1.An Empirical Test on the Effect of Restraining Inflation of RMB Appreciation;人民币升值抑制通胀效应的实证检验
2.Study on the Japanese Enterprises measure to Confront Currency Appreciation;日本企业应对日元升值的策略研究

1.Currency appreciation(or depreciation )通货升值(或 贬值)
2.These share have appreciate by5%.这些股票升值5%。
3.The Research of Currency Gradual Appreciation Model and the Appreciation of Renminbi Currency;货币渐进升值模型及人民币升值研究
4.Is the Nominal Appreciation of RMB Appreciation;人民币名义升值是否“人民币升值
5.But why did the dollar appreciate?美元为什么会升值
6.The USD appreciated steadily against the Japanese yen.美元对日圆稳步升值
7.run up the price of the company's stock.使公司股票的价格升值
8.The dollar has appreciated in term of the yen .美元以日元折合升值了。
9.further revaluation of the yen日元的进一步升值.
10.On Appreciation of RMB and Relief of Its Pressure;论人民币升值预期及缓解升值压力的思路
11.The dollar was officially devalued, and the Japanese yen and German mark were raised in value.美元正式贬值,日元和德国马克升值
12.An Analysis of Coexistence of the External Appreciation and the Domestic Inflation of RMB;试析人民币对外升值与对内贬值并存
13.USD depreciation and pressure on RMB appreciation in 2003;2003年美元贬值和人民币升值的压力
14.An increase in the market price of an a et. Also called capital a reciation.一项资产市场信息人格的上升,又叫资本升值
15.Research on the Impact of Renminbi Revaluation on China's Trade and Technological Upgrade人民币升值对贸易与技术升级的影响分析
16.Looking forward, the pressure on the appreciation of the Renminbi will be reduced, and depreciation is quite unlikely.因此,人民币升值的压力将会减轻,但决不会贬值。
17.Land-use rights was appreciated value of200 million yuan on the integrity of government?土地升值却被注销使用权政府诚信就值2亿元?
18.When breaking up value, include to break up appreciate to be mixed partly did not return loan debt.分割价值时,包括分割升值部分和未还贷款债务。

1.Negative influence of RMB revaluation on American economy;人民币升值对美国经济并非有利无弊
2.Impact of RMB Revaluation on International Payment of China and Countermeasures;人民币升值对我国国际收支的影响及对策
3.In recent years,Western countries have been imposing pressure on the Chinese government,calling for the revaluation of the RMB.最近几年,西方国家对我国政府不断施加压力,要求人民币升值
1.Owing to the keen international competition, many nations are requested to adjust the rate of exchange, which forced the Renminbi to revalue.随着国际竞争的日益激烈 ,不少国家纷纷要求调整汇率 ,逼迫人民币升值
2.Whether Chinese RMB rate will revalue or not has become the focus of international attention, and there s also high appeal for it.人民币升值问题已成为国际社会密切关注的一个焦点,要求人民币升值的呼声甚高。
3.The western countries represented by America and Japan is on the grounds of exporting the deflation in China, using various kinds of means to make the pressure that RMB revalues.近年来 ,我国经济保持高速稳定增长 ,经济实力不断增强 ,而在同时期 ,世界经济则持续低迷 ,经济近期复苏无望 ,以美日为代表的西方国家以中国输出通货紧缩为由 ,运用各种手段制造人民币升值的压力。
5)appreciation (in value)增值,升值
6)value improvement价值提升

升值升值 Revaluation, Currency Revaluation 定义: 指在固定汇率制度下由官方宣布调整其对外汇率的基准,使得每一单位本国货币对黄金,特别提款权(SDR)或其他外国货币的价值提高。因此,于升值以后,每单位黄金,特别提款权或其他外国货币所能够兑换的本国货币数额减少。例如,1969年10月,马克对美元的官定评价(parity)由1美元兑换4马克,升为1美元兑换3.66马克,则表示马克升值。相反地,美元即为贬值 。