1.Strengthen Confidence of Rural People in New Cooperative Medical System;关于增强农民对新型农村合作医疗制度信心的思考
2.Give a Boost to Keep Forging Ahead of Students with Ideals,Arouse Students Confidence with Aim in Mind;理想激励进取,目标激发信心——数学系本科生考研之路研讨
3.Effect of supply chain confidence on supply chain management;供应链信心在供应链管理中的作用分析

1.Belief or confidence in the truth of something.信心,信任对某物真实性的信任或信心
2.Beneath her self-confident surface, she's quite unsure of herself.她看上去信心十足, 实际上很缺乏信心.
3.Confidence is not an innate endowment but a constant cultivation.没有天生的信心,只有不断培养的信心
4.Confidence,Trust and Prestige:Institution Capitals of Harmonious Society;信心、信任与信誉:和谐社会的制度资本
5.Small wonder that confidence languishes, for it thrives only on honesty, on honour the sacredness of our obligation, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance.难怪信心在减弱,信心,只有靠诚实、信誉、忠心维护和无私履行职责。
6."belief:The mental act, condition, or habit of placing trust or confidence in another."相信,信心:对别人怀有信任或信心的思想活动、状况或习惯。
7.The mental act, condition, or habit of placing trust or confidence in another.相信,信心对别人怀有信任或信心的思想活动、状况或习惯
8.He was doubtful of the outcome.他对于结果没有信心
9.I put no stock in that statement.我对那个说法没有信心
10.I have little confidence in him.我对他没有甚麽信心.
11.He's rather unsure of himself.他对自己没有什么信心.
12.To become disheartened or discouraged.泄气沮丧,失去信心
13."You have touching faith," she said.“你的信心真动人,”她说。
14.and made me feel more confident.使我对自己更加有信心
15.He feels confident of success.他对成功感到有信心
16.I have complete confidence in them .我对他们完全有信心
17.Yes, I'm confident about myself.能,我对自己有信心
18.I have confidence in the future of Asia.我对亚洲的未来有信心

3)confidence of study学习信心
1.study quality,mainly including the objective of study,the confidence of study and the aspiration of study,is one of the non intelligence factors.学习品质主要是指学生有学习的良好的意志品质 ,应着重从学习目标、学习信心、学习愿望这三个主要方面去培养。
1.Effect of the Group Counselling on the Improvement of the Self-confidence of Impoverished Undergraduates;团体心理辅导对贫困大学生自信心干预的探讨
2.A Study on the Effect of Group Counseling on Improving the Students Self-confidence in SecondaryTechnical Schools;团体咨询对提高中专生自信心的效果研究
3.Cultivation of self-confidence in nursing students after upgrading of the school;学校升格后护生自信心的培养
5)roll eccentricity偏心信号
1.Time-frequency recognition of roll eccentricity;轧辊偏心信号的时频域识别
6)Information Center信息中心
1.Building Information Center for Digital Hospital;建设适应数字化医院需要的信息中心
2.Discussion on construction of computer room in hospital information center;医院信息中心机房建设工程架构探讨
3.The Information Shared Model Based on Information Center;基于信息中心方式的供应链信息共享模型

信心【信心】 (术语)信受所闻所解之法而无疑心也。此有迷信正信,解心仰心,自力信他力信等之别。(参见:信)