1.Discussion on the Initiative and Passivity of Criminal Investigation;论侦查的主动性与被动性
2.The passivity of adjudicative power is capable of preventing a judge s peremptoriness effectively and ensuring fair adjudications.司法权被动性是司法权的重要特征。

1.The condition or quality of being passive;inactivity, quiescence, or submissiveness.被动性被动的状态或性质;不主动、沉默或顺从
2.Good is the passive that obeys reason.善是服从理智的被动性
3.The Study of the Passivity Features in Contemporary Aesthetic Behavior;当代审美行为方式的被动性特征研究
4.Looking into the Passivity of Adjudicative Power from the Perspective of Civil Procedure;论司法权的被动性——以民事诉讼为视角
5.passive state of plastic equilibrium被动状态的塑性平衡
6.optional passive reflector pods选择性被动反射器吊舱
7.susceptibility to persuasion容易被言词打动的特性.
8.passive systemic anaphylaxis被动全身性过敏反应
9.The story has been watered down.故事的生动性被冲淡了。
10.A Review of the Studies on bei in Chinese Passive Construction现代汉语被动句中“被”字词性研究综述
11.Being of Initiative and Passive Being-the Deconstruction of Le Deuxieme Sexe by Scarlett O Hara;“主动”与“被动”——试论郝思嘉之解构《第二性》
12.The movement for women's equality was know as the women's liberation movement.女性寻求平等的运动被称作女性解放运动,
13.A Study of Statistics of Passive Scalar Along Inertial Particle Trajectory and Its Dynamical Model惯性颗粒所见被动标量特性及其动力学模型
14.Research on Kinematic Characteristics and Walking Stability of Passive Biped Robot without Knees无膝双足被动机器人的运动特性和稳定性研究
15.The attribute to the occupation mobility of unemplo yment lies in its no n-fluidity,downward mobility and passivity.从职业流动视角来看 ,失业具有无流动性、下向流动性和被迫性 ;
16.the quality of being maneuverable.可以被操作、能机动处理的属性。
17.The audience was moved to tears by the tragic ending.观众被这悲剧性的结局感动得掉眼泪。
18.He was charged with making inflamatory speeches.他被控发表了煽动性讲话。

1.On the passivism of publishers in civil relationship of the law of the authors rights;论出版者在著作权法民事关系中的“被动性
2.According to experience,summarize the kind of initiative noise-decrease project the passivism one as well the applicable situation.根据多年的实践经验 ,总结了主动性降噪措施和被动性降噪措施种类及其适用的条件 ,特别对吸声、隔声、消声的原理和降噪效果作了阐述 ,对生产实际具有特别重要的指导意义。
3.So the passivism of editors subject selecting is ignored easily.“选择”更多地意味着自觉与主动,所以编辑选题的被动性易被忽视,其被动性主要表现为时势所逼(时代性),事理所然(客观性),另外,历史上的文化专制也会让编辑陷入被动。
4)dissipativity constraints被动特性
5)implicit passive expression隐性被动
1.In English,there are implicit passive expressions as well as explicit passive expressions.英语中的被动,除了具有明显标记的显性被动之外,还有没有标记的隐性被动。
6)Passive targeting被动靶向性

被动性性角色被动性性角色passive sexual role 被动性性角色(passive sexual role)指在性活动中,一方只是被动地接受另 一方的性要求、容受另一方的性动作,而不能主动表达自己的性愿望、性爱好。由于诸多因素,被动性性角色多为女性,在性交中,其一切行为任凭男方的摆布,缺乏自主性的性行为。被动性性角色的女性常常体现为一种性人格障碍或性无知状态,其主要表现有:(l)认为性是一种神秘的、令人恐惧的、低级一「流的事,竭力排斥性生活。(2)认为性交是男人的事,女性不必过问,只要服从即可。(3)认为性交就是为了生育,而对性享乐全然不知。(4)认为主动表达性愿望是不正经的女人所为。(5)认为在性交中十分兴奋和富于技巧的女性是“妓女式”的女妖。这些错误观点不仅为某些男性所确信,而且也成为许多女性自己的信条。由于在性文化中对女性在性交中的作为做了如此多的精神限制和行为禁忌,致使许多女性处于被动性性角色,而这又常常是许多女性性功能障碍的最初的心理动力学的起因。 (齐善鸣粤华民撰牟丈博审)