抓重点,stress the essentials
1)stress the essentials抓重点

1.skipped the details to get to the main point."舍细节,抓重点."
2.Constructing Major Laboratory, Promoting the Development of Discipline and Making Efforts in Public Security Education of Yunnan;抓重点实验室建设 促重点学科发展 努力办好云南公安本科教育
3.A bull should be taken by his horns, a man by his words.逮牛应逮牛角,抓人宜抓话柄,做事要抓住重点。
4.Improving the Work in Six Key Aspects“十五”期间将重点抓好六方面工作
5.Paying great attention to the key links and promoting the new development of economy in Xinyu;抓住重点环节 推动新余经济新发展
6.Grasp the Working Emphasis and Improve Psychological Health Education;抓住工作重点环节 搞好心理健康教育
7.Several Important Problems of Doing Well in Chief Inspectors Job;做好总监工作应抓好的几个重点问题
8.Seize the Opportunity,Highlight the Priorities,and Speed up Development;抓住机遇 突出重点 加快发展
9.Getting Hold of Key Management Points and Putting Emphases on Constructional Organization Design;把握项目管理重点,抓好施工组织设计
10.Grasp the Key and Emphasis; Promote Quality Education in an All-round Way;抓住关键 把握重点 整体推进素质教育
11.Measures about “2 Focus” for Key Communications Project Construction;交通重点工程建设中“两手抓”的措施
12.Non-major Colleges and Universities Coming to Grips with the Administrative Reform;非重点高校应抓紧进行管理机构改革
13.In Hailar City the focus has been placed on rectifying the problem of low work efficiency.在海拉尔市,重点抓了办事效率低的整顿问题。
14.Continuous attention will be paid to the pollution control in key river valleys, regions and sea areas.继续抓好重点流域、区域、海域的污染治理。
15.At present the key links arethree essential markets which require immediate fostering and improvement.当前的重点是抓好三大要素市场的培育和建设。
16.Increasing technological applications in Olympic projects ?抓好重点项目,强化科技项目与工程项目的结合。
17.Ministry of Health Concern Food Safety卫生部主抓四大工作 强调食品安全五个重点
18.Pioneer Ideas and Hold Key Points to Promote the Innovation of Adult Education Positively;开拓思路抓住重点 积极促进成教工作创新

Grasp Keystone抓住重点
1.Grasp Keystones to Achieve Success with Half Efforts——A New Approach to Solve Trade Surplus of our Country;为了找到近两年我国贸易顺差激增的原因,本文分析了2005—2006年我国贸易顺差的地区构成、贸易主体构成、贸易方式构成、产品类别构成和国别(地区)构成,并比较主要顺差省份的情况,最后就解决我国顺差激增的问题提出要抓住重点——抓重点省份、重点产品、重点贸易主体、重点国别,从而起到事半功倍的作用。
3)To the point, please.抓重点的说。
4)grab-point style抓点式
5)to catch the main points抓要点
6)grab handles抓取控点
