安全发展观,safety development concept
1)safety development concept安全发展观
1.Philosophical connotation of safety development concept is discussed from the scientific development concept perspective: dialectical unification relation of safety and interest,the building of correct safety interest concept for workers,enterpriser and safety supervisor;overall planning of the socio-technical system,the industry and the safety factors of staff,machines,environment and management.从科学发展观的理论视角出发,论述安全发展观的哲学内涵:辩证统一的安全利益关系,工人、企业责任人和安全监督人员等不同安全主体应树立正确的安全利益观;统筹安全社会技术系统,统筹不同安全行业,统筹人员、机械设备、环境和管理等安全要素;安全发展观的贯彻落实依靠安全可持续;建议树立全面、协调、可持续的安全发展观

1.Hold safe development view, to build coal industry into a safe industry;树立安全发展观 把煤炭行业建设成为一个安全的行业
2.Insist on the Viewpoint of Scientific Development,Realize Secure Development;坚持科学发展观 实现“安全发展”
3.Economic Security vs Peaceful Development--An Analysis of Japanese Views on Security and Development;经济安全与和平发展——评析日本的安全观与发展观
4.Changes and Developments of China s National Security Concern Since the Establishment of People s Republic of China;建国后中国国家安全观的变化和发展
5.Persistin Outlook of Science Develo-pment Creating Safety Production Environment;坚持科学发展观 创造安全生产环境
6.Renewing Safe Cultural Idea and Allover Carrying Out Scientific Development Concept;更新安全文化理念,全面落实科学发展观
7.Research of Safety Concept Formation and Development Based on Change of China's Mining and Safety Technology基于我国采矿及安全防护技术变革的安全观的形成与发展研究
8.Explain content and outreach of public security by scientific development concept以科学发展观解析公共安全之内涵和外延
9.Ensuring the Safety and Stability of College and University Campus with Scientific Development View;坚持科学发展观,确保高校校园安全稳定
10.The Guidance of Deng Xiaoping s Theory on Development to National Security Strategy;论邓小平发展观对我国安全战略的指导作用
11.Ecology Safe Concept in Sustainable Development--Hunshandake As An Instance;可持续发展的生态安全观——以浑善达克沙地为例
12.Applying Scientific Development Viewpoint to Found National Forestry Ecological Safety;运用科学发展观 创建国家林业生态安全
13.Deng Xiaoping s "Only Development Counts" Principle and National Safety;邓小平“发展才是硬道理”的思想与国家安全观
14.The scientific concept of development work and security浅谈消防部队安全工作中的科学发展观理念
15.Persist in Giving Fundamental Consideration to the People's Interests and Create the Safety Culture of Enterprise with Scientific Concept of Development以科学发展观为指导 努力创建企业安全文化
16.Guiding enterprise's safety management innovation stick with scientific development concept坚持以科学发展观指导企业安全管理创新
17.Discussion on the safety management of ferries and ferry terminals under the guidance of the Scientific Development Concept以科学发展观引领渡口渡船安全管理的思考
18.Studying and Implementing Scientific Outlook on Development to Promote Safe and Healthy Development of Coal Industry in Hunan Province深入学习实践科学发展观 推动湖南煤炭工业安全健康发展

Scientific Development Viewpoint of Biosafety生物安全科学发展观
3)safe development安全发展
1.On the Important Political Significance of the Safe Development;论安全发展的重大政治意义
2.Pronging perspective of safe culture,system culture and behavior culture through the whole work of safe culture construction to make It possible that the idea of safe culture sinks deep into the hearts of people and realize the objection of safe development and scientifically development.安全发展是政府管理的重要职责。
4)safety development安全发展
1.Only by realizing safety development can laborers' life safety earnestly safeguard,society harmoniously develop,and economy develop.“安全发展”体现了科学发展观“以人为本”的本质特征。
2.New concept of safety development has established by Chinese government, new ideas should be created for maritime traffic safety management.党和国家在科学发展观的基础上提出了创新的“安全发展”观念,落实到水上交通安全工作上,首先是水上交通安全观念的创新。
5)security development安全发展
1.Setting up security culture and promoting security development;建设安全文化 推进安全发展
6)development safety发展安全
