1.Effectiveness analysis based on principal-agent model for BOT scheme;基于委托-代理模型BOT模式的有效性分析
2.Principal-agent Model for Multi-agent Cooperation;Multi-agent合作的委托-代理模型
3.Cooperation among enterprises of supply chain based on theory of principal-agent;基于委托-代理理论的供应链企业间合作关系
1.Supply Chain Management Research with Principal-Agent Theory;基于委托-代理理论的供应链管理研究
2.per procuration代理委托书凭委托书
3.letter of delegation代理委托收款委托书
4.One who acts as a deputy or a proxy.代理做代理或委托的人
5.An entrusted agent shall exercise the power of agency as entrusted by the principal;委托代理人按照被代理人的委托行使代理权
6.when the principal rescinds the entrustment or the agent declines the entrustment被代理人取消委托或者代理人辞去委托;
7.Multi-task Based Principal-agent Analysis for Engineering Supervision;基于多任务委托的工程监理委托—代理分析
8.Motivating Model Construction of the Payment Term of Project Audit Based on the Theory of Agency and Game Theory委托代理理论下工程委托审计付费激励模式
9.Research on the Agency Problem of Listed Companies: Evidence from Entrusted Investment从委托理财收益率看上市公司委托代理问题
10.The Analysis on Principal-Agent Theory in Distribution System with Multi-Principal and the Cooperation between Principals;分销系统中多委托人及委托人可能合作的委托代理问题
11.Discussion on the Relation between the Commission and the Agency in the Public Commission Duty in Our Country;我国公共委托责任中委托代理关系探讨
12.Study on Risk Management of Agent Construction Based on the Principal-Agent Theory;基于委托——代理理论的代建制风险管理
13.On the Principal-Agent Theory and Export & Import Agency Systems;委托人-代理人理论与外贸代理制研究
14.Thinking of the Problem of Principal & Agent in China s Foreign Trade Agency System;中国外贸代理制的委托代理问题思考
15.The Principal-agent Theory of Modern Enterprises and Market Mechanisms;现代企业的委托代理理论和市场机制
16.Study on Principal-agent Relationship between Developers and Agents;开发商与代理商的委托代理关系研究
17.The analysis of agency risk in agency-principal system of the state-owned enterprises based on the game theory;国企委托代理中代理风险的博弈分析
18."Agency shall include entrusted agency, statutory agency and appointed agency."代理包括委托代理、法定代理和指定代理。
1.Hierarchical boundary and incentive mechanismbased on principle-agent theory;基于委托-代理的科层边界及激励机制研究
2.Use principle-agent theory to analyze the principle-agent problems andcharacters presented in China s insurance companies deeply.本文利用委托-代理理论对我国保险业委托-代理的特点和现有的问题进行了比较深入地分析。
1.The Theory of Principal-Agency and the Construction of the Motivation Mechanism of the Managers in State-owned Enterprises;委托-代理理论与国有企业经营者激励制度的构建
2.The university governance is a series of systems including the principal arrangement,principal-agency arrangement and agency arrangement that stipulate behavior of each benefits corpus.然后,具体从委托人制度安排、委托-代理制度安排和代理人制度安排三个方面分析了治理制度对我国高校效率的作用机理。
4)principal-agent theory委托-代理
1.This paper discusses under the framework of principal-agent theory the mechanism and principles how we can reduce agent cost and eliminate ratchet effect by introducing the relative performance evaluation into the incentive contract.在商业银行分行行长与上级考核者之间存在着信息不对称的问题,分行行长具有信息优势,而上级考核者相对处于信息劣势;信息不对称导致了代理成本和棘轮效应的产生;本文在委托-代理理论的框架下探讨了如何将相对业绩比较引入商业银行分行行长激励合约从而降低代理成本、消除棘轮效应的作用机制和原理。
5)principal agent委托-代理
1.Analysis on the format of principal-agent between the nation and the public hospitals;我国政府对国有医院管理的委托代理结构分析
2.Analysis on contract under agent-construction system based on principal-agent theory;基于委托代理理论的代建制模式契约分析
3.Selection strategy of private enterprises agent based on the model of principal-agent;基于委托代理模型的民营企业代理人选择策略
委托检验委托检验 委托检验商检机构及其指定的检验机构,根据委托申请人的申请或者外国检验机构的委托,对进出口商品或者其他商品的品质、规格、等级、数量、重量以及有无掺假伪劣有关的项目进行检验、鉴定的一种民事行为。中国规定,申请人申请委托检验,应填写“委托检验申请单”,提供合同、信用证以及有关的其他单证,并应指定或提供有关的检验依据和检验方法。商检机构对接受送样委托检验签发的“委托检验结果单”,其检验结果只对所检测的样品负责,仅供申请人了解商品品质情况,不能用作对外成交或者索赔依据等其他用途。国外委托人委托商检机构对进出口商品进行检验,应当按照鉴定业务的规定要求办理申请,提供有关的函电或者资料,并经双方确认后方可办理。国家商检局和商检机构根据检验工作需要,可以认可符合条件的国内外检验机构承担委托的进出口商品检验。