1.The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in China's Good Industry: A Panel Data Analysis;外商直接投资我国食品产业的决定因素分析——基于面板数据的实证考察
2.Research on the determinants of top management executive compensation;高层管理人员报酬决定因素研究综述
3.Empirical Analysis on the Determinants of Chinese Reversal FDI;中国逆向型FDI决定因素的实证分析

1.economic determinants of fertility生育率的经济决定因素
2.A final settlement or reckoning.决定因素最终的解决或结帐
3.Cadres are decisive factors, once a political line is decided upon.政治路线确定之后,干部就是决定因素
4.The Decisive Factor of Negtive Scope in Chinese Singular-Topic Paratactic Sentences;同一话题流水句否定辖域的决定因素
5.On the Determinants of Audit Pricing and Their Mutual Relationship审计定价决定因素及其相互关系研究
6.Added value for the customer shall be a key determinant in all Company decisions.让客户满意将是公司所有决策的主要决定因素
7.We are strongly of the opinion that price is not the only determinant of business.我们坚决认为价格不是交易的惟一的决定因素
8.In other words, the quality of the candidates was the decisive factor.换言之,人才是最后的决定因素
9.The success of the meeting pivots on more than one factor.这次会议能否成功,决定因素不只一个。
10.The decisive factor for Japan's surrender is the entry of the Soviet Union into the war.日本投降的决定因素是苏联参战。
11.Cost can be a deciding factor.价格恐怕是一个决定因素
12.codeterminants of price价格决定的共同因素
13.the factors that influenced my decision影响我做出决定的因素
14.exogenized exchange rate外在因素决定的汇率
15.endogenised exchange rate内在因素决定的汇率
16.a crucial decision, issue, factor关键性的决定、 问题、 因素
17.That depends on internal and international factors.这决定于国内的因素和国际的因素。
18.Serving to put an end to doubt, question, or uncertainty; decisive.决定性的对疑问、难题或不定因素具有决定意义的;决定性的

1.The Real Exchange Rate of RMB Determinant and Its Misalignment Empirical Study;人民币实际汇率决定因素及其失衡度实证研究
2.Experimental research on determinants of customer loyalty;客户忠诚决定因素实证研究
3.An Empirical Research on the Determinants of China s Foreign Direct Investment;我国对外直接投资决定因素的实证研究
3)decisive factors决定因素
1.The analysis indicates that the transporting force of sand-storm activity and matter in sand dust source area are the decisive factors of sand storm activity.分析表明,沙尘暴活动的搬运动力和沙尘来源区物质所处状态是沙尘暴活动与否的决定因素
2.Using the FDI data of Henan Province from 1985 to 2007,in virtue of the empirical result of the choice of "the best investment cities in Henan " through public appraisal,the author analyses the decisive factors of Henan province attracting FDI:geographic location and natural resources,infrastructure,economic development environment and industrial cl.本文利用河南省1985年至2007年FDI的数据表明了这一趋势,并借助于"河南最佳投资城市"推介评选活动的实证结果分析了河南吸引外商直接投资的决定因素:区位和自然资源、基础设施和经济发展环境、以及产业集群等。
3.It is imperative for the recognition about administrative competence to make certain of decisive factors at present in China.搞清楚我国现阶段行政权力范围的决定因素有哪些 ,这对于正确认识行政权力范围是十分必要的。
4)decisive factor决定因素
1.Analyses decisive factor and direct effect of extreme nature for feedback.文章用方框图明确了输入信号、反馈信号等概念 ,分析了反馈极性的决定因素和直接效果 ,改进了传统的“瞬时极性法”。
2.The article applies China\'s FDI data on the statistical table concerning 12 major countries and regions from 1990 to 2006,and analyzes the decisive factors in their FDI in China by the Gravity Model.利用中国与对中直接投资12个主要国家(地区)的1990年至2006年的面板数据,通过重力模型实证分析对中直接投资的决定因素
5)determining factors决定因素
1.Based on the difference between pre-spread and post-spread,the paper comprehensively analyzes the determining factors of interest spreads,and makes an international comparison about the issue.在将利差分为事前利差和事后利差的基础上,本文全面分析了利差的决定因素,包括银行自身的因素、存贷款客户的因素和金融市场环境的因素等,并对中国银行业与世界不同国家和地区银行业的存贷款利差进行了比较。
2.This article analyzes the determining factors affecting the high-speed increase of China s life insurance with the help of time series model and cross section data model.利用一个时间序列模型和一个横截面数据模型综合分析了我国寿险业高速增长的决定因素
6)determinant factor决定因素

决定【决定】 (术语)谓事定而无动也。无量寿经上曰:“决定必成无上正觉。”胜鬘经宝窟上末曰:“决定谓信也。”