特殊目的实体,special purpose entity
1)special purpose entity特殊目的实体
1.The bankruptcy of the Enron Corporation which happened in November 2001 became a heavy bomb of the United States economy since 1990 s, which also arose many reformation and issues later, among which the most important problem associated with its abuse of Special Purpose Entity (SPE).2001年12月发生的安然事件成为20世纪90年代以来美国经济增长的一枚重镑炸弹,随后更引发许多改革与议题,其中最重大的问题即为特殊目的实体

1.In the Process of Asset Securitization Special Purpose Entities and Accounting-related Issues Research资产证券化过程中特殊目的实体的会计与相关问题研究
2.The special purpose vehicle has many kinds of organizational forms as a legal entity.特殊目的载体作为一个法律实体,具有多种组织形式。
3.She recognized, she said, that he was in a peculiar state.她说,她能体谅他目前的特殊心境。
4.attendance for a particular event or purpose.为了特殊事件或特殊目的的出席。
5.A human experiment is a especial bargaining activity.人体实验是一种特殊的交易活动。
6.The Particular Functions of P. E. in Quality-oriented Education;学校体育对实施素质教育的特殊作用
7.Practice of Preschool Special Education An Approach of Integration Education;学前特殊教育实践—— 一体化教育的途径
8.d nonstandard items特殊的与非标准的项目
9.Exploration of SPE Amalgamate in Assets Securitization;资产证券化的特殊目的载体合并问题探讨
10.The features of a project determine the specificity of organization and management during the process of its Implementation.由于项目本身的特点,决定了项目实施过程中组织管理的特殊性。
11.income before extraordinary item未付特殊项目前的收益
12.usable for a specific purpose.为一特殊目的而使用。
13.A Study on the Special Purpose Vehicle in Assets Securitization;资产证券化特殊目的载体若干法律问题研究
14.Design of Curriculum Goals in Special Schools for Students with Mental Retardation;特殊教育启智学校课程目标体系的设计
15.Study on the Legal Structure of Special Purpose Vehicle of Asset Securitization资产证券化特殊目的载体法律结构研究
16.an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances.从特殊的具体实例引申出来的抽象或整体思想。
17.Rational Reflection on Implementing Physical Education to Special College Students;对高校特殊群体学生实施体育教育的理性思考
18.The experience on developing a special education multi-media teaching resource unit;发展特殊教育多媒体教学资源的实践经验

3)SPV(special purpose vehicle)SPV(特殊目的实体)
4)Special Purpose Entity(SPE)特殊目的实体(SPE)
5)special purpose vehicle特殊目的载体
1.Based on the fundamental theories on asset securitization, this paper first introduces a concept of special purpose vehicle and centering on the core position hold by the concept in the whole process of asset securitization, the paper studies its nature in law, effectiveness and organization form, fulfills an effec.本文从资产证券化的基础理论入手,引入了特殊目的载体这一概念,围绕特殊目的载体在整个资产证券化过程中的核心地位,探讨了其法律性质、作用和组织形式,通过分析特殊目的载体的独特法律结构及其基本原理和运作机制,实现对投资和破产风险的有效隔离,保证资产证券化的规范运作,降低投资和交易风险。
2.In the structure of securitization, Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) is the core factor.在资产证券化中,特殊目的载体(SPV)的构造是其核心,构造的合理就使资产证券化过程成功了一半。
3.Special Purpose Vehicle(SPV), is one of the most important a organizer between the sponsors and investors, and it is the core position in the whole process of asset securitization transaction.我国对资产证券化的理论研究和实践尝试已经进行了十多年,但资产证券化在我国却仍然未发展起来,理论研究也多见于经济学角度的研究,从法学角度进行的研究还不多见,尤其是对资产证券化特殊目的载体法律结构方面的研究,基本还停留在特殊目的载体的法律组织形态选择、优缺点比较等层面上,很少有学者从特殊目的载体法律制度建构方面进行专题研究。
1.The paper mainly discusses three aspects about NPLs securitization, such as establishing SPV and its rule of law; the transaction structure and credit risk rating method; the function of asset management servicer.本文对不良资产化过程中涉及的特殊目的载体的组织与立法、交易结构与信用评级、资产管理服务商等环节进行了比较分析。
2.The second chapter describes the concept related SPV.因此第一章是对资产证券化和风险隔离机制的有关概念做了简单介绍和分析,第二章对特殊目的载体的有关概念作了简单的介绍和分析。
3.Then the paper mainly focuses on the following three aspects about asset securitization: the basic assets, the SPV (special purpose vehicle), and the credit rating.本文根据我国资产证券化实践,从资产证券化过程中基础资产的选择、特殊目的载体(SPV)模式选择以及信用增级方式的选择出发,结合实际案例,深入研究了我国资产证券化构建过程中的主要风险,并提出了相应的政策建议。

DEQ 目的港码头交货 (……指定目的港)  %26#8220;目的港码头交货%26#8221;是指卖方在指定的目的港码头将货物交给买方处置,不办理进口清关手续,即完成交货。卖方应承担将货物运至指定的目的港并卸至码头的一切风险和费用。  DEQ术语要求买方办理进口清关手续并在进口时支付一切办理海关手续的费用、关税、税款和其他费用。   这和以前版本相反,以前版本要求卖方办理进口清关手续。  如果当事方希望卖方负担全部或部分进口时交纳的费用,则应在销售合同中明确写明。  只有当货物经由海运、内河运输或多式联运且在目的港码头卸货时,才能使用该术语。但是,如果当事方希望卖方负担将货物从码头运至港口以内或以外的其他点(仓库、终点站、运输站等)的义务时,则应使用DDU或DDP术语。