1.Basic requirements for editorial departments to obtain copyrights;期刊编辑部取得著作权的几个要件
2.The disharmonious stipulation on the negotiable instruments pledge in the Guaranty Law and The Instrument Law makes the requirements ot the instrument pledge ambiguous.担保法与票据法关于票据质押的规定不协调,因而使得票据质押的要件构成不明确,而解决这个问题必 须从一全新的视角即票据质押的定性出发。
3.Legitimate content is one of the requirements of valid jurist act.法律行为内容合法是法律行为有效成立的要件之一 ,但其适用却是异常复杂的 ,对其作深入的研究是完全必要的。

1.Attempt at Important Substance and Form Conditions of the Law of Rule by Law;试论法治之法的实质要件与形式要件
2.Relationship between normative elements and open constitution of crime规范构成要件要素与开放构成要件关系之辩证
3.Review of the Essentials,Form the Term of“gency by Estoppel”--Unilateral Essential?Bilateral Essentials or Separate Essentials;论表见代理的构成要件——单要件说?双要件说?抑或区别说?
4.major component主要元件,主要部件
5.When the conditions exist, go ahead; when they don't exist, then create them and go ahead.有条件要上, 没有条件, 创造条件也要上。
6.Messages to be sent:~~Number of messages in the Outbox.要发送的邮件:~~“发件箱”中的邮件数目。
7.Messages to be deleted:~~Number of messages to be deleted from the device Inbox.要删除的邮件:~~本机“收件箱”中要删除的邮件数目。
8.I have two blouses. One needs to be washed and the other needs to be dry cleaned.我有两件衬衫,一件需要水洗,另外一件需要干洗。
9.Do not put messages from this sender in the Bulk Mail folder不要将该发件人的邮件放置到“大宗邮件”文件夹
10.I need a new coator do I?我需要一件新大衣了--需要不需要呢?
11.All right, I'll take 200 pieces for September shipment.好的,我要200件,9月装船。
12.specification:document stating requirements规范: 阐明要求的文件
13.covered the matter in a brief statement.以简要的陈述报道事件。
14.a condensed account of an event对某事件的简要叙述
15.How much is the by air mail?寄航空邮件要多少钱?
16.I am going to buy a new shirt tomorrow .我明天要买一件新衬衣。
17.letters for the manager to sign需要经理签字的信件
18.It's something you should keep quiet about.这是件需要你保密的事。

1.Elements,Structure and Foundation of Mediation System in Administrative Litigation;论行政诉讼调解制度的要件、构架和基础
2.The second part is a comparative study of the elements of market manipulation.操纵市场行为随着技术的进步和证券市场的发展形态越来越复杂,本文通过比较法归纳研究了各国对操纵市场行为要件认定的不同要求,包括基本要件的认定和不同类型操纵行为具体要件的认定。
3)important condition要件
1.From analyzing legal relation between the students and the school,the thesis researches in injury accident doctrine of liability fixation,and important condition of liability for negligent conduct.从分析学校与学生之间的法律关系入手 ,研究学生伤害事故责任的归责原则、学生伤害事故责任的构成要件 ,并对发生在学校体育领域中的学生伤害事故进行了探讨。
2.In our state criminal law,whether "motives of unlawful possession" should be an important condition or a constitutional condition for unlawful occupation of others property such as theft, robbery, defraud and un-permitted owning, is decisive in convicting.在我国刑法中 ,“非法占有目的”是盗窃、抢夺、诈骗、侵占等非法取得他人财产犯罪的构成要件还是成立条件 ,对定罪有着重要的现实意义 ,而我国现行的刑法中的取得罪大多都没有规定要以“非法占有目的”作为构成要件 ,刑法理论界也尚有争议。
1.if some conditions are in accordance with one-sided accomplice, the crime can be convicted.对于片面的共同犯罪不应以相互的联系为必要 ,只要符合片面共犯的构成要件就可以成立。
2.In Marriage Law(Revised Version) of 2001,no amendment has been done to the regulations concerning conditions of marital procedures in Marriage Law of 1980.2001年《婚姻法》(修正案)对1980年《婚姻法》中有关结婚程序要件方面的规定没有作出修改,现随着时代的发展,已明显不适应新时期调整婚姻家庭关系的需要。
5)important document要件
6)necessary condition必要性要件

要件1.重要事件。 2.重要条件。 3.重要文件。