1.Teaching Practice and Analysis on FORTRAN Language Curriculum;FORTRAN语言课程教学实践与探析
2.The Analysis of Manage Structure Mode of Enterprise Information Item;企业信息化项目的治理结构模式探析
3.Analysis of Expansion of the Marketing Channel of Domestic Agricultural Products;对拓展国内农产品营销渠道的探析

1.The Exploration of the Middle School Biology "Context-Inquiry" Teaching Model;中学生物学“情境—探究”教学模式探析
2.Study on visitation right of parents afterd ivorce;离婚后父母对子女的探望权问题探析
3.Study of the Anti-foreign Riots in Late Qing Dynasty (1842-1900);晚清民夷冲突探析(1842-1900)
4.A Review of France Resistance Movement: 1944-1947;法国抵抗运动探析:1944—1947
5.Power and Solidarity:On the Address Forms in Blackmail;小说“Blackmail”的称谓语探析
6.Deep Exploration of Firewall of Windows XP;Windows XP防火墙深层探析
7.Study on "Refinement","Practice","Project" of Higher Vocational Education;高职教育的“精”、“实”、“工”探析
8.Searches and analyzes the reason which the Windows system slows down;探析Windows系统变慢的原因
9.A Functional Approach to There be Structure;There be句式的功能语法探析
10.Analyses of Linux 2.4 Kernel Interrupt;Linux 2.4内核中断之探析
11.Principle Analysis and Applications of All kinds of Fire Detectors各类火灾探测器原理分析及应用探讨
12.laser microprobe mass analyser激光探针质量分析器
13.X-ray probe micro-analyzerx射线探针微量分析仪
14.electron probe X-ray analyzer电子探针x射线分析器
15.malfunction analysis detection and recording故障分析探测及记录
16.ion probe microanalyser离子探针微量分析器
17.multiprobe surface chemical analyzer多探头表面化学分析仪
18.underwater detection and classification system水下探测与分析系统

1.An Exploration to Professional Community System in Ancient Wusa Area of Yi People;彝族古乌撒地区的职业社区制探析
2.An exploration of the mystical hearsays during the Boxer movement;义和团运动时期神秘传闻现象探析
3.An exploration into the Education on the Students Employment Preparation in Normal Colleges;师专学生就业思想教育探析
3)research[英][ri's?:t?][美][r?'s?t?, 'ri,s?t?]探析
1.The Basic Theoretical research about Environment Standard;环境标准基础理论问题探析
1.Study on the Characteristics of Business English Dictionary Compilation in China;我国经贸英语词典编纂特点探析
2.A Study on Clark Kerr s Ideas Multiversity;克拉克·克尔的多元化巨型大学观探析
3.Much has been unearthed in the study of Ailao Culture by the experts of archaeology and local cultural research in recent years.拟从哀牢夷区史前文化、哀牢夷区青铜文化和秦汉时期三个阶段,对哀牢文化时期的教育进行一些积极的探析
1.A probe into the disparities between level of competitive calisthenics of China and that of the world;我国竞技健美操与世界水平差距探析
2.This paper is a probe into its background,connotation and theoretical source.本文试对其提出的背景、内涵及其理论来源等方面进行探析
6)cause analysis原因探析

析析1.亦作"??3B4A"。 2.象声词。