1.On the Causality between poems and ballads in the Novel Water Margin and Behaviors of the Characters;试论《水浒传》诗词谣曲和人物行为的因果联系
2.The sufficient and necessary conditions for the formation of legal norms consist of a thorough understanding of the causality between a universal behaviour pattern and its effects,the objective laws implied in it,and the evaluation of the value of a universal behaviour pattern and its effects.对普遍的行为方式与其结果之间的因果联系及其所蕴涵的客观规律的把握,对普遍的行为方式及其结果的价值评价,共同构成了法律规范形成的充分而且必要的条件。

1.The Causal Relationship between the Modern Capitalism and the Cultural Imperialism现代资本主义与文化帝国的因果联系
2.On the Causality between poems and ballads in the Novel Water Margin and Behaviors of the Characters;试论《水浒传》诗词谣曲和人物行为的因果联系
3.Dispersion Relations and Their Connection With Casuality色散关系及其他因果关系的联系
4.make a logical or causal connection.按逻辑或因果顺序将事情联系起来。
5.Flume regards our idea of causal relation as the product of human mind's habitual association.休谟因果观的实质在于把因果关系看成是人心习惯联想的产物。
6.It is difficult to relate these results with any known cause.这些结果很难与任何已知的原因联系在一起。
7.Study on the Dynamic Linkage between Stock Markets based on Non-linear Granger Causality Test;基于非线性Granger因果检验的股市间联动关系研究
8.On Connections and Differences between the Category of Aim and the Category of Causality in a Certain Language;谈语言中目的范畴与因果范畴的联系与区别
9.Research on the Causation of False Statement in Securities Market by Analyzing Case DaQingLianyi从“大庆联谊”案论证券虚假陈述因果关系的认定
10.The conjunction distributional patterns of Chinese causal complex sentences and the relator principle;汉语因果复句的关联标记模式与“联系项居中原则”
11.To put or bring into causal, complementary, parallel, or reciprocal relation.相互联系建立或使…发生互为因果、相互补充、平行或互惠的关系
12.a direct result, link, connection直接的结果、 关系、 联系
13.As goddess of flowers and fruitfulness she is associated especially with the rose, the poppy, and the myrtle.因为她是花果神,所以人们特别把她与玫瑰、罂粟和爱神木联系起来。
14.Appraisal on Commonwealth Jurisdictions' Approaches on Proof of Causation in Medical Malpractice Lawsuits英联邦国家医疗侵权诉讼中因果关系之证明及评价
15.The relation of a result to its cause.因果关系结果与其原因之间的关系
16.For a pattern to be valid there must be a logical or causative connection between the clustered behaviors, not just a spurious correlation.如果模式有效,那么在聚集的行为间就必然会有逻辑或者因果关系,而不仅仅是假想的关联。
17.Young Children s Ability of Causal Inferences in Different Patterns of Variation and Covariation;因果变化模式与因果联结强度在幼儿因果推理中的作用
18.(of discussion, communication,etc)producing no useful results;unproductive(指讨论、联系等)无结果的,无效果的

the viewpoint of relation between cause and effect因果联系观
3)generalized causal relation广义因果联系
4)causal correlation因果关联
1.This paper presents some techniques to integrate two complementary types of alert correlation methods:those based on the similarity between alert attributes(clustering correlation),and those based on causal correlation of attacks (causal correlation).论文提出一系列的技术来整合两种互补型的报警关联方法:基于报警属性之间的相似性(聚类关联),和基于攻击的因果关系(因果关联)。
2.In response to these questions, this thesis makes use of fuzzy cluster, causal correlation and other techniques to analyze large amount of safety equipments alarm information, mine the intrinsic relations between the alarms, and construct complete attack scenarios.针对这些问题,本文利用模糊聚类和因果关联等多种技术来分析源自多个安全设备的报警信息,去除冗余和误报,挖掘这些报警之间的内在联系,构造完整的攻击场景。
3.In this paper, confidence measurement is introduced as an attribute of correlation between alerts, thus to analyze the reliability of causal correlation and reduce the false correlations.在因果关联方法中,可以利用入侵行为所需的攻击前提和造成的攻击结果,重构攻击者的攻击场景。
5)causal association因果联想
6)causality correlation因果关联
1.In addition, this paper makes a study of causality correlation method based on CAPABILITY model, and improves it.此外,本文还对基于CAPABILITY的因果关联方法进行了研究并加以改进,对模型的实现过程给出了详尽的描述,通过实现主机配置信息匹配模块精简了模型的报警数量,提高了关联准确度。
2.An attack scenarios creation method based on causality correlation was proposed in this paper.提出一种基于因果关联的攻击场景产生方法。

直接联系与间接联系  普遍联系的两种重要形式。直接联系在时间、空间和层次上比较接近的事物、要素之间所发生的相互依赖、相互制约的关系。间接联系指事物和现象之间通过较多的中介、中间环节而发生的相互依赖和相互制约的联系。事物间的直接联系和间接联系的界限是相对的,绝对的直接联系,不需要任何中介的联系是没有的。一般来说,在时间、空间和层次上间隔距离越大、中间环节越多的事物之间,联系越带有间接性;反之,就越具有直接性。    直接联系和间接联系在事物发展过程中所起的作用不同。直接联系具有当下直接现实性的特征,因而对事物的存在和发展起比较现实的重要作用;间接联系由于经过较多的中间环节和中介,其作用的程度往往不具有直接联系那样的现实性。在社会生活中,生产力决定生产关系、生产关系反作用于生产力以及二者构成的矛盾运动的规律,是社会现象间最直接的联系,因而对社会及其发展起重要的决定性作用。作为上层建筑的艺术、道德、哲学和宗教等社会意识形态同生产力的联系,则通过经济基础(生产关系)的中介和折光,它们同生产力的联系较为间接一些,对社会生产力发展的作用就不如生产关系和生产力的联系那样的根本和直接。    在实践活动中,应首先抓住事物间的直接联系,但也不可忽视事物的间接联系。间接联系和直接联系一样,往往也体现着本质联系,并且对事物的发展有着重要作用。一般说来,事物、现象间的直接联系,容易引起人们的注意,间接联系易为人们所忽视。所以,人们要全面地理解和把握事物,就必须通过把握事物的直接联系进而把握事物的间接联系,从联系的总体上揭示事物的本质,揭示现象间交互作用的复杂情景以及各种联系在事物发展中的具体作用。