内生性安全目标,endogenous security goals
1)endogenous security goals内生性安全目标
2)qualitative safety goal定性安全目标
3)safety goal安全目标
1.It elaborates the installation of bridges,arch bridge dismantling technology and protective measures and gets the conclusion that this bridge achieves the expected safety goal,which accumulates construction experience for highway overpass railway bridge.结合具体工程实例,通过对施工难点的分析,提出了公跨铁桥梁安装及拱桥拆除的方案,详细介绍了该桥梁安装及拱桥拆除施工技术及防护措施,得出了该桥达到预期安全目标的结论,积累了公跨铁立交桥施工经验。
2.A set of framework on nuclear safety is established from basic concept of safety,and a integrated evaluation on safety level of evolutional second generation nuclear power plant is conducted in conjunction with history of nuclear power and nuclear safety,deterministic safety approach,probabilistic safety approach,safety goal,etc.从安全的基本概念出发,建立了一套有关核安全问题的框架,并结合核电和核安全的历史、确定论安全评价方法、概率论安全评价方法、安全目标等方面,对第二代改进型核电厂的安全水平给出了一个综合评估。

2.The study and improvement of control in airline safety target航空公司安全目标控制的研究与改进
3.On a Price-Open Grains Market for Ensuring a Long-term Encouraging Mechanism;全面放开粮食购销市场与实现粮食安全目标
4.Study on Utilization and Management of Agricultural Water Resources Based on Ecological and Gricultural Security基于生态安全与农业安全目标下的农业水资源利用与管理研究
5.The Road Traffic Safety Goal Management System Research of Shandong Province;山东省道路运输安全目标管理系统研究
6.Research on the Best Way of Grain Reserves under Our Grain-Security System;我国粮食安全目标体系下的最优粮食储备研究
7.Such legitimate objectives are, inter alia: national security requirements;此类合法目标特别包括:国家安全要求;
8."You can choose the target folder location for a security group."可以为安全组选择目标文件夹位置。
9.Items and Standards to Collect Fares for the River and Sea Safety Superintendence水上安全监督收费项目及标准
10.A starting point, safety area, or goal.起点,目标出发点,安全场地或终点
11.Wear facemask and protective goggles that accord with safety standard.使用符合安全标准的护面罩及护目镜。
12.Goal: Stability, Scalability, Performance and Security.目标:稳定性,可扩展性,性能和安全。
13.Aim Orientation about Foodstuff Safety and Countermeasures in Jiangsu Province;江苏粮食安全问题的目标定位与对策
14.On Object Management in the Safe Operation of Ropeways;论目标管理在索道安全运行中的应用
15.Safety Pearl River Delta development target's important dimensionality安全——珠三角发展目标的重要维度
16.Research on Safety Ratio Model of Target Group in Air Defense Combat要地防空作战中目标安全率模型研究
17.food security: The availability of adequate food supplies for a target population.食物安全,粮食安全:指对目标人口具有足够的粮食供应。
18.Failed to set Security on the Destination Profile. Error -未能在目标配置文件上设置安全性。错误 -

qualitative safety goal定性安全目标
3)safety goal安全目标
1.It elaborates the installation of bridges,arch bridge dismantling technology and protective measures and gets the conclusion that this bridge achieves the expected safety goal,which accumulates construction experience for highway overpass railway bridge.结合具体工程实例,通过对施工难点的分析,提出了公跨铁桥梁安装及拱桥拆除的方案,详细介绍了该桥梁安装及拱桥拆除施工技术及防护措施,得出了该桥达到预期安全目标的结论,积累了公跨铁立交桥施工经验。
2.A set of framework on nuclear safety is established from basic concept of safety,and a integrated evaluation on safety level of evolutional second generation nuclear power plant is conducted in conjunction with history of nuclear power and nuclear safety,deterministic safety approach,probabilistic safety approach,safety goal,etc.从安全的基本概念出发,建立了一套有关核安全问题的框架,并结合核电和核安全的历史、确定论安全评价方法、概率论安全评价方法、安全目标等方面,对第二代改进型核电厂的安全水平给出了一个综合评估。
4)security objective安全目标
1.Analysis on security objectives of business process elements;业务过程元素安全目标分析方法
5)safety aim安全目标
1.Corporation safety aim management and effectiveness evaluation;企业安全目标管理及其绩效评价
6)Security target安全目标
