经营绩效,Operating performance
1)Operating performance经营绩效
1.Ownership Concentration,Outside Blockholders,and Operating Performance:Evidence from China s Listed Companies;股权集中度和股权制衡及其对公司经营绩效的影响
2.The Relationship between Characters of the Board and Firm Operating Performance:Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Private Companies;董事会特征与公司经营绩效的关系——基于中国民营上市公司的经验证据
3.An Empirical Analysis on Capital Structure and Operating Performance of Chinese Listed Companies in Household Appliance Industry;我国家电行业上市公司资本结构与经营绩效的实证研究

1.The Innovation of Performance Measurement System Based on BSC;基于经营绩效评价表的经营绩效评价体系
2.An Effective Approach to Improving Companies Management--ABM;提高企业经营绩效的有效途径——ABM
3.Board Control, Chief Executive Officer Compensation, and Firm Performance董事会控制、经理报酬与公司经营绩效
4.The Analysis on the Relations between the Operators Shares Incentive and Company s Performance in the Chinese Listed Companies;上市公司经营者股权激励与经营绩效关系分析
5.Research on the China's Commercial Bank Performance Evaluation System;中国商业银行经营绩效评价体系研究
6.Research on Business and Performance of Life Insurance Companies Based on a DEA Approach;基于DEA方法的寿险公司经营绩效研究
7.Research on Three Pre-Management Mode of State-Owned Enterprises Operational Performance;国有企业经营绩效三预管理模式研究
8.Study on Corporate Governance and Corporate Performance of Listed Companies in Shandong Province;公司治理与企业经营绩效的关系研究
9.The Research on Performance of Commercial Banks of China Based on EVA;基于EVA的我国商业银行经营绩效研究
10.Apprisal of Chinese Commercial Banks Operation Performance Commprehensive Evaluation;我国商业银行经营绩效综合评价探讨
11.Study on Management Performance Assessing Index System of CIMCO;CIMCO公司经营绩效评估指标体系研究
12.Research in the System for Evaluating the Performance of Commercial Bank;对商业银行经营绩效评价体系的探讨
13.The Empirical Research on the Operation Performance of China s Urban Public Utilities;中国城市公用事业经营绩效实证研究
14.Research of Evaluation Method for the Performance of China s Commercial Banks;中国商业银行经营绩效评价方法研究
15.The Research on Measuring Systems on Enterprise Asset Operstion in China;我国企业资产经营绩效评价体系研究
16.A Study on Corporate Performance Flexible Evaluation Index System;企业经营绩效柔性评价指标体系研究
17.Discussion on the Commercial Bank Performance Index System Evaluation;商业银行经营绩效评价指标体系探讨
18.Managers Motivation, Control and Corporate Performance;经营者激励、经营者控制与公司绩效

1.Relationship between Capital Structure and Performance with Different Growth Opportunities;不同成长机会下资本结构与经营绩效之关系研究
2.On senior administrators ownership and performance in listed companies;上市公司高管持股与经营绩效——基于平行数据的实证研究
3.Corporate Internationalization and Firm Performance:An Empirical Study Based on Listed Companies of Manufacturing Industry;企业国际化与经营绩效:基于制造业上市公司的实证研究
3)corporate performance经营绩效
1.Equity Structure and Corporate Performance of Chinese Listed Companies;上市公司股权结构与经营绩效研究
2.An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Ownership Concentration and Corporate Performance of Agricultural Listed Companies;农业上市公司股权集中度与经营绩效关系的实证研究
3.Study on the Relevance of Listed Companies of Electricity, Gas and Water Supply between Board of Directors Governance and Corporate Performance;上市水电煤气类公司董事会治理与经营绩效的关系研究
4)management performance经营绩效
1.Empirical research on the relationship between diversification and management performance in listed company;上市公司多角化经营程度与经营绩效关系的实证研究
2.An Empirical Analysis on the Relationship Between Ownership Concentration and Management Performance of Listed Banks;我国上市银行股权集中度与经营绩效的实证分析
3.Empirical analysis of intellectual capital and commercial bank management performance知识资本与商业银行经营绩效的实证分析
5)operation performance经营绩效
1.The impact of venture capital on IPO timing and operation performance:Evidence from the HK GEM;风险投资、IPO时机与经营绩效——来自香港创业板的经验证据
2.Effect of working year on leader-member operation performance-Take E. Sun Bank as an example;年资对领导者与员工经营绩效的影响——以玉山银行为例
3.The Operation Performance of FDI in China from Singapore Enterprise;从FDI理论视角看新加坡企业对华直接投资的经营绩效
6)Business Performance经营绩效
1.An empirical analysis of relationship between SME capital structure and business performance based on the SME board中小企业资本结构与经营绩效关系研究——基于中小企业板的实证分析
2.Empirical Study on Business Performance of Chinese Banks Influenced by Foreign Banks Entrance外资银行进入影响中资银行经营绩效的实证分析
3.Fuzzy evaluation for business performance of power supply enterprises供电企业经营绩效的模糊评价法

电信业务经营许可证制度和经营申报制度电信业务经营许可证制度和经营申报制度  电信业务经营许可证制度和经营申报制度中国通信主管部门根据国家规定,对放开经营的电信业务实行经营许可证制度和经营申报制度实行经营许可证制度的电信业务有:无线电寻呼;80OMHZ集群电话;45OMHz无线电移动通信;国内VSAT(甚小天线地球站)通信;邮电部批准实行经营许可证制度的其他电信业务。实行经营申报制度的电信业务有:电话信息服务;计算机信息眼务;电子信箱;电子数据交换;可视图文;邮电部批准实行申报制度的其他电信业务。 申办经营许可证和申报批文的程序是:通信主管部门在收到全部申请材料后,按照经营电信业务的基本条件进行审核,对符合基本条件的单位进行综合评述,择优确定经营单位,核发经营许可证和申报批文,并分批向社会公布。电信业务经营许可证由邮电部统一印制。申办经营无线电通信业务的单位,须按照规定的审批权限到邮电部或当地邮电管理局申请办理经营许可证,并凭经营许可证到无线电管理部门申请使用频率,再到工商行政管理部门办理工商注册登记或经营范围变更手续。对实行经营许可证制度的电信业务,通信主管部门可根据通信资源及市场情况,确定发放经营许可证的数量或作出暂停审批的决定。