1.Research on the Effect of Positive Psychology on University Students Mental Stress;应用积极心理学干预大学生心理应激方式的研究
2.positive psychot.积极心理治疗是一种整合的治疗模式,它着眼于心理冲突和疾病的积极方面,从文化和历史的观点来评估心理问题,强调每个人实际的和潜在的能力,以及社会因素的重要性。
3.ObjectiveTo study the relationship among positive, negative trait coping style and possible factors in college students of rehabilitation specialty.目的探讨康复专业大学生积极和消极应对方式与各种可能因素之间的关系。

1.positive and negative security assurance积极和消极的安全保证
2.He is active; you are passive.他是积极的,您是消极的。
3.The state or quality of being positive.积极积极的状态或性质
4.a positive attitude; the reviews were all positive; a positive benefit; a positive demand.积极的态度;评论都是积极的;绝对的好处;积极的要求。
5.an active struggle between competing entities.比赛实体间的积极竞争。
6.To oppose actively and forcefully.反对积极而有力地反对
7.Get down to the project at hand.积极从事手边的工作
8.active about some business积极从事某种商业活动
9.We actively prepare to participate in tender.我们积极准备参加投标。
10.an active participant in social work积极参加社会活动的人
11.He is an energetic campaigner .他是一位积极的活动家。
12.Positive active mind essential.有积极、灵活的头脑。
13.They lack the motivation to study.他们缺乏学习的积极性.
14.sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and esp. underhanded activity.积极地秘密地买卖某物。
15.An active member of a club.俱乐部的积极参加者
16.He is active, yet ill.他虽然有病,却很积极
17.I am quite active and energetic.我积极而充满活力。?
18.Your proposal is being actively considered.你的建议正获积极考虑.

1.It means that the active fiscal policy carried out for almost 7 years will quit the stage next year and be superseded by the moderate policy.这意味着实施已近7年的积极财政政策今年要退出,取而代之的将是“稳健的财政政策”。
2.But more importance of active meaning was neglected.无论是在日常生活中还是在学术研究中,人们更多关注的是孤独的消极方面,忽视了其更为重要的积极意义。
3.There are passive and active ways to deal with students absent-mindedness in class.如何应对学生开小差,有消极和积极两种方式。
3)aggressive process积极处理
1.It also should design and use of various means to stir up the athlete s positive and creative power in their training.本文从期望理论、激励理论和系统论的角度出发,对如何提高运动员激励进行了新的探讨,认为队运动员的激励应将个人目标与运动队的集体目标结合起来,发现和体现差别,综合考虑,应该在平时的管理中设计和运用多种手段,最大程度地挖掘运动员潜力,激发运动员的训练积极性和创造性。
2.The imitative rhetoric should a positive and positive difference and has an imitative link in structure and a positive.仿拟修辞应有"积极性"和"消极性"的区别,在构造手法上有仿拟环节,在表达效果上有积极作用的修辞性创新可称为戏仿,凡是具有消极表达取向的应视为恶搞。
3.How to make the basic-level police positive becomes one goal of the construction of the whole force of public security.提高基层民警积极性是加强公安队伍建设的努力方向之一。
5)positive emotion积极情绪
1.Influence of positive emotion on users' adoption intention on information technology: an experimental study with RA积极情绪对用户信息技术采纳意向影响的实验研究——以电子商务推荐系统为例
2.The positive emotion is a pleasure feeling that comes from the individual’s satisfactions by stimuli of inside or outside the body, and the life events.积极情绪是指个体由于体内外刺激、事件满足个体需要而产生的伴有愉悦感受的情绪。
3.Nowadays,in the research of emotion,positive emotion has become one core.当今,关于积极情绪已成为情绪研究的一个核心,并且已出现了不少有价值的研究成果。
1.Preliminary Discussion on Stimulating University Staff Initiatives;浅谈激发高校教职工的积极
2.How to Enhance Students Initiative in Physics Experimental Teaching;物理实验教学中如何提高学生的积极
3.Initiative in Individual Human Capital Investment and Relations between Cost and Profit;个人人力资本投资积极性及其成本收益关系
