1.From the two aspects between the existing problems of the literature retrieval course and the role of clients play in the Novelty Search,we suggest to make the searcher be the teacher in the literature retrieval course.从高校文献检索课目前存在的问题及查新工作中委托人对查新的作用两个方面进行分析,提出由查新员担任文检课教师,即可提高教学质量,又能普及查新知识。
2.But in many instances,it is the clients problems that cause accounting falsehood.从解决代理人问题方面来治理会计造假已有大量研究,但在很多情况下,会计造假是由于委托人问题方面的原因造成的。
3.A mandate contract entered into by and between an asset accreditation agency and its client is premised on mutual faith.验资机构和验资委托人之间的委托合同以委托人与验资机构之间的相互信任为前提,属于双务、有偿合同、不要式和诺成的特别委托合同。

1."The "remitting Bank"which is the Bank to which the principal has entrusted the handling of a collection;"托收行,即委托人委托办理托收的银行;
2."I, the undersigned:XXX, male,Attorney:XXX, female"委托人:×××,男,受托人:×××,女
3.A person to whom property is bailed.受托人财产的被委托人
4.exact payment(from a client)逼迫(委托人)付款
5.An attorney carrying out his duties to a client.一个律师执行一个委托人的委托。
6.Should the auctioneer accept a trust, he or she shall sign a written contract on trust auction with the trustee.拍卖人接受委托的,应当与委托人签订书面委托拍卖合同。
7.The Analysis on Principal-Agent Theory in Distribution System with Multi-Principal and the Cooperation between Principals;分销系统中多委托人委托人可能合作的委托代理问题
8.The clients of a professional person or practice considered as a group.委托人专业人士或一系列诉讼手续的委托人
9.Should the responsibility rest with the trustee, the auctioneer has the right to demand compensation from the trustee.属于委托人责任的,拍卖人有权向委托人追偿。
10.be a customer or client of.成为消费者或者委托人
11.lawyer-client relationship律师与委托人的关系
12.I' ve got a client with me at the moment.我现在有个委托人.
13.I must consult my principal.我必须同委托人商量。
14.Article 408 Additional Appointment by Principal Subject to Consent Subject to consent by the agent, the principal may, in addition to appointing the agent, also appoint a third person to handle the entrusted affair.第四百零八条委托人经受托人同意,可以在受托人之外委托第三人处理委托事务。
15.put or confide something in a person or thing.把……委托于人或物。
16.rogatory letters调查调查委托书,代询证人委托书
17.To assign(authority or duties) to another; delegate.委派,委托(把权力或职责)委派给别人;委派
18.a person committed to your care.被委托给你照料的人。

1.Based on the principal agent theory, the participators in soil and water conservation of loess plateau, and the problems on the existing clientage are analyzed.分析了现存的委托—代理关系中存在的问题 ,设计出了新的激励与约束机制 ,使代理人能够按照委托人的意志行
2.This paper researches principal-agent theory in the presence of overconfident agent and mechanism of overconfidence affecting on principal-agent theory.研究结果表明,当代理人的效益工资和委托人的监督成本都不为0时,代理人的最优努力水平将随着其过度自信程度的增大而提高,委托人的最优监督力度将随着代理人过度自信程度的增大而减弱;当代理人没有效益工资时,代理人的过度自信在委托-代理关系中不发挥作用。
3.This paper discusses the principal agent s model, gives the gain matrix and designs an encouragement institution for getting high quality on the inadequate return.分析了现代企业制度中委托人董事会不享有全部企业的所有收益的情况下,委托人董事会和代理人经理的对策收益矩阵,在此基础上给出了激励机制,可促使委托人和代理人努力工作以使企业产出最
1.The Strengthening Establishes the Important link to the Trustee surveillance Which the State-owned Enterprise legal People Governs;强化对委托人监督是建立国企法人治理的重要环节
2.Problems arise in independent colleges in higher education institutions such as the status of trustees and agents unclearly defined,their obligations and responsibilities unspecified,independent colleges not autonomously operated,restraint mechanism and incentive mechanism not established,and so on.目前,高校独立学院委托人及代理人存在身份界定不明确、职责不清、机构不独立和无约束激励机制等情况。
3.In order to perfect it, we should solve the problem of the imbalanced rights and duties among both sides and further protect the profits for trustees.完善外贸代理制,应解决好代理双方权利义务失衡问题,进一步保护委托人的利益。
1.The approach of belongingness of trust res title of Trust Law of China is to affirm trustor enjoying the title.我国信托法以关于确认信托财产所有权由委托人享有为其对信托财产所有权归属的态度且此点为该法相对于外国信托法而言所具有的最显著的特色,为该法确认由委托人享有的信托财产所有权因能够为大陆法系民法中的"所有权"概念所包容从而能够作为这一民法中的所有权存在,我国的信托财产独立性理论应当以信托财产所有权由委托人享有为出发点并在明确"信托财产独立性是指信托财产独立于委托人未设立信托的其他财产"的前提下,联系我国信托法中的有关规定来重新构思。
2.However, it is also endowed with the reversible right to the trustor in Trust Law of China.然而,中国信托法也同时将该撤销权赋予了委托人
3.The important innovative regulations in the Trust Law of China include: it regulates contract of trust as promissory contract, affirms that trustor enjoys the title of trust property, and confirms registration as effective condition of trust.《中国信托法》中的重要的创造性规定包括 :将信托合同规定为诺成合同 ,确认信托财产所有权由委托人享有 ,将登记确定为信托的生效要件 ,将委托人的三项重要权利规定为其以自己的行为干预信托的权利 ,为委托人增设因其重大侵权行为而变更受益人或者解除信托的权利 ,为受托人增设对信托的保密义务 ,将受益人不确定的信托规定为无效信托 ,将信托监察人制度限定适用于公益信托并规定公益信托应当设置信托监察人。
1.This paper suggests two ways to solve this conspiratorial problem; to establish the system of selecting the supervisors directly by the consignors (citizen): to let the supervisor or manager to have part of the shareholding .解决合谋问题的主要途径有:(1)对那些必须由国家控股的企业,应建立初始委托人(公民)直接选择和监督国有企业监管者的机制;(2)在国有企业的公司化改造中,让监管者或经营者持有企业的一部分股
6)grantor trust委托人信托

委托人 委托人——  委托人是指委托他人为自己办理事务的人。在证券经纪业务中,委托人是指依国家法律、法规的规定,可以进行证券买卖的自然人或法人。