不同风速,different wind
1)different wind不同风速
1.The large eddy simulation(LES) technology was used to simulate the fire whirl under different wind speed.基于大涡模拟(LES)技术,对不同风速下的火旋风进行数值模拟。

1.Influence of Different Air Pressure,Wind Speed and Symmetry on Floating Serves;不同气压、不同风速及对称性对排球飘球的影响
2.Numerical Computation and Characteristic Analysis of Fire Whirl under Different Wind Speed基于不同风速下火旋风的数值计算及特性分析
3.Analysis of pumped-storage hydro using wind power with different probability distribution parameters of wind speed不同风速概率分布参数下的风力抽水储能分析
4.Effects of different wing speeds and symmetry on volleyball floating distances;不同风速及对称性对排球飘晃距离的影响
5.Distribution of Extreme Wind Research in Chongqing District and the Analysis of Along-wind Effects on High-rise Building of Various Wind Speed Spectral;重庆地区风速极值分布研究及不同风速谱下高层建筑顺风效应分析
6.The Characteristics of Wind Speed Variation at Different Altitudes of Boundary Layer in Hebei Province河北地区边界层内不同高度风速变化特征
7.We discovered three possible ways to reduce the gustiness and speed of the wind in the stadium.我们找到了三种不同的方式来降低球场大风的阵发次数和风速。
8.The customs and habits of people differ in each locality百里不同风,千里不同俗
9.Field Observation of Dust Threshold Friction Velocity on Different Types on Farmland Surfaces不同类型农田地表粉尘起动摩阻风速的野外观测
10.Against a head wind you made very little headway.逆风而行,速度不快。
11.Axial flow type and ballistic type. The speed of impeller depends on the speed of wind.叶轮有两种:轴流式、冲击式。叶轮受到大小不同的风力就有不同的转速。
12.The speed of a train differ greatly from the speed of an airplane.火车的速度与飞机的速度大不相同。
13.The imported frequency control of motor speed adapts to different printing speeds.进口变频电机调速,适应不同印刷速度。
14.Influence of Gravity,Coriolis Force and Different Levels of Wind Speed on the Flight Trajectory of Bullets During Shooting Competitions重力、科里奥利力和不同等级风速对射击比赛中子弹飞行轨迹的影响
15.The velocity of agricultural product expo rtation has dropped, the costs of exportation enterprises enhance unceasingly, a nd the risk of exportation enlarges.农产品出口速度同比出现较大幅度下降,出口企业成本不断提高,出口风险加大。
16.Different woodblock print makers had different artistic styles;不同作者有互不相同的艺术风格。
17.In different parts of the country we eat different foods.我们不同的地区吃不同风味的饭菜,
18."As popular saying goes, "lifestyle a thousand li away is different, while customs differ beyond a hundred li"俗语说"千里不同风,百里不同俗",

different spinning speed不同纺速
4)Different running speeds不同跑速
5)different specific speed不同比转速
6)different inflow risks不同来水风险
