问题隐患,Hidden Problems
1)Hidden Problems问题隐患
2)potential problems隐患问题
1.However,it has caused some potential problems of supporting construction.近年来,随着城市化建设进程的加快,小区配套幼儿园的数量迅速递增,然而数量猛增的同时伴随着配套建设隐患问题的滋长。
2.The statistic analysis indicates that potential problems exist in the education of immigrates in Chongqing Three Gorges Reservoir rural area with regards to popularization .对重庆三峡库区学生、教师、家长进行了抽样调查,结果表明,重庆三峡库区农村移民教育在教育的普及性、环境的适应性以及发展的可持续性方面均存在隐患问题,这些隐患问题严重制约着库区农村移民教育的发展,希望有关部门能重视这些问题并采取相应的措施。

1.was established to study the public health risks,它们的成立专门研究大众健康隐患问题
2.The Speaker is said with cited refueling and safety concerns.该发言人说其为了飞机加油和安全隐患问题
3.Residential Landscape Design Potential Safety Problems in the Study;居住区景观设计中安全隐患问题的研究
4.A Study of Potential Problems in the Education of Immigrates in Chongqing Three Gorges Reservoir Rural Areas;重庆三峡库区农村移民教育隐患问题研究
5.Detective techniques and problems of hidden troubles of dams and dikes in China我国堤坝隐患探测技术及面临的问题与建议
6.hidden perils exist due to the lack of concrete measures to tackle the Y2K problem in the embedded application systems;对嵌入式应用系统存在的问题解决措施不够具体,存在隐患;
7.It is a big problem to environment safety for glass act wall exploding itself.幕墙玻璃自暴问题,是对运用幕墙玻璃建筑物周围构成环境安全隐患的大问题。
8.identifying implicit two time scale problem识别隐含双时标问题
9.Vibration of low-head radial gate is a very complex that has become a hidden problem affecting the safety operation of water project.低水头弧形闸门振动是一个非常复杂的问题,是影响工程安全运行的一大隐患。
10.However, water projects in China still have such problems as low standards for flood control systems, poor anti-seepage capacity of embankments, and many potential risks. There is still a long way to go.我国水利工程还存在防洪体系标准低、堤身防渗差、隐患多等问题,今后的建设任务还很艰巨。
11.China has been puzzled by this problem all along, which becomes a great hidden danger threatening economy to develop healthily .长期以来,这一问题也困扰着我国,成为威胁我国国民经济持续、健康发展的重大隐患。
12.Also, in tackling financial risks, the government spent a considerable amount of money ironing out troubles caused by old debts that were adversely affecting the interests of the masses.在化解金融风险隐患过程中,国家拿出相当大的财力,解决与群众个人利益相关的遗留债务问题。
13.Finally the mechanism of intuition and incubation effect was illustrated.创造性问题的解决离不开内隐认知和隐性知识。
14.On the Different Protection of Sensitive Privacy and General Privacy;敏感隐私与一般隐私区别保护问题探析
15.Towards the Truth of Metaphor--The cardinal problems of Ricoeur's philosophy on metaphor走向隐喻的真理——利科隐喻哲学的基本问题
16.Random Vector F-implicit Complementary Problems and Generalized Variational Inclusion's Problems随机向量F-隐相补问题和广义的变分包含问题
17.A greater concern in the long term is privacy.还有一个令人关注的长远问题——隐私。
18.I distrust online purchase because of lack of instant communication.我不信任网上购物,因为担心私隐问题。

potential problems隐患问题
1.However,it has caused some potential problems of supporting construction.近年来,随着城市化建设进程的加快,小区配套幼儿园的数量迅速递增,然而数量猛增的同时伴随着配套建设隐患问题的滋长。
2.The statistic analysis indicates that potential problems exist in the education of immigrates in Chongqing Three Gorges Reservoir rural area with regards to popularization .对重庆三峡库区学生、教师、家长进行了抽样调查,结果表明,重庆三峡库区农村移民教育在教育的普及性、环境的适应性以及发展的可持续性方面均存在隐患问题,这些隐患问题严重制约着库区农村移民教育的发展,希望有关部门能重视这些问题并采取相应的措施。
3)nurse-patient problems护患问题
4)privacy problem隐私问题
5)Implicit complementarity problem隐补问题
1.The purpose of this paper is to prove the existence theorems of solutions for the implicit complementarity problems in Banach spaces.本文在Banach空间中证明了隐补问题解的存在性定理。
6)Implied and concerned problem隐忧问题
