1.On legal requirements for subrogation by marine insurers under korean commercial code;韩国海上保险人代位求偿权行使条件
2.On scope of subrogation by insurers under Korean commercial code;韩国法下保险人代位求偿权行使范围
3.Legal requirements for exercising subrogation rights by insurers under Korean Commercial Code;韩国法下保险人代位求偿权的行使条件

1.One that insures, especially an insurance underwriter.保险人提供保险者,特别是保险商
2.Credit insurance is a kind of insurance that shows obligee casts the credit risk that defends debtor to the underwriter.信用保险是指权利人向保险人投保债务人的信用风险的一种保险。
3.The proportion of an insurance risk assumed by a particular underwriter or company.保险额由特定保险人或保险公司在保险中承担的险额
4."insurance law " although stipulate insurant commits suicide, the underwriter does not assume insurance responsibility.《保险法》虽然规定被保险人自杀,保险人不承担保险责任。
5.Reinsurance is a device whereby insurers can do the risk sharing and risk transferring.再保险是保险人分担危险、转嫁危险的一种方法。
6.the Insured should inform the agent ASAP.被保险人应尽快通知保险代理人。
7.What makes insurant, underwriter, a third party?什么叫被保险人保险人、第三者?
8.On the Right of Consent of the Insured in Personal Insurance Contract;论人身保险合同中被保险人之同意权
9.The assured has an insurable interest in the charges of any insurance which be may effect.被保险人对其应支付的保险费具有保险利益。
10.The insurer may reinsure the insurance of the subject matter enumerated in the preceding paragraph.保险人可以将对前款保险标的的保险进行再保险。
11.coinsurance: Insurance where a number of insurers share the risk or where insured and insurer share the risk.联合(共同)保险: 由若干承保人分担风险,或受保险人和承保人分担风险的保险方式。
12.Insurance, especially life insurance.人寿保险保险,尤指人寿保险
13.The Insurance Contracts Act applies to life insurance policies.保险合同法适用于人寿保险的保险单。
14.household, personal, etc insurance家庭、 人身保险等
15.endowment policyph.1. 人寿保险单
16.U/W, UW [underwriters ]保险公司,承销人[
17.Do you want a term, a whole-life or an endowment policy?你买定期人寿保险、终生人寿保险还是养老保险?
18.cash surrender value of life insurance人寿保险的现金退保值

the insurer保险人
1.The explanation of obligation of the insurer plays an important part in the fields of controlling the information inequality of the insurance market, as well as protecting the rights of the policy holder and keeping the equity of the insurance contract, but there is still much imperfection in the existing law in China.阐述了保险人说明义务在防治保险信息不对称、保障投保人合法权益、维护保险合同的实质公平方面发挥了重要作用,但现行保险法的规定仍存在诸多缺陷。
2.It is universally agreed that there is an affirmative duty on the part of the applicant to disclose to the insurer allmaterial facts---those that would influence the insurer in deciding to issue the policy of insurance, or to issue it only ata particular level of premium.投保人负有将与保险标的有关的重要事项告知保险人的义务。
3.The contra proferentem rule is a universally applied rule that ambiguities in an insurance policy will be strictly interpreted against the insurer.保险合同解释中的不利解释原则,是指在保险单被如此拟制以致可以进行两种以上解释的情况下,保单用语应当依照最不利于保险人的方式予以解释。
3)marine insurer水险保险人
4)the insured被保险人
1.It is provided under the17th item in Chinese existing Law of Insurance that insurance applicant has the duty of disclosure,while the insured,the agent or broker of insurance applicant is not involved, which shows a discrepancy with the insurance law of other countries.我国现行《保险法》第17条仅规定了投保人的如实告知义务,而未涉及被保险人及投保人的代理人或经纪人等,这些都与国外许多国家的保险立法存在差异。
2.Based on the Chinese laws,the paper pointed out that insurable interest means that the applicant or the insured has the interest on the subject matter of insurance which is not prohibited by the laws,and both sellers and buyers in international cargo sales have insurable interest on the cargo.依据中国相关法律规定,提出保险利益是指投保人或被保险人对保险标的具有不为法律所禁止的利益,国际货物买卖双方当事人对于作为保险标的的货物都具有保险利益。
5)personal insurance人身保险
1.An exponential analysis and projection of personal insurance premium income in China;中国人身保险保费收入的实证分析与预测研究
2.Insurance benefits is the one jmportant problem in the personal insurance contract theory.分析了人身保险保险利益的概念和特征,强调人身保险合同订立时,必须存在人身上的保险利益,否则合同无效。
3.Furthermore,the analyses on potential demand from the angles of personal insurance and property insurance indicated t.从广西农村人身保险的需求结构、农村财产保险的需求结构两角度对广西农村保险潜在需求进行分析,得出广西农村保险的发展蕴藏着巨大发展空间。
1.The company of insurance broker is important bridge which insurer and insurant communicate in the insurance market.保险经纪公司是保险市场上沟通保险人和被保险人的重要桥梁,保险经纪行业的发展直接影响着保险行业的发展,所以促进我国保险经纪行业的发展,有助于推动我国保险市场的发展。
2.<Abstrcat> The insurance law of China is fairly general in the provision of the insrant s right and obligation, and, especially, it has not prescribed whether the insurant has the right to know the modifications of the insurance contract when the insurant and the policy-holder are not the same person. 我国保险法对被保险人权利义务的规定笼统而原则,对于人身保险合同中投保人与被保险人不为同一人时后者的知情权更是只字未提。
3.Abstract: Being a mortgagee, the legal status of a bank in a housing mortgage insurance is “insurant” other than “beneficiary”.作为抵押权人的银行 ,在抵押房产保险中的法律身份应是被保险人 ,而非受益人 ;将受益人这一具有人身保险的特殊法律属性的专门概念随意地混用于财产保险中 ,不合保险法理 ,在实践中也无法有效地保障银行的抵押权益 ,银行应该理清法律关系。

保险人保险人  l保险人]亦称“承保人”。与投保人签订保险合同、经营保险业务、收取保险费,在保险事故发生或约定的保险期间届满时,负责履行赔偿或给付保险金的保险公司。其法律资格,必须是法人或被法律特许的自然人(英国“劳合社”的承保人)。无论法人或法律特许的自然人,均须按保险监督机关的规定,具有一定数量的资本金,保持应有的偿付能力,并将资本金的一定比例作为保证金存人保险监督机关指定的银行,以维护保险合同另一方当事人的经济利益和社会的经济安定。