1.Results from behavioral studied have supported the idea that recognition memory can be supported by at least two different processes, recollection and familiarity.大量行为研究已证明再认记忆受到至少两种分离加工的影响,即记住(recollection)和熟悉(familiarity)。
2.It is either caused by institutional factors such as capital controll,risk hedging,information asymmetry and trade costs,etc,or may caused by the behavioral factors such as familiarity,language and culture,proximateness,relative optimism.不管是在国际股票市场上还是在一国国内股票市场上,投资者都呈现出对本土股票的偏好,由此所形成的地理上欠分散化的投资组合既可能是资本管制、风险规避、信息不对称和交易成本等制度因素所引致的,也可能是熟悉、临近性、相对乐观以及语言和文化等行为所造成,或者是这些因素综合作用的结果。
3.But the behavioral finance theory shows that familiarity,language and culture,proximateness,relatively optimistic,etc,can explain the home bias.传统金融理论认为:资本管制、风险规避、信息不对称和交易成本是投资者本土偏差行为可能的引致因素,而行为金融理论则认为熟悉、临近性、相对乐观以及语言和文化使得投资者偏好于本土股票投资。

1.a familiar figure; he was familiar with those roads; familiar songs; familiar guests.熟悉的身影;他对那些道路很熟悉熟悉的歌;熟客。
2.Considerable acquaintance with.熟悉与某人相当熟知
3.The quality or condition of being familiar.熟悉,通晓熟悉的特点或状态
4.To acquaint(oneself)with knowledge of a subject.使熟悉使(自己)对某一主题的知识熟悉
5.Familiar Wave soldering process. Familiar with assembly and packing process.熟悉波峰焊制程,熟悉组装和包装制程。
6.He' s pretty clued up on electronics.他对电子学很熟悉
7.Keep up with the latest developments in science熟悉科学上最新的发展
8.so that you know your way around.为了使你熟悉工作。
9.unduly familiar with strangers.对陌生人过分地熟悉
10.They can see familiar landmarks.它们能看到熟悉的陆标。
11.marked by errorless familiarity.以完全熟悉为特征的。
12.You know the city well, Lin.林,你很熟悉这个城市。
13.I'm a stranger to this city.我对这个城市不熟悉
14.know one's beans熟悉(精通)自己的业务
15.be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object.对某人或某事物很熟悉
16.Are you familiar with the rules of baseball?你熟悉棒球规则吗?
17.We familiarized ourselves with the new surroundings.我们熟悉了新的环境。
18.I am unfamiliar with the Greek language.我对希腊语不怎么熟悉

1.Influence of Familiarity on Stereotype;熟悉性对刻板印象的影响
2.The Effects of Familiarity and Similarity on the Interpersonal Attraction;熟悉性和相似性对人际吸引的影响
3.The dual-process models suggest that there are two forms of recognition: familiarity and recollection.双加工模型认为再认记忆有两种不同的形式:熟悉性和回想。
5)Proficient stage熟悉阶段
6)familiar structure熟悉结构

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-