责任感,Sense of responsibility
1)Sense of responsibility责任感
1.The methods and effect of intervention on head nurses self sense of trust and nurses sense of responsibility;护士长自身可信赖度及护士责任感的干预方法与效果
2.The purpose of this paper is how teachers can improvetheir students capabilities in physical education concerning three links sa altering teachingthoughts, advancing teaching abilities, and strengthening their sense of responsibility.对教师如何提高学生体育能力从转变教学思想、提高教学能力、增强责任感三方面进行了探讨。
3.Only when the journalists have a strong sense of responsibility of the public opinion supervision,can they expose those unhealthy tendencies,immoral behaviors,unreasonable phenomena,causing the fair comment and the social rebuke,so as to achieve rectifying the deviation and developing the healthy atmosphere.记者只有拥有强烈的舆论监督责任感,才能对那些不良倾向、不道德行为和不合理现象等进行曝光,引起公正的评论,引发社会的谴责,从而达到扶正祛邪的目的。

1.His sense of duty never weakens.他的责任感从不会减弱。
2.He is lost to all sense of duty.他不为责任感所动。
3.Inculcate the young with a sense of duty.向年轻人灌输责任感
4.He has no sense of the duty incumbent upon him.他对于他所应负之责,没有责任感
5.Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires!撒旦主张关怀有责任感的人,远离不负责任的人。
6.Lastly, taking on the role of a guild leader is a huge responsibility.最后,担任会长一职需要巨大的责任感
7.On the Cultivation of College Students Responsibility by Awakening their Feeling of Gratitude;大学生的“感恩”教育与责任感的培养
8.There are those who don't parade their sense of social responsibility, yet it doesn't follow that they are totally devoid of the civic virtues, though some of them might indeed be totally devoid.不把社会责任感挂嘴上的,有的未必没有社会责任感,有的也确实没有社会责任感
9.And then there are those who spew all that cant about social commitment, but it doesn't follow that they are paragons of civic virtues, though you can't rule out that there may be some among their number who are indeed public-minded.把社会责任感挂嘴上的,有的确实有社会责任感,有的也未必有社会责任感
10.Analysis on Young People s Lack of the Sense of Responsibility At a Cognitive Dimension--Pursuing rationality of School education of responsibility;青少年责任感缺失的认知维度分析——学校责任感教育合理性追问
11.It is hard to divorce love and duty.爱情和责任感是难以分割的。
12.His heroic action stemmed from a strong sense of duty.他的英勇行为来源于强烈的责任感
13.Of course her sense of duty prevailed.当然还是她的责任感占了上风。
14.The danger recalled him to a sense of duty.这危险的事唤起了他的责任感.
15.Strong sense of responsibility, confident, awareness of service.强烈的责任感,自信,有服务意识。
16.willingly obedient out of a sense of duty and respect.心甘情愿服从于责任感的,或敬重的。
17.A citizen should be imbued with a sense of responsibility for the nation.一个公民应该富有民族责任感
18.They have at last awakened Thomas to a sense of his responsibility.他们终于唤起了托马斯的责任感

1.Responsibility、Credibility and Employee ownership of Stock;责任感、信任感与职工持股
2.The President Situation about Responsibility Research and Its Revelation to Education;责任感研究现状及其对教育的启示
3.Exploration on Enhancing Students' Sense of Responsibility强化大学生责任感教育对策探析
3)sense of duty责任感
1.The clerical staff is required to have great enterprising spirit,a strong sense of duty,higher professional quality and professional moral accomplishment because of the specific characteristics of secretarial work.文秘工作的性质与要求,决定了文秘工作者必须具有强烈的事业心与高度责任感、较高的业务素质与职业道德素养。
2.In the moral education teaching of vocational colleges and universities,we should exert ourselves to cultivate students sense of duty,rear and develop their awareness of duty as one of the targets in the moral education teaching and regard "Learning to be Responsible and Dare to Be Responsible" as the important standard of scaling their moral behavior.在职业院校德育教学中,着力培育学生的责任感,把树立和培养学生的责任意识作为德育教学目标之一,以"学会负责、敢于负责"作为衡量学生道德行为的重要标准。
4)the sense of responsibility责任感
1.And as the policetobe education institutes,police colleges must adopt practical measures and methods to cultivate the sense of responsibility and honor among the students.以培养未来人民警察为己任的公安院校,必须切实采取措施、通过各种方式增强学生的荣誉感和责任感
2.Reinforcing the sense of responsibility education of college students and promoting the social sense of responsibility and duty have been the subject of the times.加强对大学生的责任感教育,增强大学生的社会责任感和使命感已成为时代性的课题。
5)responsibility emotion责任情感
1.This character determines that responsibility includes two aspects: The responsibility cognition to know objectively what he should do and the responsibility emotion to subjectively recognize what is his duty.这一特性决定了责任意识包含对应做之事进行客观认识的"责任认知"与对分内之事进行主观认同的"责任情感"二个方面。
6)Perceived responsibility感知责任
