1.A correction on algae in the textbook of Botany;对《植物学》(下册)中藻类植物(Algae)部分的订正和勘误

1.Appended a list of errors to the report.在报告中附加一勘误
2.A list of errors in a book along with their corrections.勘误表书中列有错误及其改正的单子
3.An error in printing or writing, especially such an error noted in a list of corrections and bound into a book.勘误印刷或书写中出现的错误,尤指列在勘误表装订在书中的那种错误
4.There's a list of corrigenda at the beginning of the book.这本书的开头部分有一张勘误表。
5.Readers are requested to make the corrections pointed out in the errata.要求读者根据勘误表匡正。
6.Readers make the corrections pointed out in the table of errata.读者根据勘误表进行补正。
7.(of corrections in text)replace(one word, etc)with another(指勘误)将(某词语等)改作另一词语等
8.A Corrigendum of the Biography Part in History of Ming Dynasty,Essays《明史·艺文志》“史部”勘误一则
9.The Errors Correction and Questions of the Ancient Hand-Copied and Printed Books of You Xian Ku;《游仙窟》古钞本、古刊本勘误与质疑
10.Corrections on Astronomical Treatise of SuiShu;《隋书·天文志·五代灾变应》勘误
11.Errors in the Album of the Reproduction of the Inscriptions on Tortoise Shells Discovered in the East of Huayuan Village near Yin Ruins;《殷墟花园庄东地甲骨·摹本》勘误
12.On the Punctuation Correctioo of “Carving Inscription Collected in Liaoning Museum”;《辽宁博物馆藏碑志精粹》标点勘误
13.On the Explanations of the Lexeme Yin Shuo"(淫烁)"--A Verification of One Word in the Chinese Dictionary;“淫烁”释义——《汉语大词典》勘误一则
14.“Technology-oriented” Phenomena Correction on the Development of Teachers Professional Capabilities;“技术至上”现象:教师专业能力发展勘误
15.Correcting Faults of Quotations in A Dictionary of Common-used Ancient Chinese Words (Revised Edition);《古汉语常用字字典》(修订版)引文勘误
16.Please refer to the errata for this document, which may include some normative corrections.请参阅本文档的勘误表,内或含有一些规范更正.
17.Some Issues on Correcting Errors on Jiangnan,Jiannan in Geography Records of The Old Book of Tang History;《旧唐书·地理志》江南、剑南二道勘误若干则
18.Deliberating about corrigenda and Punctuation Marks in the ancient works version of Mingke Collected Works,Shang Hai;上海古籍版《茗柯文编》勘误与标点商榷数则

1.Columns of correction in academic journals:erratum/corrigendum and retraction;学术期刊的纠错栏目:勘误·更正·撤稿
4)bug patch勘误号
5)differential file勘误文件

大同十里铺27号、28号辽墓壁画大同十里铺27号、28号辽墓壁画  墓址在山西大同市城西南十里铺。1957年发现。东为27号墓,西为28号墓。两墓壁画内容大致相同。在室壁四隅以朱色绘影作木建筑,四隅画4柱子,柱与柱之间绘壁画。室顶绘天空,并点缀有粉红色的星星,东侧用墨画l金鸡,西侧绘桂树玉兔,表示日与月。墓门东西两侧壁各绘l门卫,抱杖守门。北壁中间绘花石围屏3条,上悬蓝黄色帷幕。围屏两旁绘2侍,东男西女。东壁绘l老翁,俯首立于衣架前,左下角绘家庭生活用具,右下角绘朱色斜方格隔扇门。西壁绘车马出行图,下绘脸盆和盆架,左下角绘朱色菱形隔扇门。