1.Putin's Petroleum Strategy in Russia and Our Countermeasures;普京的俄罗斯石油战略及我国应采取的对策
2.Brief analysis on the Characteristics of Russian Energy Diplomacy under Putin s Government;浅析普京执政期俄罗斯能源外交的特点

1.Putin remained virtually untouched by the allegations.普京却未受到任何牵连。
2.Medvedev-Putin Combination and the Continuity of Putin s Overall Strategy of Managing State Affairs;“梅普组合”及普京治国方略的连续性
3.The only person in the book who does not heap praise on the president is Putin himself, who is characteristically humble.书中唯一没有赞扬普京的人是普京自己,而这恰恰显示了普京谦虚的品质。
4.Russian journalist Oleg Blotsky holds his book entitled "Vladimir Putin: Life Story" during a news conference in Moscow, January 21, 2002.这就是《弗拉基米尔·普京:生活的故事》中所描述的俄罗斯总统普京
5.But Mr. Putin wanted an official and legal treaty.不过普京总统希望一个正式合法协议。
6.Putin was elected new president of Russia on March 27.普京3月27日当选为俄罗斯新总统。
7.Putin was named deputy mayor in his administration.普京被任命为索行政班子的副市长。
8.Political news is dominated by flattering coverage of Mr Putin's day.政治新闻里充斥着对普京的谄媚之辞。
9.VIP of The Time: Vladimir Putin风云人物:弗拉基米尔?普京
10.Putin's work in East Germany was precipitously drawing to a close.普京在前东德的工作也突然宣告结束。
11.As a young boy, he began studying martial arts,从孩提时代起,普京就开始学习武术,
12.Since inauguration President Putin has initiated a grand dipiomatic adjustment.普京就任俄总统后进行了外交大调整。
13.There was the matter of an alleged assassination plot within Iran, for example.据称在伊朗会有对普京的暗杀企图。
14.Mr Putin, his partner and patron, is due to leave office in 2008.他的伙伴和资助人普京2008年将离任。
15.Russial's Energy Strategy and Diplomacy under Vladimir Putin;普京领导下的俄罗斯能源战略与外交
16.Analyse Las Putin from the Angle of Ecological Criticism;从生态批评的角度重新解读拉斯普京
17.The Idea of Eastern Orthodoxy s Saving World in Raspukin s Composition;拉斯普京创作中的“东正教救世”意识
18.The Way Putin Deals with the Russo-German Historical and Present Relations;普京处理俄德历史与现实关系的做法

1.I.Progogine and Dissipative Structure Theory;普里高京与耗散结构理论
1.The Basis of Science and Technology in Russia and The Scientific and Technological Policy of Pujing Government;俄罗斯国家科技基础与普京政府科技政策价值取向
4)Putin Administration普京政权
1.A General Review of the Putin Administration:Traits,Pros and Cons;普京政权8年总评价:特征与得失
1.Crying in Agony:On Rasputin s Ivan s Daughter, Ivan s Mother;忧愤中的呐喊——论拉斯普京的中篇小说《伊万的女儿,伊万的母亲》
2.Rasputin's Religious Redemption Consciousness in Eco-literary Writing拉斯普京生态文学创作中的宗教救赎意识
3.This paper deals with Rasputin s novels--《A farewell to Matyora》,《Thefire》and《The last term》, deciphers the ecological consciousness in the works and explores the ecological creation characteristics of the novels: religious redemption can save ecological crisis; tragedies warn ecological crisis and loss of the soul; returning t.本文以拉斯普京的小说《告别马焦拉》、《火灾》和《最后的期限》为研究对象,解读作品中的生态意识,深刻挖掘小说里的生态创作特点:宗教救赎拯救生态危机、道德悲剧警示生态危机和心灵失落、伦理回归昭示生命的希望。
6)Vladimir Putin普京时代

拉斯普京,В.Г.  苏联俄罗斯作家。生于西伯利亚的农民家庭。1959年毕业于伊尔库次克大学文史系。曾在伊尔库次克和克拉斯诺亚尔斯克青年报社任编辑。1961年在西伯利亚的文艺集刊《安加拉河》上首次发表短篇小说《我忘了问廖什卡》。1966年出版短篇小说特写集《远在天边》和《新城篝火》。作品大多以西伯利亚农村生活为题材,心理描写细腻,笔调清新,富于抒情色彩和哲理性。他的成名作《玛丽娅借钱》(1967)写主人公奔走借钱而到处碰壁,反映了现实生活中人与人之间冷漠无情的关系。1974年发表的中篇小说《活着,可要记住》,通过一个农村妇女由于丈夫从部队开小差回来而引起的复杂内心活动,探讨一个人"活着是为什么"的问题,引起普遍注意和好评,获1977年度苏联国家奖金。其他作品还有中篇小说《最后的期限》(1970)、《别了,马乔拉村》(1976)等。