1.Analysis on The Results of Diagnosis Verification of Some Hepatitis B Cases in Huaian in 2005;2005年淮安市部分乙型病毒性肝炎病例核实诊断结果分析

1.verifiable truths, facts, assets可核实的真相、 事实、 资产.
2.A confirmation of truth or authority.核实,核查对真理或权力的确认
3.Controlled nuclear fusion and ITER project可控核聚变与国际热核实验堆(ITER)计划
4.I want to make sure I'm putting down the correct information on the forms.我想核实我所填的数字。
5.I have yet to check up some doubtful points.我还得核实一些疑点。
6.Please check these figures.请把这些数字核实一下。
7.The bank certified my accounts.银行核实了我的帐目。
8.The document is validated by the bank .银行核实了这份单据。
9.establish or verify the usage of.确认或核实某物的用法。
10.We had to verify the call.我们必须核实一下电话。
11.international thermonuclear experimental reactor国际热核实验反应堆
12.A Linux Kernel Model of LDAP Protocol;LDAP协议的Linux内核实
13.(of fruits having stones) having the stone removed.(有核果实)去核的。
14.auditor team:one or more auditors conducting an audit审核组:实施审核的一名或多名审核员
15.plausibility check真实性检查[核对]
16.auditor:person with the competence to conduct an audit审核员:有能力实施审核的人员
17.Study of Linux Kernel 0.11 and Practice on Kernel Programming;Linux 0.11内核研究与内核编程实践
18.Experimental Study on Antituberculous and Antibacterial Effects of TBQ Injection结核清注射剂抗结核及抗菌实验研究

3)Micronucleus test微核实验
1.[Methods]Micronucleus test of born morrow cells in mice and comet assay in TK6 cells were conducted in this study.[方法]采用常规的小鼠骨髓细胞微核实验和彗星实验对3种样品进行检测。
2.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The micronucleus test in human lymphocytes (in vitro) and in bone marrow PCE of mice (in vivo) were used.材料与方法:采用微核实验,研究9NC体外对人淋巴细胞和体内对小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞(polychromatic erythrocytes,PCE)的诱变作用;采用小鼠抑瘤实验,研究9NC对小鼠移植瘤S180和Heps的肿瘤抑制作用。
3.We used a vicia faba root tip micronucleus test to determine potassium dichromate,copper acetic acid and mercuric chloride and these types of heavy metals on vicia faba root tip cells of the teratogenic effect.采用蚕豆根尖微核实验方法,研究重铬酸钾、乙酸铜和氯化汞这几种重金属对蚕豆根尖细胞核的致畸效应。
4)experiment examination实验考核
1.The experiment teaching system includes teaching content,teaching methods,experiment examination and safety management of experimental lab.该文首先分析了目前安全工程专业实验教学中普遍存在的问题,结合国内部分高校实验教学经验,研究了安全工程专业实验教学体系,主要包括实验教学内容和方法、实验考核、实验教学环节和实验室安全管理,该实验教学体系既能突出安全工程专业特色,同时对于安全工程专业学生综合能力和素质的培养具有重要的作用。
2.It is necessary to reform the experiment examination of inorganic chemistry.无机化学实验考核有必要进行改革,其主要内容包括改革考核的评定标准,注重对学生实验过程的考核,实行教师考核与学生自我评定相结合,把平时考核与期末考核相结合。
5)walnut fruit核桃果实
1.The polyphenols in the walnut husk,hull and kernel were simply introduced,and the produce to make walnut wine by the walnut fruit was also introduced.简述了多酚类物质在核桃青皮、核桃硬壳和核桃仁不同部位的分布情况,以及利用核桃果实为原料制作核桃酒的工艺流程。
6)experiment assessment实验考核
1.Analysis and pondering of the experiment assessment results of Pharmaceutical Analysis;实验考核在药物分析实验教学中的分析与思考
2.The easy illustrates the synthetical experiment teaching reform of "Comprehensive Experiment" course for Automation Specialty,and it discusses the teaching methods,curriculum set-up,experiment requirement and experiment assessment in particular.阐述了自动化专业《综合实验》课程的实验教学改革内容,着重对综合实验的实验教学方法、实验内容设置、实验要求及实验考核方法进行了讨论。
