1.On the characteristics and causes of illegality and crime among college students;在校大学生违法犯罪特点及原因初探
2.When judging the illegality of an exclusive dealing contract,the courts mainly consider its functions on the competition itself and on the social interest.在认定独家交易协议是否违法时,法院主要考虑其对竞争本身的影响及对社会利益的影响。
3.The general one is the theory of the model of tatbestand, illegality and responsibility.在大陆法系,具有代表性的犯罪构成理论体系有许多种,其中构成要件符合性、违法性和有责性的体系居于通说的地位。
1.statutory restrictions; a statutory age limit; statutory crimes; statutory rape.法律约束;法律年限;违法罪行;违法掠夺。
2.(of a law-breaker)undergoing a period of probation(指违法者)服缓刑
3.prediction of delinquency违法行为预测 违法行为预测
4.To act in violation of(the law, for example).违法违犯的行为(比如,法律)
5.The Precautions Against Rule-breaking or in Purchase Law-breaking Behaviors;采购业务违规、违纪及违法现象的防范与控制
6.Analyzing the Puzzles of Unlawful Practice in Secutiy Market;证券市场机构违法违规均衡概率分析
7.non-criminal breach刑事法以外的违法行为
8.Those who break the law are subjected to justice.违法者要受到法律制裁。
9.The courts deal with those who break the law.法院处理违法的人。
10.Ensure that laws are observed and enforced to the letter, and that violators are Brought to justice做到执法必严, 违法必严
11.On the Relation between Criminal Illegality and the Elements of Crime;刑事违法性理论的合理构建——刑事违法性与违法性比较研究
12.behave in a way that is dangerous or nearly illegal干危险或近乎违法的事
13.Then what is meant by "gross violation of the law"?什么叫“严重违法乱纪”?
14.illegal acts by client审计客户的违法行为
15.illegal resistance and civil disobedience蓄意违法式抵制抗命
16.We are resolved to crack down on the person who commits violations of law and discipline.坚决制裁违法乱纪分子。
17.be contrary to the law, rules, etc违反法律、 规则等
18.To break or disregard(a law or promise, for example).违犯违反或藐视(如法律,诺言等)
1.In reality,illegal employment occur.也有个别的用人单位全然不把《劳动合同法》的规定当回事,现实中,违法用工的情况时有发生,为此,本文对《劳动合同法》做了几点说明。
2.As it violates the legal provisions in passive form, the administrative license of omission is more covert than other illegal administrative activities.由于行政许可不作为是以消极的形式违反法律规定的行为,因此相对于其它行政违法行为而言更具有隐蔽性。
3)break the law违法
4)breach of law违法
1.Most states over the world adopt attribution principle of non-negligence in compensations for erroneous judgments, and attribution principle of negligence or breach of law in compensations for duty torts resulting from non-judicial rule mistakes.世界上多数国家对司法裁决错误的赔偿 (冤狱赔偿 )采用无过失责任原则 ,而对非司法裁决错误的职务侵权赔偿采用过错或者违法原则。
1.At present, irregularity of administrative nonfeasance comes to be a problem in the way of managing state affairs.在我国依法治国的进程中,依法行政是很重要的一环,目前,行政不作为违法却成为实现依法行政目标的一个难题。
6)violation of law违法
1.That the present system of administrative legislation and the system of administrative supervision are unable to effectively supervise administrative act causes the administrative tort and administrative violation of law.我国目前行政规章违法侵权的根源 ,是现行的行政立法体制和对行政规章监督体制不能对行政规章实施有效的监督所致。