testimony Liability in School Injury Incidents--Based on Injury Incidents of Students without Capacities for Civil Act;论学校事故中举证责任的分配——以无民事行为能力学生人身伤害事故为视角
12.Covers legal expense and compensation as a result of accidental injury or damage to property of the third party.赔偿因以外事故导致他人身体伤害或财产损失。
13.On the Compensation for Damages with the Result of Death or Injure in Road Traffic Accident;道路交通事故致人身伤亡之损害赔偿研究
14.Amount insured for Mortal Remains Handling: In the event of the decease of the insured from any accidental injury or acute disease,遗体处理保险金: 被保险人遭受意外伤害事故或突发急性病身故,
15.Discussion on Liability and Exemption of Compensation for Damage in Transit from a Metro Personal Injury Accident;从一起地铁人身伤亡事故谈城轨交通损害赔偿责任与免责
16.We protect them from some people and from accidents.我们保护它们免遭人们和事故的伤害。
17.The Discussion of the Medical Malpractice Treatment of Fetal Personal Interest Damage胎儿人身利益损害医疗事故处理初探
18.On the Construction of Damages Mechanism of the Injured in Industrial Accidents;试论工伤事故受害人损害补偿机制之构建

fatal accident人身事故,死亡事故
3)personal injury accident人身损害事故
1.On the legal liabilities of the university for the personal injury accident of students;高校学生人身损害事故的法律责任
4)personal injury accident人身伤害事故
1.The causes of personal injury accident during police P E exercises are various, and it s legal liability must be conretely analysed,but not generally attributed to school,teachers or students.警体课发生人身伤害事故的原因是多种多样的 ,不能笼统地归咎于学校、教师或学生。
5)accidents happening to the college students大学生人身伤害事故
6)infant injury accident幼儿人身伤害事故
1.On the base of spot check and talk in 65 kindergartens of Zhejiang Province,the article analyzes actuality,reason and resolving of infant injury accident.对浙江某地区65所幼儿园的抽样调查表明,当前入园幼儿人身伤害事故的发生率较高,①其原因是多方面的,涉及到幼儿园、幼儿、家长、管理部门等多个层面。

人身【人身】 (术语)人界之生也。梵网经序曰:“一失人身,万劫不复。”涅槃经二十三曰:“人身难得,如优昙花。”